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hollister soldes to help the country to revive the economy. Unexpectedly

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Post time: 2014-09-24 02:58:49
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Hollande has never held office sectors of the economy,hollister soldes, it is difficult to accomplish something in the French economy. "Le Figaro" newspaper also take teasing French President: Good play the French team of course can bring the joy of the French people with temporary,hollister pas cher, but everyone will see their payroll on laughing; French president on the football is really an expert, but in dealing with state affairs,louboutin homme pas cher, especially on the country's economic problems, "that is up to the level of a bartender." For most French people are not fans, this two victories did not bring any change.
but if he stepped down,hogan interactive, I believe the majority of French people will be very happy.Even Hollande's appearance did not escape the media ridicule. Soon he was elected President of France,escarpin louboutin pas chere, "Le Parisien" once quipped that he looks "like a food delivery." And on the 18th, "Le Figaro" newspaper was published in a Brazilian fans Hollande looks exactly like the photo, the newspaper on the 21st again this ridicule Hollande: I do not know who Mr. cottage "Hollande" There is no small motorcycle and helmet? As we all know,hollister soldes france, earlier this year,hogan outlet, Hollande had with helmet,air jordan 4, riding a small motorcycle, sneak out with new girlfriend from the Elysee Palace,basket nike tn pas cher, dating,giubbotti moncler, causing his helmet online selling the same paragraph.
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to help the country to revive the economy. Unexpectedly,basket nike tn pas cher, Hollande this theory has attracted some high verbiage sarcastic media.French President Hollande on the 21st at the European summit in Paris,hogan outlet 2050, the left-wing parties, analyzed the three main reasons for the French team to victory: serious defense, efficient offense and fighting spirit. "Super fans" Hollande on their team's performance much appreciated, said the French team's new coach Didier Deschamps as the Gallic rooster bring a new atmosphere,hollister france, so the French team in 1998 World Cup quite demeanor. He also said that the French team's outstanding performance for the deep economic crisis Frenchman brought rare joy, French people should come up with the French team spirit,nike tn pas cher magasin, to revive the glory of the French economy."Le Figaro" newspaper gave Hollande 21 above argument thrown cold water. Reported that the French team's brilliant performance in the World Cup is not much relationship with Hollande poor political performance. "Le Parisien" had said shortly after he was elected President of France.

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