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Post time: 2014-09-21 23:33:36
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"Kiss, clogs,nike free run, sandcastles all been banned, later simply called Italy 'what are forbidden kingdom' count the. " (Source: China News Network LiBEIJING, Feb. 23 Ningde Power (leafy Zeng Ming) Fujian Ningde City Court to disclose the 23rd of robbery, kidnapping,nike running, intentional injury,louboutin paris, affray case made a final ruling, maintaining Gutian County Court of first instance verdict: Shimou previously revoked was sentenced to one year imprisonment, suspended for one year probation part of six months; Shimou guilty of kidnapping and sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined 10,000 yuan and deprived of political rights for three years; guilty of robbery and sentenced to four years and fined 10,000 yuan; guilty of intentional assault, sentenced to two years; guilty of affray and sentenced to one year six months, decided to implement 16 years in prison and fined 20,000 yuan, deprivation political rights for three years. Meanwhile,giuseppe zanotti femme, four victims compensation totaling 25,971 yuan of economic losses.In addition,borse hogan outlet, Zhou guilty of kidnapping and sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined 10.
and a full 75 years of age, under the law,jordan 11, the prosecutor recommended that their sentences.According to British media reported July 2,louboutin, hundreds of regulations issued by the Italian government recently aroused great public dissatisfaction regulations include not allowed while driving with people kissing, not at the beach sandcastles, noisy people can not wear clogs and allowed to feed stray cats. Italian people have asked that the government is trying to do the world-famous romantic become a management nanny over the country?These provisions are the "Public Safety Act," the inclusion of new provisions, the Italian government said the move was intended to combat crime, anti-social behavior to correct public face of the city to promote wind development. Just a few days ago,hogan scarpe, a pair of lovers in love because of the way the car was stopped by police while kissing the spot fined 500 euros. In the coastal city of  Nova, sand castle on the beach is to be punished,hogan progetto donna, because the local government believes will hinder others traveling sandcastle, so anyone not to pile up.In addition, visitors to the Italian cities had better pay attention, groups of pigeons in the square to see the line, once the feeding may be necessary to face a fine of at least 333 euros. If you run into a poor little Wildcats to you begging on his way home, but also hard under the heart, because just feeding feral cats is not allowed.Faced with such "draconian" law,nike jordan, Italians angry! Domestic media have condemned the author of excessive government intervention,hogan outlet 2018, such as Italy,moncler outlet, said it brought back the era of Mussolini's dictatorship.
he always let the Italians not contempt is appreciated.To help cover up the murder grandson facts of the crime,abercrombie france, Hunan Heng south octogenarian grandmother grandson of the blood-stained clothes washing worn when committing the crime, resulting in the loss of important evidence. September 3, Hengyang, Hunan Hengnan Court held a public hearing Hengnan People's Procuratorate for prosecution of the defendant Humou suspected of helping to destroy evidence of a crime case, and the court verdict: defendant Humou found guilty of helping to destroy evidence of the crime , was sentenced to eight months imprisonment, suspended for one year.The evening of 18 May 2013, the defendant Humou grandson Zengmou (due to under 14 years of age,moncler outlet online, has been receiving parenting) is to raise money online, slipped into a neighbor in this group of villagers Liu family, wanted to steal property. Ryu sleeping in bed was awakened with a kitchen knife from Zengmou actually bring out its own spot hacked. Subsequently, Zengmou robbed more than 320 dollars before fleeing the scene. The next morning 5:00, Zengmou home,scarpe hogan outlet, the defendant Humou perceive it look right,tn pas cher, and found a large stained with blood on their clothes, after questioning, Zengmou said he killed a man. To help cover up the facts of the crime Zengmou, Humou will be splashed with blood soaked clothes in the water. 7 o'clock in the morning, Humou that the victim was killed Ryu, to the site to watch after their grandchildren Zengmou suspect Department committed,hogan outlet, then home again be asked to Zengmou Zengmou Ryu regarding the killing of the victim to be the default . After breakfast, Humou will Zengmou shirt worn when committing the crime raised to the pond, cleaning the blood on the clothes,hogan scarpe, resulting in the loss of important evidence. Given the defendant Humou Ting trial in criminal facts truthfully confessed and pleaded guilty in court.

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