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Post time: 2014-09-13 04:36:20
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but sudden stroke two years ago, died, leaving only eight year old son and for the doctor to borrow hundreds of thousands of foreign debt. Yuan Lifang originally a student dormitory managers Nanjing Agricultural College, but the meager monthly wages of 960 yuan for the loss of economic support for families are utterly inadequate. Yuan Lifang to pay off debts as soon as possible,new jordans, and ultimately resigned from the dorm to work,giuseppe zanotti outlet, to do a neighborhood bar 1912 send packages station attendant. In order to work and the elderly, taking into account the child's life, she chose half past six p.m. to half past three in the working hours.
"the general seven in the morning to get up again, ready to eat the children to the elderly." Reporters rough calculation Yuan Lifang daily sleep time,retro jordans, not here more than four hours.Talking to send packages desk job, naturally tough and simple  said great pressure of work, more than 200 cabinet and out all valuables, does not allow a little room for error. "Out of the toilet, no room to change clothes of the time,toms for kids, especially afraid fined, once five hundred penalty, we can not afford." Speaking of which, Yuan Lifang like brow knotted in general.
Yuan Lifang live frugally, teeth spend 1700 yuan to his son reported Ruijin English classes on the road.Make  good news is that my son obedient sensible,air max, "Every time I send him to school, he would back in the back seat of words and text to let me checks, all the way up to the time that he could breath back four texts" ,giuseppe sneakers, said that, Yuan Lifang proud satisfied look so reporters like the ground,discount toms, in the howling wind, the mother and be together with each other now share the world's most wonderful morning, recited the immature childish through vaguely Morning fog diffuse away, and direct that one pair of new life full of love and confidence of the mother's heart.On the wall of the door, four or five groups of gray wool and yet weave sweater is truly eye-catching finish. When a reporter asked about the wall of gray sweater is woven to time who,white toms, Yuan Lifang very embarrassed to tell reporters, is woven to his son, afraid weaving badly. Son saw her buy wool, said he liked the color, which makes Yuan Lifang excited and more motivated. "Intends weaves through the years, New Year's gift to him.
son slept in another room not far from the pump house, over 70-year-old father while QUICKER while on site help take care of grandchildren. Yuan Lifang "home" shady,kids toms outlet, winter can not live person.Small pump house is divided into two parts,hogan 2014, inside and outside, Yuan Lifang family only means of transportation - a black electric car being charged to endure in the wall above the seat neatly stacked with the owners of the usual travel using wind gloves,cheap toms online, leggings,nike store, etc. slightly contaminated dust as if recorded Yuan Lifang day after day from dawn to dusk. Yuan Lifang have to work every day to three o'clock, and then braved the biting cold wind electric car ride home. In between the pump house is  bedroom, empty room, only an old-fashioned radiators for heating. picked a facing windows, sun shines in a position to sit side by side opened bedding pull Reporter,toms outlet, a single mother mingled with worry, sadness, conflict, happy emotions doors first opened to reporters in the sun next time.Husband died leaving huge debtsReporters could not bear to touch Yuan Lifang of old wounds, especially in such a toot of the year. For that part of the night was still dark painful than the past, from the mouth of community workers, we are told themselves: only primary school education, she came to the South in Bengbu, Anhui Agricultural University to work from home after her husband was introduced to recognize the marriage, the husband of this is a driving school instructor.
but soon, she also excited to reporters from her long term future plans,toms for sale, "and save enough money, it is best able to open their own shop, do a little business, freedom to work this time,toms outlet, but also to take care of the family." Yuan Lifang frankly,cheap toms sale, at this stage only to shop but also a vision that she had talked to acquaintances asking around Southern farmers near the dressing room would 40,000 a year,air jordan 11, for her it is not a small number,toms outlet, but she also believes this Someday goal is reached.Greatest wish is to see a doctor to pay off her husband accountYuan Lifang a talking 10-year-old son, chatterbox opened. According to her son now Xiaolingwei fourth-grade reading, most worried about is his English scores. Happened Yesterday was the day the child tutoring in English, Yuan Lifang 3:30 to pick up his son from school. "After all, look at junior high school core subjects test scores, his English score so I am very worried," Yuan Lifang said reluctantly, it is precisely for this reason.

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