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High-voltage lines

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Post time: 2014-11-06 23:50:51
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Dongguan time Reuters' complaints on the quality of housing owners,woolrich outlet,http://www.lvxpower.com/news/html/?576219.html, developers enterprises should take responsibility to solve, not passing the buck. For those who shirk perfunctory, triggering mass petition developers, will be exposed to the public. "Held yesterday in the city's construction industry business summary awards ceremony, City Secretary of Housing and Urban Zhu Chuan for participating construction companies made the request.
Complaints of real estate: developers perfunctory exposure prevarication
Quality common problem is to focus on the issue of commercial presence,louboutin pas cher. To reduce quality defects City Housing and Urban Construction Bureau will release July "Dongguan City Residential Project Quality Control for technical measures" minimum standards as the city's construction business construction.
Zhu Chuan said the quality of the project related to the corporate image, so the development and construction units should attach great importance. "Where the commercial quality complaints,spaccio moncler,http://www.zt001.net/thread-48256-1-1.html, the development company should take responsibility to solve, not passing the buck,moncler outlet, to do everything possible to meet the reasonable demands of the buyers of households." And for those who shirk perfunctory,http://www.postyourblowjob.com, triggering mass petition developers,woolrich donna,http://www.amarilfranklin.com.br/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, will be exposed to the public.
High-voltage lines: The number of deaths does not exceed 4 people
When it comes to target the city's construction industry management this year, Zhu Chuan said the number of cases and deaths in the city's construction projects to control security incidents on the basis of within one year, the death toll of accidents which occurred no more than 4 people, 3 People want control over Qunsiqunshang accident in "zero." In addition,parka woolrich, the city's municipal housing construction projects no major quality accidents,woolrich parka, decreased quality of the project is one of the goals common problem this year.
In the recent security incidents, and not according to technical drawings construction is an important source of the disaster led to the accident,piumino moncler, Zhu Chuan is admitted,http://www.vspub.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=81068,giubbotti moncler, the city at least 50% of the sites are not in accordance with the technical review of the drawings to the construction,http://forum.youthcancercoalition.org/profile.php?id=27518, Dongguan is a major weakness. He not only mentioned twice 9 dead 1 injured a construction site accidents occurred recently in Shenzhen,moncler piumini, but also to "1? 21" occurred in accidents caveat here QiShi construction enterprises, "an accident,piumini moncler,http://sportigo.me/blogs/8663/232040/but-the-staff-told-him-that-there-is-no-quota, a huge loss of business,woolrich outlet,, holding your hands regarded human life, do not take the risk. "(Reporter Feng Huan)
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