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Post time: 2014-09-10 22:39:29
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When party officials said the renovation has been approved
Recently, Mr. Leung Guangzhou residents to the newspaper reflected Haizhu District of Guangzhou Urban Management Bureau houses exist without an official opening multiple exterior doors and windows locked,karen millen soldes, enclosed balcony, as well as on the roof erected metal, metal frame and so on, belong to illegal construction. Yesterday, the official responded that the building permit the Planning Board have been made, and that it has not in the living room.
Public: an offense of unauthorized building enclosed balcony
According to Mr. Leung reflect suspected of illegally built houses located in Haizhu District Dragon Street,http://www.morigele.com/bbs/read.php?tid=11143008,lancel pas cher, the house property artificially six siblings, including a property owner is chased Haizhu District of Guangzhou Branch of investigator.
Suspected of illegally built houses for the problem, Mr. Leung has repeatedly reflected to the authorities. January and July this year, he also a complaint to the Municipal Planning Bureau Haizhu Branch and Urban Management Bureau of the situation, has not yet been resolved.
Yesterday, the reporter visits to see Mr. Liang complained of housing is a single old building, facing south,herve leger sale, there are two layers. Mr Leung said the house property in the northern end of the first floor west facades, the unauthorized creation of three windows and a door blocking the northern end of the ground floor, these are not planning permit.
Reporters on the scene saw the rooftops of the houses to the west does have erected metal. Iron upright wall erected in the west,hogan outlet, an area of ​​10 square meters or more, and there have been a large area of ​​rust damage. In response, Mr Leung said this on the surrounding environment and security has become a threat, there is a risk that the erection of the roof also has metal frame and hanging bamboo.
In addition, Mr. Leung is also reflected, homeowners without floor with aluminum windows closed and the eastern end of the north western end of the two balconies and two-story building north of the main entrance on the left part of the house used as a simple kitchen with iron and aluminum Piva,polo ralph lauren pas cher, toilet purposes; set up security network in the eastern end of the windows on the first floor of the south facades, outside the security net floating occupation of public channels, blocking public access.
And "Guangzhou Urban Planning Ordinance" provides the building completed and put into use, without the approval of the city planning department, will be allowed to open locked exterior doors and windows, enclosed balcony,abercrombie pas cher, build shed cover or on the rooftop building building (structure),louboutin pas cher, If these circumstances was illegal construction. Accordingly, Mr. Leung believes that its complaint house is not permitted,http://bbs.gemcaa.com/showtopic-921969.aspx, the unauthorized enclosed balcony and erection of metal formwork in the roof, the building is illegal.
Party officials: If it is demolished illegally built early
Yesterday,http://www.hyzaarhjisa.fora.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1, party officials confirmed to reporters that it is one of the housing property of someone who inherited the house is now a total of their brothers and sisters. Faced with the question of illegally built housing problem exists,http://94i3.tw/gtest31/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=57454, the official said,http://www.haojiyou1069.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2395564, "When this house alterations have been approved, if it is illegally built,http://heiandou-fussa.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=15253&extra=, then chased long been demolished."
But when asked about the balcony closed, metal formwork erection if approved, the official said,hollister, he has not in the living room now ignore this thing. And when the reporter asked the matter further, he expressed the hope that reporters do not listen to one side of the story, as contrary to the building inspectors can go,hollister outlet, then hung up the phone.
The officer's sister, someone's house,karen millen, another property owner also said his house is not the problem. When a reporter asked her to provide housing reconstruction approval documents,louboutin, she said,http://www.somd-discgolf.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=1603044#p1603044, and let the reporters on hand did not go to the Planning Board to look.
Staff Management Bureau: No investigation can not conclude temporarily
Subsequently, the reporter called the Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau. The person in charge of City Planning Bureau,abercrombie soldes,http://www.jjfhc.cn/news/html/?88298.html, said that since September 1 this year, investigate illegal construction has been placed under city management functions.
Reporters then call the Guangzhou Municipal Urban Management Bureau. Municipal Urban Management Bureau staff said, enclosed balcony are illegally built, but Mr Leung complained of houses because no investigation, no conclusions can.
Trainee reporter Huang Shaohong
Nanfang Daily reporter Chen Bangming
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