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Post time: 2014-09-19 05:33:31
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Metropolis Daily News
Our reporter Xu Cambridge Lin Yongjun Liu Junhua
6 days time, struggled to live. However, after a dream scared, owner Tsang was finally able to return to a calm.
After losing than 400,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan reward Tsang on the spot cash move more strongly impact tens of thousands of readers and friends of the soul.
Behind such a big reward, what kind of story?
Yesterday morning, after reclaim Shikuan, Tsang homemade pull a family of three, told reporters dig open the "heart son."
100,000 reward for probationers who picked up
October 7, in issuing leaflets site to find things, this reporter first met Dan Tsang's daughter had her statement to reporters: "If the motorbike taxi driver capable of conscience, active return the money, the maximum grant of $ 100,000 cash award. "
This bounty, really a lot, a lot of people curious, this figure is how baked?
Had  bearing on flyers can actually write "reward heavily," do not write specific figures, she also was felt almost 50,000 yuan reward, because the family is not rich, their concern is the home where they come from so much money. However, Ms Wu mother finally took board. "I think the next, or think we should reward a specific number, we set the 100,000 yuan Only this figure was tempting to probation finder, add a little back hope." Ms Wu said.
Can understand the drivers inner torment
Dan has been introduced, lost 400,000 yuan, the mother did not eat that night was sad,f50 foot chaussure de foot stabilise, no sleep. After the incident of a few days, the family lost many of them complain, but also played a dispute. Motorbike taxi driver informed the parties after the Wenchuan accent, she was devoted to her sister's friend diffusion of some Hanchuan messages on the network.
Dan had said, in part because of the missing money is a friend of the family has to borrow money from relatives and friends to lay hello, my father went to Hankou debt, anxious people waited at the door the night, is to quickly raise money to fill this "big hole."
1 o'clock yesterday morning, just pay back the money to the house when the king master, Mr Tsang also run around outside looking for clues. "He used to pay back the money, I am very surprised, but also very happy. Things have been out at least restore the 300,000 yuan, the loss has been reduced to a minimum." Tsang said, put yourself to think about it, they are in urgent need of money case Under the lost money, but also in the case of Master Wang picked up this huge sum of money, he could understand the king master inner torment.
Let Tsang surprise, two a chat, he discovered that the king is not only a master and his fellow Hanchuan and home very close. Upon completion of the repayment process, they leave each phone number, repeatedly said that often have the opportunity to walk around.
I hope to make people believe what goes around
"When he went to pay back the money at home, I could see his face anxiety and tension, which shows that he still an honest man." Tsang said that in any case the king master still do a good deed, do a good deed should be a certain degree of good newspaper.
All of a sudden come up with 100,000 yuan, really do not feel bad right? "100,000 yuan is not small, even ten thousand money together is not easy, but I believe there are only homes." Tsang said thoughtfully.
Finally, he firmly said, since they promised reward of 100,000 yuan a person, we must abide by its commitments to the community through the media, "I hope that through this thing, let people know that good intentions will be rewarded, so that people believe that the world is still more than good . "
Police say
Inquiries through the night, said the matter satisfactorily resolved
2 o'clock yesterday morning, after the return of the sum owed, reporters and Wang, Tsang a go Liujiaoting police station.
Police were told reporters, Wang, Tsang made a detailed inquiry, hoping to figure out the whole thing through. At 4 pm, the body hides large sums of money due to the king master, the police drove it back home.
Yesterday,? Port police official said, after the incident, the owner alarm is stolen. Police handling the case along the monitoring data by adjusting the look and found that actually lost. Taking into account the large amount of cash the owner lost, so the police very seriously, immediately deployed police formed a Gongzuozhuanban help to find the owner of lost property. Today, the cash has been found, the matter declared satisfactorily resolved.
(Original title: Photo: promises to make people believe what goes around)
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