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Post time: 2014-09-29 22:14:01
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96101 Hotline Morning News (reporter Zhang October intern Zhangjing Ya) British man shot video of lewd Chinese girl Zhang,mulberry outlet 2014, before users are also highly commended. Yesterday, however, there are netizens questioned Zhang's behavior,woolrich,http://www.edit.ne.jp/~aino/custombbs.cgi/</paLmrjFiKJz/, "Zhang only in the shooting, but did not mention the initiative came uniforms foreigners Xiao Yang, Zhang Yang grab the credit."
In Zhang microblogging above,basket louboutin pas cher, the reporter saw many users for its "courageous" behavior expressed "admiration." And Zhang also posted on the microblogging own many photos, and friends 'admiration' thanked. But there are users questioned said, "Putting aside the bloggers do, light analysis on uploaded videos from his uniform hooligans who should be a black Beijing buddies, mainly involved in the fight are also Beijing accent. Bo Master this time to stand out in the forefront of heroes, it is not appropriate. "
In an interview the day before yesterday, Yang chose to avoid facing the camera lens, "did a Beijing man child in the dry matter,I]http://www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~cookie/yybbs/yybbs.cgi?p]I, so no need to praise me." However, Zhang saw online video on to say,basket nike tn, Yang some sit still, "Even if I'm just a spectator, I have to stand up for the people who truly courageous rehabilitate,nike tn 2014, miserly people who want the opportunity to fish for fame."
Yang recalled that evening approached the foreigner opened his own chest then suffered a foreigner punch. Then counterattack, punches chin foreigners,http://www.marineelectronicsjournal.com/how_to_buy.cgi, foreigners crashed squatting on the ground, until this time,http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/page.cgi,piumini peuterey, Zhang was with many onlookers walked together using the "Shadow Kick." "Before, I did not know he was here,peuterey prezzi, did not see anyone in the video shoot."
Yesterday afternoon, this reporter went to Zhang located Xuanwumenwai barber shop,http://www.hayasoft.com/crybaby/cgi-bin/diary2/apeboard_plus.cgi?msgnum=96&command=read_message/, folks said, the boss is not in the store. The reporter called Zhang's cell phone, but the other said he was not Zhang. For netizens questioned and Xiao Yang, the other said simply: "You ask Youku good." Reporters left their contact details,piumino woolrich,http://www.mommd.com/cgi-bin/ubb-cgi/ultimatebb.cgi, hoping to talk directly with Zhang. But as of press time, did not get any reply.
Zhang in their own micro-blog published this passage,tn pas chere,http://club.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp/bell/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, "Now some users say that we are deliberately hype, big brother did not want to do too much to explain, why I had to shoot that video? One, because I see is a amplitude very tragic picture,mulberry sale, is a foreigner to violence in inhumanely want trample our 'family'. two, why should I upload this video to Youku? because I want to warn all sisters,nike tn,http://www.dream-paradise.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=118019, late , family and so on. "
Then the reporter called Youku video site customer service,abercrombie pas cher, the staff said the incident is not an interview with Zhang Youku officially committed, but friends shot off work, can not disclose personal information in accordance with the provisions of the users.
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