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toms outlet but also talk about what guidance

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Post time: 2014-10-02 08:20:04
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Faced with increasingly complex international and domestic environment, can maintain the party's ideological propaganda advantage, can not hold positions in the field of ideology,toms outlet, can grow to consolidate the ideological mainstream public opinion related to the party's future and destiny, a matter of national long-term stability,woolrich outlet online, a matter of national cohesion and centripetal force, is indeed a major issue urgent need for a high degree of concern.Comrade Mao Zedong say: "Mastering thought leadership rests first of all leaders." History and reality tell us that for a country to continue the development of a political party to govern the country prosperous.
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we must firmly grasp the ideological field positions, consolidate the common struggle of the spirit of the foundation. The hostile forces to subvert a regime confuse a society, often starting with the ideological field to open the gap, once thought the defense was broken, the other line of defense is difficult to hold. Whether to any time, no matter how the situation changes,cheap christian louboutin shoes, leadership, management rights, the right to speak in ideological work are never changed hands, the guide will never be changed, positions are never lost. In this regard,outlet hogan, we must always be awake the whole party.Ideological work is fundamental, strategic significance, this area there is a long struggle and struggle. We do not occupy this position, they will occupy. True and something less rational, lies and falsehood would have arisen. Today's China, opening depth transition accelerated transition, old and new conflicts overlay highlights.
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