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Post time: 2014-09-20 03:11:43
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keep in mind that the Chinese nation to resist aggression,barbour paris, courageously fighting history, as well as the Chinese people in the world anti-fascist war and the great sacrifices made indelible contributions to the history, study and publicize the anti-Japanese The heroic deeds of the martyrs, to cultivate and carry forward the great spirit of patriotism, to further enhance national cohesion, solidarity and provide a powerful spiritual force for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream.(Original title: Beijing three units into a war memorial for the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War List respectively Memorial; Wanping City, Marco Polo Bridge; flat North Anti-Japanese Martyrs BEIJING, August 28 electric  forest Palace on the 27th news that Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the phone a few days ago, the two leaders on the situation in Ukraine and the results of the talks in Minsk exchange of views, both sides agreed regular dialogue will commence a series of problems, and reiterated the importance of a political solution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine.The proposal calls from the German side, in a telephone conversation, Putin to Merkel noted that Russia has the intention eastern Ukraine Luhansk and Donetsk regions further delivery of humanitarian aid. The two leaders also discussed the possibility of ending the bloody conflict in southeastern Ukraine as soon as possible and to improve the humanitarian situation. Putin and Merkel believes that it is necessary to adopt a political solution to the conflict.Putin to Merkel informed earlier and Customs Union leaders,moncler uomo.
the President of Ukraine Poroshenko and results of the talks on behalf of the European Union in Minsk, the participants at the meeting parties exchanged for the Ukraine and the EU signed the relevant agreement matters opinion.Sources said the two leaders stressed the importance of the issue of Ukraine established a contact group work, and the team is expected to return to work soon. Merkel expressed support for Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission to maintain close dialogue. In addition, the two leaders also discussed the matters relating to the natural gas through the territory of Ukraine to the EU transport. The two leaders agreed to maintain regular exchanges on the issue.(Original title: Putin,oakley vault coupons, Merkel stressed the need to call a political means to resolve the conflict inAugust 1, Longtan District Jilin Jiangbei Township Bajiazi village when the land acquisition,barbour france, law enforcement brigade conflict with the villagers. Longtan Law Enforcement battalion was chopped Shao Gang, died. But recent media reports, the local publicity department said.Message one,outlet tiffany, it caused a one-sided opposition. CY 2000 public opinion monitoring room sampling network public opinion statistics show that 72.4 percent of Internet users clear that "land should declare conflicts lethal chased martyr."CY opinion monitoring room analysts believe that this event not only sparked public opinion on the "martyrs," the title of the dispute.
it is off the network of public opinion "triple" Battle."Martyrs" Battle titleCY opinion monitoring room sampling 1000 related public opinion shows that 38.4 percent of Internet users connotation discuss the "martyrs" of the word. Netizens "Mo but" that: "the meaning of the martyrs are those who sacrificed for national independence, for national calamity and invaders went to make life and death fight and ethnic soldiers killed at the critical moment to save the life of the whole nation and killed fellow warriors who regarded such talent martyrs. ""Anton Branch" asked: "'martyr' word in public awareness in general, is to safeguard the interests of the country and the people who lost their lives, Jilin chased land demolitions are barbaric acts,christian louboutin men, acts harm the interests of the people, he Ranked as martyrs to a great party is placed where? "However, according to media reports, in Beijing, Shenyang and other places.

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