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March 2007

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Post time: 2014-10-29 19:25:10
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Man / Wang Xue,doudoune moncler pas cher
78-year-old Zhang tree hobbled into the Miyun County People's Court of the door, both in court and argue flushed stepson, shortness of hearts and minds, he can cough loudly in order to rationalize breath and kept beat the ground with a stick.
The folks there have been two marriages, and both have ended, and now he was a man alone. Filed past, Zhang trees seem fragile and lonely ......
Taste like first marriage Juela
Tree and his first wife Zhang Li Li is a childhood playmate, two people living in a village. From playing with sand, hide and seek,http://kidochan.sakura.ne.jp/joyful/regist.cgi, to and from school together, to marry and have children, everything is a matter of course. Although the two became husband and wife who wish their elders, but Zhang tree mind clear of Li Li and his only Xiongmeizhiqing rare eros.
Li Li is a traditional Chinese woman, gentle and virtuous,http://www.chinacase.org/?action-viewcomment-type-lawtrain-itemid-3302, the cooking chores in good order, Zhang tree for parents to take care of a plus, won the favorite of her in-laws. Li Li Jia-sheng, especially after a boy, her in-laws when Li Li is the daughter of the general love to take.
Zhang tree watching a live person and beauty America, although my heart feel dull, but also practical, satisfied. However, over time, would meet life's trivial to be obliterated. Zhang felt like a tree,http://satodamai.com/bbs/honey/honey.cgi?get=7&25253e,woolrich outlet, hedge, is bound insipid siege. Whenever he wants to fight, it will instantly muster the courage to defeat brilliant smile at his son. In the silent and helpless struggling, Zhang tree off the mother, accompanied by his father growing old, growing up to support her son.
A woman appeared in Zhang's heart like a tree, such as sealing the lake stirred up waves of love. Her name is Wang Xuelian, is a high school language teacher. This has a quiet looming dimpled face and two women, pulling two rebellious sons alone after divorce. Zhang tree and  acquaintance, was at a gathering of friends. In Zhang tree view,http://www.tagata-vet.com/bbs/aska.cgi, Wang Xuelian I like her name as holy, and her body there was a peculiar aura intellectuals attracted to him, even chatting with her dull, but also make him feel relaxed and happy.
Zhang tree fall in love, like all people, a day worrying about love, for love sleepless nights. Although he is still with his wife, courteous,air max, still loving father is the son of the eyes, is still old father of filial son, but his world has changed, his heart gave Wang Xuelian party space. "I started telling everyone to pursue her,peuterey, on her way to work and so she sent her a gift, ask her to dinner, racking their brains just as her laugh." Zhang said the tree. acquiescence, let him have full confidence in the prospects of love.
In order to find true love, married and his wife Zhang Li Li tree to put forward a divorce. A marriage storm begins.
I heard his son to divorce, Zhang father sticks hit the son. Old people do not understand,scarpe hogan, stood good day, however, his son what trouble divorce, let alone fight grandson Zhang was in high school, broken families will have adverse effects on children. In order to keep the family intact, Zhang father earnestly to persuade his son, and even the threat of disinheritance to his son, hoping to prevent his son the idea of ​​divorce. Li Li and his wife,hollister, except for tears is silent.
However, Zhang determined to have been under the tree divorce, tears of rage and his wife failed to retain his father's footsteps he left to live. April 1983, Zhang and Li Li tree protocol divorce. Zhang cleanse the family tree, all the common property owned by Li Li of all, the child custody dispute by Zhang Li Li. Because divorce, Zhang family tree will be pushed to the opposite side. Zhang and Zhang parent tree newspaper declared disinheritance, and declared that henceforth daughter Li Li is his daughter.
Freedom body Zhang tree and Wang Xuelian feelings rapid warming. After the divorce, and Li Li, Zhang tree moved  residence. But he never gave up trying to forgive his father had made,air max, he often went back to visit. But every time to go back to visit his father, the father of Li Chang will be scolded and sticks blasted house. Zhang father said his son can fix the situation only condition is "and Li Li remarry." Zhang and Wang Xuelian tree can not give up the feelings will gradually broken and their loved ones to contact.
Contradictions second marriage
Lack of affection more dependent Wangxue Lian Zhang tree, doing his best to take care of Wang. As for Wang's two sons, Zhang tree is Aiwujiwu, even her own child. Two stepsons were both in school, but there were a tree Zhang gainful work, he put all the income supplement for use in the home and following the child's tuition. Zhang tree in custody, two stepchildren have been married and had children. Two old grandson began to turn around.
Zhang tree in view, he has been trying to do a good father, but always with his two stepsons estrangement. So many years, the two brothers never stopped creating conflicts between trees and  Zhang.
Two stepsons king day, Yun Zhang tree does not agree with the argument. Wong said Zhang tree with his mother remarried when he was 17 years old, my brother 15 years old. At the beginning of Zhang tree really care for him and his brother a plus, but it just did to his mother to read. "The mother was not at home, he always loved to ignore the answer, just like me and my brother are transparent. Usually made a little mistake would be severely reprimanded, and her mother, and we are alienated, my brother and I have felt is superfluous. "said Wang Tian mother only has eyes for love at that time,abercrombie france, he felt he and his brother seems to be each other orphans. Mother excessive focus on love and stepfather aggravated the conflict between them, "My greatest desire is to grow up, hurry up independent, too, together with his brother, he is not my father,http://tukipie.net/comono/index.cgi, never been."
A conflict aggravated the conflict Zhang and Wang tree days, and even the king feels his days irreconcilable with stepfather. That year the king of day 19 years old, read three. Wang mediocre grades every day feel in talking about his stepfather when they are learning words with sarcasm. A "such a result, apart from me to see how you live,http://etx.galaxies.jp/modules/accessories1/index.php," Let the king day completely broke. Wang and Zhang days kicked up the tree until the day the king came to a slap on his face heavily, crisp Pakistan applause interrupted the next day the king theory. Watched a silent mother,woolrich donna, Wang days tearfully stormed away.
King day entrance exam that year, and then entered a machinery factory work, and moved to the unit dormitory residence. Soon, Wang also find work from home after living alone.
"They all went out live. Usually do not meet, will ease the contradiction later their children or me and Wang Xuelian helped coax big." Zhang tree recalls.
Day, so quietly lived.
2006, 68-year-old  deterioration due to knee rheumatism, only confined to a wheelchair, life gradually lose the ability to take care of themselves. Wang Tian Zhang brothers think the tree is not dedicated to the care of the mother, Zhang repeatedly quarreled with the tree occurred at a time paralyzed  Zhang trees on a lot of complaints.
March 2007, under the king-day brothers agents,  Zhang tree on divorce proceedings, ending a period lasted more than 20 years of marriage.
Second out of the litigation after siege
Zhang tree after the divorce was very sad that he has retired, but it alone, son saw him as a stranger, two stepsons like him as an enemy. Zhang tree most distressing is that during his marriage and  old father died not let relatives informed him that Zhang did not die until the father can forgive this "filial" son. Zhang tree more convinced that can not be reconciled, he felt himself as Wang Xuelian abandoning their homes and pay for 20 years of his life, the final result is a sieve.
May 2007, Zhang tree two stepsons taken to court, requiring the king day, Yun assume maintenance obligations. He believes that the former king day, Yun work together with their dependents and  now their old, loved ones are not around, two stepson should do their own maintenance obligations. Wang Tian, ​​Zhang Yun did not think the tree will sue them, hearing that day was very angry. In court, they did not dispute the facts Zhang tree, but were told the court Zhang tree and  remarry when they are close to adulthood, and soon left home to live independently, consider the amount of maintenance should then consistent with the situation.
The court made a decision soon: Wang days per month alimony paid 30 yuan Zhang tree, Yun Zhang tree monthly alimony payments 50 yuan. Hearts of anger and hate king day,hogan outlet, Yun Zhang tree court threw half of alimony, and sped away,hollister, since no more messages. And Zhang tree watching stepson dropped the money, tears: "Actually I'm not for this money, just swallow."
Zhang sued the tree again intensified the conflict. In addition to ruling on a regular basis in accordance with the royal brothers to Zhang's account hit a tree alimony, but no longer have any contact.
Zhang tree thought his life from calm, until the day they die, but I did not expect just over a year and a half, he was again involved in the whirlpool litigation. This time he is the defendant, the plaintiff turned out to be Wang Xuelian.
This lawsuit is in fact the royal brothers initiated. Zhang was sentenced to pay alimony tree,http://cgi.www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~e_n_19/cgi-bin/f-bbs/apeboard_plus.cgi/, they are not satisfied,louboutin pas cher, always looking for opportunities to retaliate stepfather. After more than a year,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, they suddenly heard the mother and Zhang tree during the marriage, Zhang tree his father died, been left a 70-square-meter two-bedroom. Now prices soaring, Zhang father left the house have gone up. Thus, the Royal brothers went to court again, the agent for the mother, sued Zhang tree. Zhang father died when they made what Zhang tree during the  marital relationship continues, Zhang Zhang inheritance tree when leaving the house belongs to the father of the common property of the marriage, so the mother should inherit the house a quarter of the property.
Zhang received the indictment of the tree was very angry, he felt when his father died and he broke off the relationship for many years already, and the father had once said to his ex-wife and his son Zhang Li Li fight pension nail in the coffin, all property left alone by Zhang Miao Zhang dispute inheritance. He has no thought of inheritance rights to this property.
At the same time, that this litigation Li Li and Zhang dispute also apply to the court, asked to join the lawsuit, their view of the same tree with Zhang and submitted proof of Zhang Zhang father left the house indisputable evidence.
The trial, although Wang Tian, ​​Wang brothers argue, but Zhang said in court to give right of inheritance tree Zhang Father left the house, and wrote a written waiver. Therefore, the court did not make substantive examination of the case, and then dismissed the king day, Wang's claims.
Postscript: Today, nearly seventy years of age Zhang tree after a man living in his divorce with  share of the house. 80 m2 two-bedroom slightly open. Zhang struggle occasionally to see, the obligation to do to take care of, but not close between father and son.
Zhang tree after  and divorce, are two sons sent to a nursing home, although people have lost family to take care of ......
(Excerpt from "Law and Life" semimonthly first half of April)
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