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Post time: 2014-10-02 14:58:41
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Reporter correspondent Li Qing Ouyang Qin Qian Shun-ni
Yesterday, the 24-year-old Wang Meng (a pseudonym) diagnosed with cancer, friends do not believe: "? How could we all carry a disease,abercrombie magasin france, only half becomes gastric stomach?"
Reporters interviewed 97 people, 89 have expressed carry over disease, but they are minor ailments, carry carry it over. River City Many experts have said that now people can carry the disease and more, all ages are, the elderly carry the disease are afraid to spend money, young people are afraid to take the time to carry the disease, ailment dragged into a serious illness, the patient also common.
Carry the disease six months stomachache "change" stomach cancer
May this year, Wang Meng began stomachache. But just think of their work year, the company is planning a project, colleagues working overtime just to fight to win the project, Wang Meng did not dare leave the doctor, just buy stomach, pain up to eat.
Early December, Wang Meng found that the symptoms of stomach pain gradually increased, often is persistent pain, and dragged for two weeks, it could not carry, only to Wuhan Central Hospital Gastroenterology clinic, by endoscopy, the doctor found that the stomach There is a small curvature angle 0.4 × 0.3 cm ulcers, remove the biopsy pathology appears as mucosal signet ring cell carcinoma. The doctor said caught early, gastric cancer surgery does not require chemotherapy.
"80% of patients with early gastric cancer have no symptoms, even though a small number of patients have symptoms but also some atypical symptoms, such as loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, etc. These symptoms easily with gastritis, ulcers and other stomach confused." Wuhan Central Hospital gastrointestinal surgical director Wang Hui introduction. Many patients self-diagnose the illness,6hjojTsjCO, their treatment to the pharmacy to buy medicine, often delay the formal treatment.
Carry the disease are numerous: afraid afraid to spend money to spend time
October this year, the China Youth Daily Social Investigation Center through the network questionnaire survey of 4,027 people showed that 99.7% of young people feel around there carry disease. 58.4% of young people do not feel the current emphasis on health.
When the body has pain, 53.8% of people choose to "carrying", 11.4% of the people "immediately go to the hospital." 59.3% of people will "eat their own medicines," 40.0% of people are used to, "the Internet search-related knowledge," 12.1% of people will "consult friends and relatives."
Reporters at the People's Hospital of Wuhan University, Zhongnan Hospital, Hospital of Hubei Province, Wuhan Central Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Wuhan University of Science and God Bless interviewed 97 people, the youngest 16 years old, maximum 77 years old, 89, said carry over disease. Give yourself a doctor of his own in the elderly aged over 50 feel uncomfortable. Young people under 40 years old are sick most of them choose the Internet for help. Most respondents indicated that the disease is not too basic go to the hospital.
The reason the sick go to the hospital, and in 97 respondents in 29 people are afraid to spend money due, with over 50 years mostly in the elderly; 41 people think they can give their diagnosis or because of a hectic work schedule This again 20-40 years of age in the majority of young people; 18 people are identified for fear of bad results, mainly in the elderly over 55 years; there nine people because they do not like the hospital environment.
Super Eight adults said that did not insist on an annual physical habits.
Without timely treatment of minor ailments will eventually "save" into big trouble
"Sick died, carry or select from the self-diagnosis are prone to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis of danger, without formal medical examination and medical diagnosis without medication, is likely to lead to ineffective treatment, disease progression." God Bless Affiliated Hospital of Wuhan University of Science and Technology infection Liu Li, director of the disease, said the clinic was to carry the disease is the most "gastrointestinal diseases",KBE97gSuEk, "high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar," "cervical spine diseases."
tune, any early disease is chronic, the body to treat diseases have a decompensation. When the disease gradually increased or was forced to go to the doctor, which is the cause of the disease and other causes do not understand.
"Stomach discomfort for a long time to carry out the old stomach will carry because there is no law, such as diet and rest reasons stomach pains, heartburn and other discomfort after, many young people do not have time or do not bother to go to hospital for timely treatment, some people even own judgment blind, indiscriminate medicine The results from the superficial symptoms develop into gastritis, but also from gastritis become atrophic gastritis, gastric cancer and even induce serious. "Wuhan Central Hospital, said Wang Hui, director of gastrointestinal surgery, many of the symptoms of the disease are similar, stomach ulcer things, in addition to may be stomach cancer, toothache symptoms of periodontal disease may be in addition to heart disease, heart disease clinically but also because of the misconception that stomach problems, dental treatment and wrong death cases. Clinical examples of influenza caused by untreated viral myocarditis is not uncommon.
Experts said that to understand medical knowledge to diagnose the illness does not mean you can give yourself. Many doctors are sick, if it is outside their own professional diseases are looking for a professional doctor visits. Do not carrying sick people,6NKe2Ck004, physical discomfort should go to the hospital as soon as possible, in order to avoid irreparable consequences.
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