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Post time: 2014-10-06 07:52:24
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and Italy represent everything perfect spokesperson with the brand rejuvenated, Alitalia will be gradually reflected the essence of Italy, we think everything - history, culture, cuisine and fashion it will certainly become Let a proud Italian airline. ""However, Alitalia must eventually come to operate as a business, the goal is to start from 2017 to achieve sustainable profitability."Mr. He Guojian said that before the injection of new investment,nike air max, Alitalia's current shareholders, management and employees,moncler sito ufficiale, has already taken a number of measures to stabilize the enterprise."Alitalia to be successful,air max pas cher homme, it is possible to achieve growth again, but this requires relying on a solid foundation, we made it clear from the outset that the total investment should be used primarily to promote the implementation of the new business plan, the only way to achieve our goals.""The success of the beneficiaries of the strategy include: Italian domestic and international travelers,moncler piumini, who will enjoy better service, new routes and more competitive choice; Alitalia employees, they are expected to resume growth in a companies to obtain a brighter long-term future; still Italian citizens, they can once again for their national airlines proud. ""The road ahead is still long, first to complete the deal, and then to realize our new vision and today marks a key step in this journey, we are honored to become a strategic investor in the new Alitalia. "Alitalia CEO Gabriele Del Torchio said: "This is the best choice Alitalia we have to make hard choices in a very tough negotiation process, but we have reached a consensus necessary in order to create the proper future for the Italian aviation. mode and scale."This investment will bring Alitalia's financial stability.
enabling Alitalia, and even Italy travel tourism to achieve long-term sustainable development."Able to achieve this important achievement, I want to thank all my colleagues Alitalia - male and female employees.
this is a strategic and long-term business investment after the completion of the investment, we will work with others. Shareholders together, committed to playing a dynamic Alitalia reproduction, sustainable and profitable competitive business, so that it can travel in the global aviation market, the successful launch of operations."We believe that Alitalia, which is a great brand with great potential. With a modest capital investment and strong strategic business plan,giubbotti moncler, we believe that Alitalia can achieve reverse,barbour catalogue, re-establish the status of the global high-end airline.""Alitalia is Italy.
104 vehicles per peak hour flights taking off and landing; Forward (2045) will reach 55 million passengers, 136 vehicles per peak hour flights taking off and landing.Sina Aviation News UAE national airline Etihad Airways and Alitalia recently announced that they have signed a deal to implement the agreements,tiffany outlet, will invest 1.758 billion euros in Alitalia,piumini moncler, the Italian aviation playing a dynamic representation,tiffany milano orari, sustainable and profitable competitive enterprise .Now,christian louboutin new, after recapitalization of the Italian national airline can provide comprehensive and strategic business plans for investment.
from Rome and Milan to open long-haul routes, to restore the vitality of the brand, go all out to promote the development of Italian tourism and trade industries. Italian tourists from a wider choice of destinations to benefit, while the new global convergence opportunity to promote the development of inbound tourism in Italy.Etihad Airways will combine equity investment, asset acquisition and other financing instruments and funding arrangements for the reorganization of assets and liabilities to provide  �560 million investment. For this purpose there is to provide supplemental Alitalia existing core shareholders  �300 million of additional equity investments,christian louboutin boots, including Intesa Sanpaolo (Intesa San Paolo.
With the new airport construction,air max pas cher femme, Qingdao The new airport will form a variety of modes of transport set aviation, railways,air max pas cher, highways,Giuseppe Zanotti Pas Cher, urban rail and other integrated hub, to achieve smooth, convenient and efficient transportation set sparse. According to the plan, the new airport will be built into Qingdao and Regional Integration combination of "regional hub airport, the gateway airport for Japan and South Korea",nike tn requins, making it a powerful new engine of regional economic growth. The new airport is expected to Qingdao recent (2025) annual passenger throughput will reach 35 million passengers.
8800 million euros), Poste Italiane (75 million euros), UniCredit Bank (Poste Italiane,  �63.5 million), Alitalia (51 million euros), IMMSI (1000 million euros), Pirelli (Pirelli, 1000 million euros) and Gavio (250 million euros).In addition,tn air max 2014 pas cher, financial institutions and existing bank shareholders also provide up to 598 million euros for the short-term debt restructuring, the Italian financial institutions also provide a convenient date loan of 300 million euros.Etihad Airways will hold a 49 percent stake in Alitalia,tiffany outlet italia, the equivalent to invest 387.5 million euros. There are all invested in Etihad's  �112.5 million for the acquisition MilleMiglia operators --Alitalia 75% stake in the Italian company Loyalty Spa frequent flyer program,jordan retro, there are 60 million euros for the purchase of five pairs of London Heathrow Airport landing time. The landing time will be leased back to Alitalia in accordance with fair trade principles. The deal is scheduled for December 31, 2014 to complete.Equity investment has yet to be completed Alitalia and its major public and private stakeholders to meet certain prerequisites, has yet to be approved by the financial regulatory agencies.Mr. Etihad Airways President and CEO Heguo Jian (James Hogan) said: "The Etihad Airways is concerned.

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