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Post time: 2014-11-08 15:35:02
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1998, 36-year-old Xia Rui (formerly Xiabing) from Daqing City, moved to Changchun. In 2003, she became acquainted with the social idlers Zhaojun Hao,http://xdx.us.001web.net/thread-13699-1-1.html, then use Zhaojun Hao and his men, organized criminal activities.
2004, summer Rui Zhao Junhao began operating underground banks. (When Ren Changchun City Public Security Green Park Branch Secretary, handled separately) relatives Fude Wu and other related personnel in protecting and conniving, the social idlers gathered Wang Peng, Liu Zhifeng, even Xi, Wang Lei,http://www.6611145.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=114373, Yue Yao (handled separately), more than 10 members,http://www.paoliu.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=17837, illegal detention, kidnapping, extortion and loan shark personnel, have more than 200 million extortion.
Recently, the Court of Final Appeal ruling, Rui Xia found guilty of organizing and leading the crime syndicate, extortion, illegal detention, kidnapping,https://www.flavortoothpicks.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi, bribery, graft, was executed nineteen years in prison and fined 100,000 yuan. Another five defendants have been duly punished.
The evil one
Lenders: Lee and Wie, Moumou
Crazy Interest: December 2005, principal and interest 700,000 yuan → January 2007 amounted to 6.6 million yuan of principal and interest
Since May 2005, with monthly interest rate of 10% in summer to Rui Lee and Wie,woolrich uomo, Moumou business supplies Trade Co., Ltd. of Jilin new good to lend.
The year in December, the principal and interest amounted to 700,000 yuan. Because Lee did not timely repayment, Rui Xia Lee found three people, gathered by Zhaojun Hao Wang Peng, Liu Zhifeng,chaussures air jordan pas cher, Xi Lian, Wang Lei, et al., For their assault, abusive,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, kneeling, forcing repayment.
Rui Xia also bought a 2002 Passat sedan, forced to 300,000 yuan as the principal form of usury lending to three. Rui Xia said the men dun need to "labor", demanded 200,000 yuan to Lee, so Lee, who owed loan sharks to 120 million.
January 15, 2007, Xia Rui turn up to 3 million yuan usury, interest totaling 6.6 million yuan a year count.
Under the threat of violence, Lee, who has repaid more than $ 1.8 million to the summer Duo, which is  more than 100 million.
The evening of 10 August 2007, the summer Rui, Wang Zhaojun Hao Peng mustered, Wang Lei, Yue Yao et al., To Lee,scarpe hogan outlet, Wie, Moumou called Exquisite Grand Hotel Changchun, illegal detention of more than 40 hours.
They impose three beatings, and tear up Lee's dress. Wie caused by traumatic wet lung, blood or pleural effusion (constitutes a minor); Moumou kidney contusion, haematuria (constitutes a minor); Lee head, multiple facial trauma (Xia Rui Zhao Junhao was arrested after due to interference asylum Ren Changchun City Public Security Bureau Director  three, and failed to make the summer Rui Zhao Junhao gang timely subject to legal action).
Later, Lee Liu fled to relatives at home. The next day, Liu Xia Rui chase home, forcing Lee to kneel on the floor playing their own mouths. Forcing Liu agreed to repay 100,000 yuan for Lee and Rui to the summer hit 130,000 yuan (which contains three-month interest) owed to the data.
Lenders: Liu XX, Zhao and Liu
Terrible threat: Zhao unbearable suicide, escape is still missing after rescue
Evil 2
June 2005 - July, by Wang Rui Xia guarantee, has lending to Wanquan Biochemical Co., Ltd. Shenyang Branch nine partner Liu XX, Zhao and Liu 200,requin tn pas cher,000 yuan.
September 27, 2005, Liu XX, et al retroactive loan agreement with Rui Xia, postponed to October 31, a one-time payment 300,000 yuan.
In order to force repayment Liu XX, et al., Rui Xia, Wang Zhaojun Hao Peng, who organized beatings Wang, Zhao, forcing the duo wrote owe each summer, according to Rui owed 360,000 yuan.
November 1, 2005, Zhao unbearable suicide (after the rescue is still missing after the escape). Xia Rui Zhao Junhao heard the news, with the instigation of Wang Peng Liu XX beaten son. Zhao sent to the hospital after the stopped ambulance, let's look at the situation after the suicide Zhao, forcing his family to call his father and take the money. Liu XX family agreed to give money because of the location near the Changchun City Public Security Rush Hall, the son of Liu XX timely report, the party was able to escape.
February 2006, Rui Xia, Zhaojun Hao and Zhao use of kinship three uncle  to suspicion of fraud will be Liu XX criminal detention. Song Liu XX lover forcing the value of 159,600 yuan by the excess portion of the housing loan sharks. Song also pay 10,000 yuan, "release fee", Liu XX released. After the investigation, the summer Rui Zhao Junhao this end bribery 10,000 yuan to .
Evil 3
Borrowers: Kwak
Crazy Interest: 1994 lending 500,000 yuan → October 2007, more than 160 million in principal and interest
1994, monthly interest rate of 3% in the summer of Core lending to Kwak 500,000 yuan.
After to August 2004, Mr. Kwak have returned more than 100 million of principal and interest Rui Xia, owed 280,000 yuan. Monthly interest rate increased to 10% due to July 2007, Mr. Kwak reached 850,000 yuan owed to loan sharks.
Instigation Zhaojun Hao Rui Xia Wang Peng mustered, Liu Zhifeng, Xi Lian et al., Repeatedly holding the weapon threat Kwak. And let men posing as debtors, was "violence", intimidation Kwak.
Until October 2007, Mr. Kwak total Xia Xiang Rui repay principal and interest loan sharks more than 160 million.
Crime: organization,hogan italia, leadership Mafia,http://www.postyourasian.com, extortion,spaccio peuterey, illegal detention, kidnapping,scarpe uomo hogan, bribery
Verdict: Nineteen years to four years and six months, ranging
By the end of 2008, the summer Rui gangs case verdicts.
The court held that the defendant Xia Rui Zhao Junhao organizing, leading to violence,jordan femme pas cher, threats, organized criminal activities, dominate the party, non-evil, bullying and harming the masses, serious damage to the economy, social life order Mafia. His behavior constituted organization,moncler outlet ufficiale, leading the crime syndicate, extortion, illegal detention, kidnapping and bribery.
Xia Rui:
The first instance, the summer was sentenced to nineteen years Rui and fined 100,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1,000 yuan. 738535.12 yuan of illegal income shall be recovered and turned over to the state treasury.
Zhao Junhao:
Zhao Junhao guilty of organizing and leading the crime syndicate,air max pas cher, sentenced to eight years; guilty of extortion and sentenced to five years; guilty of illegal detention, sentenced to three years; guilty of kidnapping and sentenced to twelve years, and fined 100,000 yuan; guilty of bribery and sentenced to six months. Graft, decided to implement eighteen years in prison and fined 100,000 yuan.
Wang Peng:
Wang Peng guilty of participating in the crime syndicate,http://422.gsd.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k96372&panel=icb.pagecontent1334583:risitestool.cgi, extortion, illegal detention, kidnapping. Graft performed seventeen years in prison and fined 100,000 yuan.
Wang Lei,hogan outlet milano, Liu Zhifeng, Xi Lian:
Wang Lei, Liu Zhifeng, Xi Lian was sentenced to five years and six months, four years and six months.
After the first trial,chaussures tn requin, Xia Rui, Zhaojun Hao, Wang Peng, Wang Lei refused to accept the verdict. Second instance court dismissed four of the appeal and upheld the original verdict.
Newspaper reporters Sim words
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