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Kay International City District 4 front floor

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Post time: 2014-10-21 21:57:06
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Net Changsha July 14 hearing (rolling news intern reporter Zhang Shubo spend Shi Yu) summer season, some parents are busy working, choose the child in the house; Some parents will go out to play with children,hogan outlet milano, such as swim. 10, 2009, Kay International City district occurred in three-year-old boy, 8th floor balcony fall death an accident, give us a wake-up summer child safety alarm. The Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, the survey showed that many children in first aid knowledge, there is a lot of misunderstanding.
So, during the summer,http://tbcc.todo.ne.jp/petit/petit.cgi, parents should be how to ensure the child's safety? What misunderstanding exists for child first aid knowledge? Go to public swimming pool should pay attention to what matters?
July 10 afternoon, Kay International City district, a 3-year-old boy was killed accidentally falling from the 8th floor. After the tragedy, residential balcony guardrail safety problems are of concern to the majority of households. Owners said the district submitted four years problems continue, balcony railing is one of their big heart, most households in the presence of damaged guardrail situation,hogan rebel uomo outlet, to reflect the community did not get resolved.
July 13,http://tukipie.net/audiobook/index.cgi, reporters in the district survey found that many of the balcony guardrail on hand a breaking off. Local community leaders said the fence warranty period has expired, first property simple repairs,hogan italia, the latter will apply for the use of maintenance funds.
Owners of 80% of households have problems guardrail
13 am,hogan outlet, Kay International City District 4 front floor, many owners together, put aside their rusty fence removed.
Owners Shaw dad said the district is resettlement housing,hogan online, 2010 post room, he found the following year after a balcony railing decoration stay there is a problem, "the outside is plastic, which are rusty pole." Last year they had the community reflect,outlet ufficiale moncler, but has not been resolved, the results were unexpected.
Liu home owners in trouble in the bottom of the balcony railing serious rust damage, in order to prevent the fall, he also used a rope fixed. Reporters noted that the outer fence with a layer of plastic,hogan online outlet, but the interior has been rusty, a little harder to be able to snapping.
"Renovation of the time, the property can not say demolition." Liu said, the property was known as the fence can not move, otherwise they are not responsible for the accident, said the fence is steel,http://www.muzykadawna.com/forum/profile.php?id=214697, more solid, "in addition to the existing fence, the remaining parts of me have their own equipment on the fence. "But that did not stop the tragedy.
"80% of home owners have problems fence." Shi aunt owners say they are afraid to let children play on the balcony to dry clothes for fear of falling off.
Property is not clear whether the house passed inspection record
There are also questions about whether the house passed inspection. Shi aunt out to prove a Changsha City Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Station issued, shows "3-6, because they do not have the final acceptance requirements,outlet milano hogan, yet handle the final acceptance of work," is inscribed in November last year.
"The house is no acceptance by." Shi aunt said, obviously not up to the fence acceptance criteria, the owners and developers to court because of this thing.
In this regard,offerte hogan, the district-owned property, surnamed Wang Feng Shang official said,scarpe hogan uomo outlet, they are not pre-property,hogan interactive saldi,http://www.15789.com/zhidao/question.php?qid=1324224, settled district just over a year, for a fence for owners to reflect, he said do exist, they also had to reflect the neighborhoods and communities. He suggested that the owners themselves repair, retain good evidence, they then negotiate with the relevant departments. As to whether the house through the acceptance of the record, he said he did not know.
The responsible person surnamed Tu Chaoyang district community where indicated balcony rails problem residents that they had higher authorities. Today, the property is also a circular calling for better child care, where there is damage to the fence, first property simple repair.
"We will also apply for the use of maintenance funds by functional departments." Tu surname official said, now residential fence warranty period has expired, they will apply for a trial of maintenance funds to repair. As the aftermath of the incident, family problems, she suggested that the family through legal means to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.
Try to avoid leaving their children alone at home
March 2013, a district labor East, 14th Floor,saldi moncler online, a 6-year-old boy playing Shi Zuzhui under death.
March 2012,hogan autlet, Maple Park District, two six-year-old and 4-year-old child accidentally falling from the 6th floor rooftop death.
April 2011,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=166365/, Zhanggongling Jinlin district, a 4-year-old child to open balcony windows,http://iidpq.oneuno.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=42351,hogan scontate, from the 5th floor falls dead.
This series of tragedies behind, there is a very important reason is that the room is not installed anti-theft window or balcony fence problem. Most people think that only high-rise residential burglar downstairs window layers can be installed, the higher floors do not need to be installed. In fact,scarpe uomo hogan, many tragedies because kids climb windows stumble. Balcony fence is a big risk,scarpe hogan outlet shop, the gap between the fence is too large, or too short,scarpe hogan online, children are likely to lead to high-altitude falls. So families with children at home,moncler torino outlet, be sure to check the windows and fence,moncler spaccio online, to avoid the tragedy.
Many high-altitude falls tragedy,hogan 2013,http://kilosails.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=294782, have occurred in the "parents are not around the child" or "sometimes did not pay attention." Therefore, in addition to the "hardware" facilities,http://www.icewen.net/zhidao/question.php?qid=1064625, the more important is the parents or caregivers to raise safety awareness, try to avoid the child alone at home.
(Original title: Changsha District 3-year-old boy, 8th floor balcony fall death that fence a breaking off)
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