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Post time: 2014-10-04 08:08:05
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no deposit, in any bank China Mao Zedong penny no deposit, no country in the world do not have a penny deposit Mao Zedong. If someone says yes, it is a quasi-rumor. Because the money I was in charge of Chairman Mao,escarpins louboutin, Mao's royalties from the Central Office was particularly accountants Lao Zheng tube, we all know. Later it was a rumor that Chairman Mao had one hundred and thirty million of royalties, and that is a big rumor.[WU Lian Teng]: Chairman Mao and the rest of the royalties is only a little more than 1.24 million, all of this money to the state, did not give him any children to enjoy. From this point of view, our great leader Chairman Mao thought that the Chinese people that everyone thought was 56 ethnic people, never thinking about myself. Sometimes receive gifts,giuseppe zanotti outlet, North Korea Kim Il Sung often sent to Chairman Mao pears, apples, Chairman Mao put these things point to the central leading comrades, including Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi and other central leaders. Never listen to Jiang Qing, Mao said to send one o'clock, one point for his children. Chairman Mao is our party's a model,zanotti shoes, high positions, thinking of the people, serve the people,chaussures giuseppe zanotti, never thinking about enjoyment, not thinking about the day to let their children a better life. Chairman Mao's work about 20 hours per day,toms wedges, often working together to forget to eat. People working around all know, there is a dilemma life of Chairman Mao,toms womens shoes, one is hard to sleep,toms outlet shoes, the brain all day at work state, did not rest,louboutin, no sleeping pills definitely not rest, we all want the staff around Mao able to sleep a minute ,hogan, we would be very happy. Second, Mao eat hard, work together and sleepless nights, the dinner,christian louboutin sneakers, and he said that I was watching a file, wait a minute,giuseppe zanotti pas cher, eat, read the document, he see anything else, do other things,mens christian louboutin, wait a minute here,zanotti femme, there Wait a minute. Sometimes a meal to eat two or three hours. President wholeheartedly for the people at work, never wanted to own. Chairman Mao never enjoyed life, after the liberation of a day without rest.
he gave the people the people of China and the world has left a huge, inexhaustible wealth of ideas - his writings. Now people are miss our great leader Chairman Mao. No Mao, no Communist, how our happy life today. We Chinese people, under what circumstances do not forget benefactor, we have to be grateful.[WU Lian Teng]: Now, the general secretary Xi Jinping is leading us along a correct path forward, the days of people getting better, Chinese society is getting better, China's international status will be increasingly The more powerful. People are very happy I was able to come today, very excited, but also very grateful to you friends and comrades People. Do you have any problems in the future and I can also communicate over a network or other form,nike air max 90, I will tell you a true Mao Zedong. Responsible speaking,woolrich bambino, I told Chairman Mao's daily life, there are deep feelings. Every Chinese person must for the stability of our country, united, make our efforts to the development of society. Finally, I wish netizens successful career,woolrich milano, good health, family happiness, thank you.First, the "iron rice bowl trunk fairly smooth system of civil servants, has affected the pace of social progress, because the branch has been gridlocked."Vice mayor resigns post online comments:. User comments, do not like the maintenance of stability of the mayor is not a good mayor? Maintenance of stability or security hat? If the dimensional stability maintenance only official position, power stability.
from the center to start from Zhou Enlai, Zhu De,hogan 2014, Liu Shaoqi they began to set up such a rule.[WU Lian Teng]: Chairman Mao, people have given us the treatment, made a salary,christian louboutin mens shoes, we can no longer accounted for cheaper countries. Chairman Mao's home more than 400 dollars, in addition to living with the outside of his dinner all the time where money from his wages. State spending by the state dinner, Mao particularly clear on this point, clearly, never make the private use of public funds. Chairman Mao on his deathbed left more than 500 dollars, which is all the savings, Mao did not give his children left a dollar, a house, an acre of land. He taught them self-reliance, good serving the people wholeheartedly, do not allow them to enjoy should not enjoy the treatment. At any Bank of China, Mao Zedong.

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