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Post time: 2014-10-06 21:39:15
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the staff that will be installed anti-ghost to stunned.SM said the visit "haunted house" special stimulus, fun, feels like a roller coaster. However,cheap giuseppe zanotti, when it comes to the fear index, she gives is: 0 points.However, the researchers say, other emotions SM happiness, sadness, etc., or normal.Feel fearIt is very dangerousSM trying to unravel the reasons I do not know fear, the researchers studied more than her 20 years. They say, SM feel fear, it is actually very dangerous.SM living in a poor, poor law and order in the community, has repeatedly been criminal abuse, including beatings, being threatened with a knife and a pistol to death onslaught, once because of domestic violence, SM also almost lost their lives.Day 15 years ago, SM is the park listening to the distant church choir rehearsal, then, a man suddenly jumped up from his chair, a knife against SM throat, threatening, said: "! I want to kill you."SM actually calmly looked at each other and said: "! If you kill me,cheap jordans online, you have to seek the consent of my angel of God"Criminals stunned at her, then let her escape. Surviving SM,woolrich sito ufficiale, did not panic and ran home, but like nothing had happened,giuseppe zanotti paris, and slowly walk back home.USA Iowa State University neuropsychologist Justin? Feinstein said, "hijacked her own, did not feel the slightest fear that the robbers to scare."Not because of cold-bloodedBut rare encephalopathyResearch Report on SM's, the 16th published by "Current Biology" magazine.Ms. SM looks like what is not afraid, not because she was a cold-blooded or emotional control is particularly strong, but she suffered from a rare genetic disease that causes the amygdala damage to the brain that controls emotions.Feinstein said: "The real reason for fear.
survival needs, can help us avoid the amygdala may endanger the lives of our people, objects and events, which survived .SM lady is still alive, is in itself unusual thing. "The researchers believe that research SM, may help treat traumatic stress disorder after (PTSD) and other anxiety disorders."Last year, I have been in therapy from Iraq and Afghanistan returning soldiers suffering from PTSD," Feinstein said.
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