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brick and wood

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Post time: 2014-11-08 11:17:37
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Chengdu, Sichuan News Network December 23 (Reporter Wu Liufeng) "as dangerous" after Ben exposure, causing concern for the village children the majority of users security issues. Recently, some friends broke the news in the Mala community,louboutin, said Pingchang a primary school teacher and student in the 1980s, dozens of dilapidated houses in the school, near the abandoned classroom actually against the wall with a wooden support collapsed, posted a few photos and more is to make friends marvel. As of the 22nd, the reporter learned that there are 51 students in the dilapidated school,http://www.ermao.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=88596, but has received notice to evacuate, redevelopment has also been put on the agenda.
On the 17th, "I just saw a village school in Pyeongchang, some incredibly!" A quote appeared in Mala community, it attracted attention of many users, over a million views soon. Posts and said Buddha Louzhen large pine elementary school kids in classroom lessons leaking every day, some of which have been at any time in the classroom can be drained of dilapidated buildings, now used wood as a support so that the house did not collapse before. Wall collapsed, falling bricks, a picture is so many friends address him miserable.
Dilapidated wooden support anti-collapse EDB deputy director,http://hgryppf.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=26569&fromuid=12358, said the student is no longer
Reporters multi understand that,abercrombie france,http://www.elmorron.com/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, large pine elementary school was SanGeYuan style, brick and wood, covers an area of ​​hundreds of square meters,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, was built in the 1980s, because of the age, from 2008 began to collapse the wall, bricks falling phenomenon seriously damaged classrooms and even the wall with a wooden support to prevent collapse. 2008, two classrooms had to stop using it. However, more than 50 teachers and students have classes in other classrooms of the school. In addition to school four teachers and kindergarten, one,abercrombie france, three, more than 50 students in the fourth grade this on extracurricular large pine village health stations, large Matsumura also in this village office.
On the 20th,abercrombie pas cher, the 21st, reporters contacted the Buddha Louzhen Hao Mou primary school principals and deputy director of the Department of Education Pingchang von Thai bands. Muxiao Zhang said that only a small number of students in a large pine elementary school,hogan outlet, but has not abandoned those two classrooms.
And Feng, deputy director is on the phone said there was no student in the school, has been moved into rented houses temporary school. Feng, deputy director stressed that the primary school has begun to consider demolition, redevelopment, estimated at the end of the project funds will be in place.
51 students are still attending school full withdrawal before next Wednesday
Dr. Zhang Shuangquan high Ishimura clinic where primary school two kilometers away from the big pine around,louboutin pas cher, he told reporters that there are still four, fifty students in a large pine elementary school. "How not dangerous? There are two classrooms have collapsed, there is no collapse of support from the local with sticks." In addition to the wall collapsed due to retire the classroom,http://lt.ftltz.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=42693, Dr. Zhang said, in addition to several classrooms because of old age sake,doudoune moncler pas cher, adobe has been very good, and with bamboo and fine mud hanging roof is also off. "There are still security risks."
Have difficulty when referring to redevelopment, Dr. Zhang said that the recent rainy, plus the road is not good,hollister, this is the main difficulty,louboutin, the current labor Murakami also every few days busy roads, the roads hardened much better.
Subsequently, the reporter contacted a large pine elementary school language teachers Yourong, he has taught at the school for 16 years. According to Li statistics, there are still 51 students in the school to school, but has been rented for three months in the local houses for transition, received a higher notice, no later than next Wednesday before the complete withdrawal of the school.
Parents worry about their children safe constantly remind doll not run
Big Pine Elementary School a teacher,http://www.jc8881890.com/bbs/read.php?tid=287854&ds=1, in the classroom will not timed with the repair, abandoned classrooms around the pile with bamboo sticks playing a lot, and surrounded them with a rope, set up warning signs to prevent student to play inside. "Doll so small,hollister pas cher,http://www.ynbenge.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=52717, security awareness is not strong, a little naughty naughty maybe will go to deactivate the classroom." A parent says with concern.
Villagers Bilan Chen has two sons in the big pine elementary school, a small nursery class at large in the third grade. Bilan Chen told reporters on the roof and some classrooms there are some big holes, but because it is the bamboo strips and lime, as long as the load-bearing walls do not collapse, roofs off some security threat is not great.
"Or worry dolls safe, but no way near only to the school, but the school pulled cordon, we remind students and teachers almost every day, do not run around, lest an accident." Bilan Chen expressed.
All demolition and reconstruction of existing homes will finish the work of "everything"
22 evening, the reporter again contacted the Buddha Louzhen Hao Mou elementary school principal,hollister outlet, said before the student is no longer a security risk in a large pine primary schools. After the reporter has learned that the case showed the villagers and teachers, school teachers and students has been notified Moujiao Zhang renamed evacuate before next Wednesday.
According to him, today just Frederick County Board of Education, accompanied by Thai Deputy Secretary-order, the town party secretary and other leaders to large pine elementary school field trips. "After studying the decision to demolish all the old classroom, the site of four new classrooms."  also introduced, in order to finish the work, may not adopt tender,http://www.ccradio.cn:81/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3310480, "were demolished after the calculation, and then reported to the county, special things special to do. "
As of press time ago, Deputy Secretary for Education, Feng Tai told reporters in a telephone order, Pyeongchang is no longer dangerous like a small village.
"School safety readily take" activity
Starting today, the Sichuan News Network current affairs News, spicy and Tencent community will Dacheng, Tencent Weibo, launched the "school safety readily take" activities. River users solicitation for the whole school safety hazard clues, we will verify and coverage, exposure unsafe school buildings.
Year is approaching, if users when visiting friends and relatives in the home, school safety issues found, please pick up their phones,air jordan homme, adding to the "safety of the premises readily shoot" activities. Let us focus on the small village of security, along with attention to children left behind.
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