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Liu Fang's son Bo peak to call. "Uncle

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Post time: 2014-09-12 09:50:45
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but the owner must require the desire to buy a car to help him achieve that compliance with the law, is a legal right{3} the wallet back to the owner, do not plan to repay, which is a valuable virtueWe take a look at how to make a small peak last choice?Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Suo Qiancheng and Shi Xisheng Sun Min photojournalist Liu HaiyunMother's treatmentSon would like to use to pick up money to buy a bike, but she suggests another solution: find the owner, returned the items in the purse, but to give their children money to buy a car owner.Children's behaviorSmall peaks suddenly lifted LingChao handed standing next to Bo, four hundred dollar bills still pulled in his hands.10-year-old small peak (a pseudonym) in the bus picked up a purse, bag has 491 yuan in cash. For a child growing up in rural areas.
this is not a small sum, enough to realize his greatest wish now --- buy a bike. "Mom, I'm gonna get the money to buy a bike." Listening to a child, my mother did not object, but proposed another solution: find the owner, returned wallet bank cards, ID cards and other items, but requires the owner to 1000 dollars, as a child to buy funds bike ...Son picked up the wallet Mom find the owner: take 1000 yuan to changeYesterday morning 7:30 Xu, a top three hospital doctors Chengdu Bo was awakened by the phone ringing shortness."You are Bo wow? Yesterday was not a wallet?" Speaker called Liu Fang (a pseudonym), the day before yesterday morning her son take the 309 bus and car, his son picked up a black wallet in the car. At this time, sleeping Bo can not believe, found his wallet, took good-hearted people to come to."There are four 100 yuan.
the Standing Committee has also occurred in the wine gift boxes candidate  suspect, revocation of eligibility.KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou said that the election of the outgoing Standing Committee for votes, assessment sure to continue to check the disciplinary committee, must be severely punished if found, the position of the KMT party and implement an inch not changed.(Original title: KMT Central Standing Committee election to vote on the 7th of 45 people competing for After finding the wallet Three choices faced by small peaks{1} to take the purse money to buy direct their dream bike, which is obviously very unethical{2} the wallet back to the owner.
a total of about 500 dollars, there are three bank cards and a meal card!" Wallet stuff, Bo accurately reported out, Liu Fang Bo is also believed wallet the host. Bo said he was very grateful Xieliu Fang, and offered to take out 200 yuan to show their gratitude. After hanging up the phone, 8:08, Liu Fang Bo sent a text message to the effect that allow Bo to 1000 dollars, or else put the wallet away, take the money is to buy a bike two children. SMS, Liu Fang specifically mentioned, had the child is unwilling to return the purse, she told the children the owner will take the money to buy him a bike. Liu Fang also tells Bo that she is not working woman, "You (may) think my people are very selfish." 8:20, in the case did not respond to messages Bo, Liu Fang again sent a text message. " not to reply. ""1000 yuan is not it a little more, ah!" "200 yuan how ah?" Subsequently, Bo responded to two successive messages, Liu Fang quickly answered "no.""Liu Fang Why have my phone number?" More convinced that the wrong Bo, feel they have been extorted, at 8:35 timeshare dialed 110.10-year-old baby phone call "Must I bought a $ 400 bike."Subsequently, calm down Liu Fang Bo told in a text message, he waited a while to pick up the wallet Wenjiang, require something not lost wallet. Liu Fang very simply, the word reply: "guaranteed."However, just after the two sides reached a consensus, Liu Fang quick succession sent two messages: "Well, come get it, I get five hundred dollars to buy him a car (bike)." "Do you think I'm selfish now. "9:32.
Liu Fang's son Bo peak to call. "Uncle, my mother and I picked up the wallet, you have to give me more than 400 dollars to buy a bike!" The child's words, the Bo was shocked, he did not say a word for a long while. A few minutes later, Li Bo put the phone back in the past, raised more than 200 dollars to buy a bike, but it was opposed by Liu Fang, a small peak, small peaks say you want a more than 400 yuan a folding bike.Chengdu Business Daily reporter noted that from early morning 7:34 assigned 10:48, Bo and Liu Fang's phone call eight times, there are about 20 SMS exchanges."10-year-old doll would say this is the case, the mother is Zage education?" Bo although no children, but he believes that Liu Fang of education is a problem.Cable pay back, is the wish of a child a few years "With a bike, do not go to school one hour road."Yesterday afternoon, the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Pei Tongli and Bo Laidao Wenjiang open space next to a construction site, Liu Fang and small peaks are here waiting for him. Liu Fang said that in order to contact the owner, she carefully rummage items inside the purse, found a document above the left phone, then played in the past, so as to find Bo."Even five cents in, not the map you that money.

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