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basket nike I can use the briefcase to resist

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Post time: 2014-09-13 16:37:12
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they punched me, but also to bite my hand,basket nike, my fingers were bitten bleeding. But I did not fight back, they thought he must be brought under control.Net Changsha July 24 hearing (intern reporter Liu Can Shaw ) July 24,white toms, Taoyuan County Commission for Discipline Inspection in Red Net "voice of the people" exclusive response "Deputy Secretary of Commerce Bureau of Taoyuan County,air jordan femme, Taoyuan police because of drunken driving and honor the heroic struggle wounded,giuseppe zanotti sneakers men, "the posts and suspected of drunk driving in the county deputy director of China Merchants Ryu has been a criminal investigation.July 11, there are users post, said the Taoyuan County Business Council member,toms outlet, deputy director Liu participated in the bureau's welcome ceremony, the traffic police for drunk driving and fighting erupted.Taoyuan County Commission for Discipline Inspection was informed after the report content, immediately set up an investigation group to conduct a careful investigation.
research and Discipline Standing Committee meeting held on July 22,toms outlet store online, decided to suspected drunk driving Liu,air jordan pas cher, deputy director of the county Merchants investigation and suggested the county government Free deputy director of China Merchants to their duties; County Business Council on the issue of illegal conduct county dinner organized criticism of the leadership responsibility of the party secretary of the county Bureau of Commerce, Merchants Secretary to be alert conversation.Taoyuan County Commission for Discipline Inspection, said thanks and continue to welcome the community to supervise Taoyuan cadre style and criticism.(Original title: net posts exposed Merchants Taoyuan County Commission for Discipline Inspection deputy director of criminal investigation on suspicion of drunkSuspects confessed: Song of the deceased to their city escort female, because the interests of the dispute to be killed in the Meishan postmortem Jing Wu@ WCC: from alarm to arrested suspects, shocking,giuseppe zanotti shoes, it only took 17 hours will be solved. According to the suspect Yang confessed his long-term business in Meishan entertainment, because with the victim,nike factory, 19-year-old female escort Ryu conflict of interests occurs,toms desert wedge, then on August 10 which killed about to Meishan home, night after driving from Meishan arrived in Deyang, postmortem at Jing lake. WCC reporter Tang Jinlong Photo by Deyang police"This morning witnessed a crime scene, the bridge between the East and the Rainbow Bridge, salvaged from the river black box,toms mens shoes, is said to be the body of a child." August 11 morning, a postmortem microblogging network transmission open, someone is in the forwarding time that saw the box to reveal the child's feet.In the afternoon, Deyang City Public Security Bureau released information Zone said: It is a black canvas case, which is equipped with a complete adult female corpse.
cattle t regardless of physical pain, his hand firmly holding down the old man.As a retired judge, "bull-t" is to persuade the old man, trying to let the moment to understand the adverse effects caused by the behavior, persuade its calm down. But the old man was unmoved, the hands were made, was actually even mouth also spend,nike pas cher, on cow t-arm bite out of a few teeth marks."The most important thing is to put him under control." Yesterday, cattle tert an interview with reporters, said, "knife in his hand,giuseppe shoes, so many people on board,toms for men, in any case should be sent to the hands of the police."Knife-wielding 79-year-old long-term solitary ArborYesterday, police instructor Li Naihan Chancheng Shiwan told reporters, passengers inside the bus after the incident to the police the police. The police immediately organized police intercepted the bus. When the bus traveling to the Peace Road and Yuejin Road junction, cow t see the road traffic police on duty, they asked the bus driver to stop. After parking, traffic police force came up with the cow t control the Arbor.Arbor police will be armed with a knife back to the police station investigation. In addition to routine inquiry, the police also to the neighborhood inhabited by a knife Arbor Xu learned that the 79-year-old this year, is a long-term solitary living alone,nike outlet, thinking the more extreme,mens toms, and easy to get angry. Old man explained that the reason his sword just to scare each other. He also believed himself alone, and only carry knives to protect their own safety."Integrated case and Hsu says physical condition, police lawfully seized their tools and their educational process as a warning." Linai Han said. It is reported that, according to the law Hsu says the behavior qualify as security detention.
but the years have been more than 70 years old, even at security detention, nor perform administrative detention punishment.[Dialogue] "He stabbed me, I have a newspaper blocked off, so afraid."Uncle cattle due to the bravery, the police station was held yesterday morning in recognition of Shiwan he would be commended. 64-year-old won the knife courage,hogan scarpe uomo, facing an emergency situation, how he think? � Reporter: Can you recall the time of the situation? Cattle t: At that time I was to take a bus to go to work, the driver drove really "Ma Ma Tei," always slam the brakes. Finally after a brakes did not stand a woman stepped on a Arbor. Woman then kept admit, Arbor has been the curse. Several woman could not stand next to it and whispered a few words, which know that Arbour would pull out a knife.  � Reporter: Quduo knife when scared? Cattle t: not afraid ah,toms shoes on sale, because I have a perennial habit of reading the newspaper, so often installed within several different newspapers carry a briefcase, a thick stack. If he wants to stab me with a knife, I can use the briefcase to resist, is estimated to block Shanghao several times (laughs).  � Reporter: Then you fight happened? Cattle t: he saw the knife was taken away.

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