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moncler sito ufficiale the market can bear up to the level of HK $ 20

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Post time: 2014-10-04 19:13:18
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Hong Kong lunch box suppliers' new five meals, "Chief Executive Officer  said to the reporter, in 2011, the company has foreseen or labor costs will continue to rise, so I decided to buy a large automated dishwasher, "Although the initial investment is very high, but only need to ask two people can be completely processed 5,000 dishes in a short time, and can be done 24 hours non-stop work." said Mei Zian However, the amount of investment in automation equipment he did not disclose.Huang and suggestions to solve the "labor shortage" situation catering industry, only by two aspects, one is mechanical automation, the use of high-tech products such as dishwashers, the other is to attract talent through high wages, or employ part-time, so that more people into the industry, but the market will bear is limited, the market can bear up to the level of HK $ 20,000 per month, but coupled up, it may not really attracted to the labor force engaged in this work, and The shortage of labor trends in the low-end of the labor market, it is difficult in transforming a short time.Aging workforceAccording to the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong, the unemployment rate in October this year from 8 to 3.3%. This corresponds with the low unemployment rate is from May 1, 2013, Hong Kong's minimum wage increased to HK $ 30 / hour, HK $ 28 compared to the implementation of "Minimum Wage Ordinance" Since May 1, 2011 when the / further increase hours.Managing Director of Central HR consultancy Zhouqi Ping said that the implementation of this policy, so many fast-food restaurant chain grassroots level worker wages increased dramatically by more than a dozen HK hourly past, but under similar circumstances wages, restaurant grassroots workers prefer to engage in unwanted physical heavy work.
such as the labor market."Types of society most needs, wages should be high, and most likely to be replaced by work, wages naturally lower, which is suitable for all community all industries." Haitong International chief economist and director of research, said Hu Yifan.Hu Yifan, said the situation is not the same as Hong Kong and the Mainland, Hong Kong's economy is 80 percent contribution from the service sector, a huge shortage of staff, the only solution is only labor input.Hong Kong's local workforce aging structure constitutes another major pressure. Statistics HKSAR Labour and Welfare showed to 2018.
such as security guards, cleaners and other buildings.Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, a steady stream of young workers in new blood for major industries, when washing dishes or other low-end labor market is Shaorenwenjin. According , at present young people in Hong Kong, 60 percent have at least secondary education, including four academic subjects cost more, there is a 60% associate degree and professional diploma."Let the dishes do not see the career prospects of young people." Zhou Qiping said.Hong Kong's labor shortage and catering industry in similar situations, as well as the Hong Kong construction industry, as of December, the Hong Kong construction industry registered a total of 320,000 construction workers.
the number of Hong Kong local labor supply is expected over the age of 55 by 2010 of 45.28 million to 67.28 million, accounting for the overall local labor supply ratio increased from 13.2 percent to 18.8 %; comparison, the 55-year-old native of labor may fall below 297 million to 291 million people by, grew from 86.8% down to 81.2%.At present, the Hong Kong Construction Association has begun studies for future overseas skilled workers enter 8000, while Huang and Hong Kong Catering Industry Association Union where the labor force is also the possibility of the introduction of overseas study, but the approval process involves complex, long time. The Hong Kong SAR Government is also advice to seek the possibility of compressing the application process.Hu Yifan said that the current "labor shortage" is education-oriented emergence mismatch, many kids are educated is sure to go to college, vocational education should learn German in high-end manufacturing.[Global Times reported] Although the Town Planning Board unanimously passed a few days ago, Hong Kong, Central, 150 meters long and 0.3 hectares of open space waterfront rezoned to military sites, but the opposition still did not give up, "Central Waterfront Concern Group" also threatened, through solicitation signatures from the public to put pressure on the Government, attempt to interfere with the Central Government to fulfill its responsibility for the defense of Hong Kong.According to Hong Kong "Oriental Daily News" reported on the 6th, the Hong Kong Civic Party members, the opposition "Central Waterfront Concern Group" spokesman Albert Lai said at a press conference on the 5th.
but the actual work at the site has 150,000; built nearly 100,000 professional trades workers, Nearly half the age of 50 years, the demand gap to reach the people. The wages of these craftsmen have been soaring in the past few years, some have been close to HK $ 2,000 / day level.Hong Kong Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, said earlier in the event for Hong Kong's labor market mismatch occurs, many semi-skilled or low-skilled jobs is difficult to hire employees, young people also do not want to join this part of the market, you can consider new immigrants and ethnic minorities.
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