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Post time: 2014-11-11 13:29:08
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Jinan Daily news when reversing must observe the rear case,spaccio moncler, get off to observe if necessary, civilized comity everybody knows a basic traffic common sense, but why is that some people pay no attention to these details when reversing, the results of stuffed under horrible disaster. This year in May, in a district of Jinan Licheng District, the driver Zhang because of rapidly reversing neglect observed in the district, the result will play after the car run over a two year old boy on the spot. Recently,louboutin soldes, Zhang negligence causing death in prison.
This year 29-year-old driver Zhang is from Henan Province,http://tw-ee.com/bbs/read.php?tid=3919640, Jinan workers have been engaged in years to come to scrap the acquisition business, driving a three-wheeled truck street every day. On the morning of May 6 this year,giubbotti woolrich, he was "gone and." This morning, Zhang driving a tricycle came to Jinan City Industrial Road,abercrombie outlet online, a district near the yellow station power plant acquisition of waste, after the completion of a few business,spaccio moncler, Zhang ready to drive away. Due to the location of the parking Zhang was more "awkward", pulled out a cell must reverse,http://tjcutao.com/discuzx31gbk/home.php?mod=space&uid=9515&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=291560,woolrich outlet, then jumped into the cab Zhang put away the first line, a Guadang a step on the gas,moncler outlet, "boom" sound began to rapidly reverse.
"Stop-and-go,abercrombie france, pressing a baby! Crimping baby !!!" Zhang started the motor reversing in less than thirty-four meters, suddenly some people shouted. Zhang was aware of the danger this time, stopped the car after going to see,http://www.51yam.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, in front of the scene so that he was shocked - a two year old child less than one meter behind the car was crushed under the wheels turned bloody accident ...... After the occurrence, the child's parents rushed to the scene, quickly call 120 to send their children to the hospital. However,http://www.xz-hr.com/?action-viewcomment-itemid-121,moncler outlet, then came the bad news,air max pas cher, because the child has no serious RCC vital signs ...... the same day,abercrombie outlet milano,http://www.emr4u.net/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, Zhang was subsequently rushed to the police on the spot away.
Recently, the case economic City Licheng District Court that Zhang causing death due to negligence,http://kk882233.com/bbs/read.php?tid=1468, the Public Prosecution on charges of criminal negligence causing death sin was established,http://www.cacenglish.com/index.php?item/create_form/1,moncler piumini,http://www.skiblog.de/forum/profile.php?id=20208, in view of its good attitude Court of First Instance to negligence causing death and sentenced her to have a period imprisonment of four years and six months.
Reporter Lishi Wu
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