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woolrich "Capitol"

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Post time: 2014-09-20 04:09:12
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opened the car  son 20 years this rise in C B did not pass this exam. Leaving she did not expect that, never had an accident of his son, yet 39-year-old confessed in his own life coach car.At 8:32 on July 2, Zhou Junhua to the family hit a last call, casually said "I did not test play", then the phone went dead. STAFF, said his son has been very positive, although the purpose of this examination,woolrich, repeated visits to the examination room, "Capitol", but it did not pass the exam,toms sale, his son did not mind.After 10:12, the family gave  call back several times,toms for kids, has not been manned. Half an hour later,cheap toms outlet, the family received a county hospital phone. Rushed to the hospital, family members know serious things: coach car ride together backhaul four students, the way a car crash. 39-year-old died on the spot to the will of the 29-year-old Li Yongming died on the way to the hospital. Zhou Junhua Liu Zhimin and 28-year-old seriously injured.Reporters at the scene of the photo to see a silver Jetta sedan drove under the embankment and hit a tree 40cm diameter trees, the central body completely compressional deformation.In the hospital six hours later,gioielli tiffany, the hospital announced that Zhou Junhua died. Liu Zhimin the cervical spine injuries, Changsha Affiliated still receiving treatment. The same day, Li was not injured by the police under criminal detention.Yesterday afternoon.
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