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Several witnesses

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Post time: 2014-10-27 22:07:16
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Southern News reporter Zhu Yong took a Shazhu Dao arrived with a woman selling pork throat, mouth but requires the woman to save him, said, "I want to be taken lethal kidney, help me." 70 minutes time,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, he has not been away from the tip of the woman's throat. Huidong County Public Security Bureau informed that the case of the incident the day before yesterday 10:50 Xu, after persuasion failed,abercrombie france,http://portal.dl.saga-u.ac.jp, the police at 12 o'clock in the decisive attack brought the 20-year-old man was subdued. Southern reporter later learned that the man in the hands of the blade to scratch the women's cheeks, woman face was sewn eight stitches.
The woman was robbed Shazhu Dao against throat
Daling market is one of the largest markets Huidong County Zhen. South of Market Lane, both sides seventy-eight pork stalls arranged in turn. 35-year-old woman Huidong Lee stalls in most western end.
"This young man came from an alley west, he caught a man, but the man escaped. This young man and later caught a woman.", A relative of Ms. Lee's presentation, Ms. Lee was seen next door pork stall and young men fight, she thought it was a fight,nike tn pas cher, did not care, squat down to pick up after chopping board following a money box stood up,moncler sito ufficiale, Lee found his neck was a knife rack.
"He looked pale, mental state is not normal." Yang and several other witnesses said they heard a man mouth mutter prayers, "Help me."
Lee stands about 1.70 meters, while men only about 1.65 meters tall. "Because there is a knife in his hand, woman can only be strapped to go." Several witnesses said, "It was a slaughter pig knife, about 20 centimeters."
The day before yesterday 13:00, Ms. Lee's husband Zhu south are reporters recalled, when his wife was abducted near his anxious. "Not close,hogan, that knife away from my wife and throat too close."
Witnesses said police deployed snipers
Several witnesses, the man the woman abducted from South of Market Lane to more than 20 meters outside the South of Market Lane.
Huidong County Public Security Bureau introduced, they received at 11 am "hijacking case" alarm. More than 20 patrol rushed to the lead. To ensure the safety of the hostages, the police man at a distance of five meters outside their propaganda, let him calm.
Stalemate over 20 minutes, the man asked to send a police car to him. Estimated that he was worried about the people shot by the police, so hide in a police vehicle. Police car parked in the middle of South of Market Lane. But man does not always hiding in the police car,louboutin soldes, 11:20 later, the man from the police car out, walking back and forth in the South of Market Lane.
Police gradually reinforcements, witnesses reported seeing more than 20 plainclothes police car came out from behind, "one disappeared. Has a sniper rifle with a long undercover."
11:50 Xu,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, the man retreated before the South of Market Lane a household, the household's gates open, a plainclothes police officers approached the man down from behind. "The police are fully prepared, after the successful rescue, the tenants left two rooms, both out of two plainclothes police." Witnesses Lee recalls.
Several witnesses saw the woman was rescued, her husband came to the hijackers Chu ruthless kick with his foot. Chu south are reporters confirmed the matter, he showed swelling at the back of his right hand to reporters, "is to hit him before this." Chu also said that the kidnapping such a long time, since it has been dispatched police sniper, shot entirely possible hijackers. "Fortunately, the only facial scratches That Shazhu Dao so sharp."
Police: After persuasion failed attack uniforms
Huidong County Public Security Bureau in the south are reporters, when police rescue organizations, on the one hand the man emotional stability, on the one hand and got sent to the man's family,air jordan femme, trying to persuade it to immediately stop the current behavior together, but the man very emotional. In the case of persuasion failed, at 12 am, while the man police eased slightly emotional occasion, decisive attack their uniforms, successfully rescued the hostages.
Huidong County Public Security Bureau said that, after a preliminary investigation, the man Lin, 20 years old,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,air jordan pas cher, the Department of Lingzhen Juwei new group Daling village, while on the same day 10:50 Xu Daling market through a pork stall, suspected mental problems and produce delusions, hijacked the pork stalls for women. Currently,woolrich outlet, the case is under further investigation.
Several witnesses suspected that the man was due to insanity caused by taking drugs. In this regard, Huidong County Public Security Bureau who responded that, after investigation,http://www.hyly98.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=95031, the man left no history of drug abuse in police records. The police inspection found that the man did not have a drug that day.
Was robbed by recall
Half awake half the robbers are not sober
After the incident, the woman was robbed Lee went to the hospital for treatment, the right cheek cheek 8 sewing needle.
The day before yesterday afternoon, Lee south are reporters recalled, when she was abducted,piumini moncler, half awake half the man is not clear. Ms. Lee said that in the first to be hijacked, he is very scared, to the other requirements do not kill her. But the man replied, "I will not harm you, it was my deadly, to take my kidney,hollister outlet,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/videos/search.cgi, I beg you to help me." Hijacked more than one small time, the man said to her thirst water requirement Lee drink. "I said to buy mineral water, he hold me to drink dirty rainwater on the ground and I gave him holding a few bites." And make Lee more surprised that after she was abducted to the police,air max pas cher,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the man reminded her High temperature inside the car,moncler outlet, she should take off the outermost raincoat. "The most important thing, his mother cried and begged him to come, but he did not recognize his mother,http://cutyayu.sakura.ne.jp/cabbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=130&page=who, he said his mother wrong with the phone."
"Man hands Shazhu Dao has not left my Jingbo." Lee opened his sweater with high collar, left side of the neck to expose a few Honghen. "Every time the tip top to the skin, I desperately pulled his hand."
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