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Post time: 2014-10-05 13:14:34
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Wang Zongnan over 30 years old is the deputy mayor, at the time of the Shanghai, belonged career promising cadres. From the government to state-owned enterprises, is the result of Wang Zongnan volunteered. He offered to go to a loss of state-owned enterprises work superiors quickly approved.However,moncler bambina, for the outside world, "the official position from the business" or "sea" saying, these people did not agree. This person said that Wang Zongnan not resign to go private, but to state-owned enterprises work. Because in business as general manager,louboutin chaussures, Wang Zongnan level but also from the hall into the main hall deputy. Rather, it should be "no official position from the business."In the local officialdom also spread a statement, Wang Zongnan left the government to state-owned enterprises, are subject to the old leader Chen Liangyu's "coaching." Before Chen Liangyu as Shanghai Municipal Committee, has served five years in the Huangpu District mayor,woolrich outlet, Wang Zongnan ability for men, quite appreciated. Chen Liangyu Wang Zongnan to encourage enterprises of exercise.
absolute and unconditional obedience jinzhengen ideas and routes.Korea worriesSouth Korean President Park Geun-hye published on the 10th at a cabinet meeting on Jang sacked views,piumini moncler outlet, criticizing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un sacked "number two man" Jang may further destabilize inter-Korean relations. Han Guozheng interface on the critical situation should remain united, not infighting.US-Japan sidelinesJang sacked on, the U.S. government remain silent. U.S. State Department official told Yonhap on the 9th reporters that the U.S. government not to change the DPRK leadership personnel stated publicly, the United States is unclear whether Jang events will affect North Korea's nuclear policy and the DPRK-US relations.Japan's chief cabinet secretary, said Kan Yi Wei on the 10th, the Japanese side "are gathering information,abercrombie france, observing the situation calmly," judged the event normalization talks with Japan-DPRK relations and impede negotiations "abduction issue" will have what effect.According to Xinhua News Agency(Original title: Korea "number two" Jang whereabouts aCurator: Liu LanChengdu Industry Investment Group, former chairman of Dai Xiaoming sacked, pull former deputy secretary Li City, Sichuan Province, after more than Zhou Yongkang old unit checked; former Northern International Trust chairman Huojin Yi after the accident, the former Tianjin Municipal Committee PiQianSheng original Tianjin Attorney Li Po Kim, former City Committee Chairman Song Pingshun full sacked ...Some head mandarin, and later fought in the state-owned enterprises Hongdingshangren, once caught up in corruption big net,louboutin paris, often become major cases of breakthrough. Politicians of both wrists, another businessman's "gilded" special status allowed cruising in political and business circles.
" Jang in Korea, "how high",giubbotti peuterey, especially the control of the intelligence system, known as North Korea's "number two",moncler 2014, is also surrounded by a considerable number of supporters. So, in order to avoid giving his followers to leave expectations may take "decisive measures."Although Jang's ultimate fate remains a mystery, but it seems Zhang Liangui, this mystery is unveiled, "not too slow."Text / reporter Yue FeifeiAttitudeDPRK media supportWPK Central organ "Labor News" published an editorial on the 10th on the front page, urged all party members, the People's Army soldiers and all the people to remain united.
like a duck,spaccio woolrich, accusing him of corruption of sensationalism. They also like a tightrope walker, the slightest mistake, it will fall into the abyss.Some say they have isolated the official's role also,christian louboutin soldes, to some extent, will be able to curb such corruption. In fact, the only way to go to the administration of state-owned enterprises, the establishment of modern enterprise system is to seize the "seven inches."Once gone official position,peuterey sito ufficiale, went to the unreasonable salaries, "officials and businessmen" will become the dust of history.Wang Zongnan during corporate work, never to return to the government had broken the idea. All because of a subsequent change in the political arena of Shanghai,moncler outlet, Wang Zongnan return officialdom road becomes very difficult.Wang Zongnan of ups and downs in ShanghaiWen _ the correspondents Dragon Yu from ShanghaiJuly 28, Shanghai Attorney net announcement,moncler milano, Shanghai Bright Food Group Co., the former chairman of the Shanghai Municipal People's Procuratorate Wang Zongnan is the second branch of the investigation.Whether it is moved from the deputy head of Huangpu District, business, or enterprise has two aircraft carrier commander of Shanghai,giubbotti moncler, Wang Zongnan always been in the past ten years or so the man on the beach. From the "red top entrepreneurs",peuterey uomo, "commercial Godfather" and other titles, will be able to glimpse Wang Zongnan in political and business circles of great influence.58-year-old "resigned due to illness,moncler prezzi," the Wang Zongnan,abercrombie and fitch pas cher, ultimately failed to land safely at the age of 59 has been on file for investigation. At this point.
it is the second round of inspection teams patrol stationed in central Shanghai on the eve of a new round of SOE reform is also gaining momentum. SOE reform was the man of Shanghai, but it is destined to become spectators.Pick and chooseWang Zongnan is Shanghai, his resume before the age of 40, has been the official human, and shopping malls do not have much common ground. Wang Zongnan group cadres origin, served as deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Huangpu District, Huangpu Qushang Wei served as director after, assistant warden, deputy warden.1995, 40-year-old Wang Zongnan leave to go to state-owned enterprises serving government agencies, as Friendship (Group) Co., Ltd., general manager of Shanghai,giubbotto moncler, also serves as chairman of Lianhua Supermarket Co., Ltd. That time of Lianhua, an annual turnover of less than two million, has five consecutive years of losses.One has been working with Wang Zongnan intersection of Huangpu District, retired cadres told the Independent? Wang reporter.
not only to solve the level of the main hall, but also to accumulate achievements.

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