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Post time: 2014-11-18 10:09:29
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Podium, blackboard, flag,abercrombie pas cher, "a good study,abercrombie femme, day day up" slogan ...... This is not a classroom, 80 hot topic Nanping Road, near the South Bank area but it --- the sixth grade classroom.
Pot shop like classroom
"Sixth grade classroom" is not large, seven ovens,http://www.social808.com/social808/profile.php?user=hjs706lxis&v=comments, from the right hand side of the door beginning at each table were close Zhuojiao sixth grade (class 1), sixth grade (2 classes) ......, 7 tables 7 classes.
Both sides of the classroom, there are two big blackboard. Painted with colored chalk on the left side of "school friends, Happy New Year" and "80 Memoirs" and so on. The top side of the flag hung on both sides of the words "study hard, every day."
Blackboard beside a podium, plastered above 80 childhood favorite "baby book", there are two small king, Little Soldier and other familiar hero. The blackboard on the right side, like blackboard, in addition to "school rules", but also painted over the pot,http://demo.a3cn.com/wz3/thread-120230-1-1.html, colorful heart-shaped balloon picture.
Around the classroom walls, plastered to learn from Lei Feng,basket air jordan pas cher, a serious lesson Shanghao culture, I love the teachers and other posters. Also placed in the store after 80 childhood toys, rainbow magic circle, the Corps dolls,nike tn, Tetris handheld game consoles, and so on. In addition, the store's bully consoles there are still classic Contra,http://www.hpvpolyomanovara2014.it/, Super Mario, students can play for free.
80 will only be allowed after the meal
According to class rules,http://bbs.yukuro.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=189561, to people who eat only after 80. However, as currently in trial operation, thus relaxing the policy requiring long as there is a table of guests is 80 after you can. And eating hot pot checkout, you can produce their identity cards, you can enjoy different discounts according to year of birth, for example, enjoy 8% 80 years,basket nike tn requin, 85 years to enjoy 85% off.
Pot shop owner is two 80 girls,hogan outlet, left Shan and Li Xiaoxia. Li Xiaoxia said that after so on official business,http://885900.com/ch/home.php?mod=space&uid=2739, will strictly implement the rules and regulations, students will only be allowed after 80 to this "study." And store only recruit 80 staff, but some difficulty. Li Xiaoxia smiled and continued: "Because few people willing to come after 80 washing dishes,scarpe hogan outlet, serving."
First examination before meals
What is most annoying is when you go to school? Course exams, especially the "quiz" allows you to keep track of.
In the "sixth grade classroom," eating hot pot, but also answer a "paper" in order to open to eat. First class numbers to fill, and then complete the multiple-choice questions: "hongtangsi learning" or "broth learning." In addition, you also need to select the content of learning, such as Duck, Duck,hogan interactive 2012, tender beef,nike tn femme, and so on.
Finally, fill in the blank is very simple, just fill in the beer, Coke, Sprite,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, etc. can to proctor "assignment" to eat hot pot.
In the "sixth-grade classroom," eating hot pot, be sure not screaming shouting "boss,moncler sito ufficiale, pay." But to politely call "Teacher, class."
In addition, the "sixth grade classroom" student ID can also save points for vouchers. But if you want to receive a student card,hogan rebel prezzo, but also to pass the exam.
Papers is very simple, and the same 80-related, such as the prompts to write cartoon name, the name of a child eating bubble gum and the like.
We are eating the goods
The reason to open such a hot topic right, left Shan and Li Xiaoxia two beautiful women bosses have said that the main cause is that they are "food goods", often organized friends, dinner, over time on the germination of a party to open his own place, just let 80 After participating in the idea.
"Sixth grade classroom," former genius began trial operation. Had wanted to adopt a desk rather than traditional ovens, but the cost is too high due to custom, the store is too small desks and other reasons too had to be temporarily shelved.
Li Xiaoxia said,http://e.polejet.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=769585, when many friends want to name. There are "80 Restaurant", "after 80 pot shops" and so on,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, but they feel that there is nothing new. Later, during a chat recall elementary school, we are looking forward to quickly rose to the sixth grade, so there is a "sixth grade classroom" this name.
Chongqing Morning News reporter Wen Qing
(Original title: eating hot pot pay,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, please call "Teacher, class")
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