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toms outlet Hubei Changyang.Zhao Jiaozuo City

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Post time: 2014-10-01 19:51:54
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I hope I do not want to leave the company."In such a short time,toms outlet, Pingping man who "invest" in the nearly two million yuan, as well as a corporate director positions, described as Song of.He wants to break up, she give 1.5 millionThe sense of frustration falling, water ruthless. One million "investment" he did not hold the lover's heart. Early 2012, Yi Tao leave the company. Trial, Yi Tao said he chose to leave the company because of poor management Pingping, Pingping's brother and work at the same company, he does not always look pleasing to the eye.February 2012, the two get along with less than six months, Yi Tao, namely Pingping break. In order to save this relationship, when in April, Pingping gave Yi Tao 1.5 million yuan, "she thinks I am business talent, offered to borrow 1.5 million yuan for my development.
I passed the 'early pregnancy' test paper, found themselves unexpectedly pregnant." Zhao said that in the "early pregnancy" in the bag, she found a Fifth People's Hospital,louboutin homme, 460 yuan painless card, so she went to the morning of Jiaozuo City Fifth People's Hospital.In the outpatient building, Elsie was a nurse brought gynecological surgeries Vaccine Immunol Taiwan negative one floor. "Admissions that doctor surnamed Qiu, after the confirmation of pregnancy,giuseppe zanotti, the doctor said Qiu need further B-ultrasound." Zhao says Qiu under a doctor's recommendation, she chose to charge 110 yuan a B-. "B-ultrasound later, the doctor told me.
no gestational sac in the uterus, suspected ectopic pregnancy, cervical erosion and said I needed infusion of anti-inflammatory."January 19 morning, Zhao hospital to do a second B-ultrasound. "The doctor said Qiu through three days of anti-inflammatory, intrauterine gestational sac has arrived, diagnosis is not ectopic pregnancy, abortions can be performed." Zhao recalled, Dr. Qiu immediately arranged for her morning abortions."I was out of the hospital's discount card,zanotti pas cher, but Qiu doctor advised me to do 1280 yuan of abortion." Zhao once again listened to the doctor's schedule, plus other items such as cervical erosion repair,woolrich italia, total cost of 2475 yuan.Before the surgery, the hospital Zhao made a third time B-mode ultrasound has not yet found strange. Subsequently, she was wheeled into the operating room.[As a result of] Sudden bleeding forced secondary surgery Side of the tube was removedAfter surgery, Zhao nakedness no drop of blood, full of doubts, she came to the hospital the next day after consulting Dr. Qiu to get the explanation is: Zhao doing is the best surgery, so no blood is normal. Subsequently, Zhao has done in the doctor's advice infrared postoperative rehabilitation of $ 220.January 27 evening 7:00, Zhao sudden severe abdominal pain, unable to move,christian louboutin booties, with several fainting. Was sent to the Fifth People's Hospital of Zhao.
made a series of checks. "I remember the B-division loaded with instruments placed on my stomach, it screamed ran out to find a doctor!" Zhao said sadly, B-show of her ectopic pregnancy bleeding."Subsequently, the hospital began to rescue me, when I have the body of vascular collapse,bottines femme, had to infusion through the aorta neck." Zhao cried, "I have several times shock passed, the doctor was afraid I sleep in the past would not wake up, and there is no use of anesthetic during surgery. "Zhao Renzhaojutong accept a second surgery. "Because bleeding caused by tubal rupture, my right fallopian tube forced removal!" Zhao heartbroken.[Doubt] Are pregnant sac in the uterus What exactly do abortion?After the second surgery rescue.
When the 4S shop formalities, Pingping's trust to transfer the car to easily Tao. According to Yi Tao said Pingping had told him, "to facilitate future kids to and from school, so you have to face in front of my family."At this point nothing easy Tao in Guangzhou, in September 2011,cheap jordans online, Pingping him to arrange his own company to work as a network director and other positions, monthly salary as high as 12,000 yuan.October 2011, Pingping went to the Friendship Store for beloved man bought a 88,giuseppe shoes men,000 yuan Rolex watch, look magnanimously.November 14,woolrich milano, 2011 to December 16, 2011,bottes femme, Pingping also points six times to turn on the easy money 880,giuseppe zanotti sneakers,000 yuan Tao's account, "she hopes to continue to operate with me.
Zhao finally retrieve the item from the hands of death to life."Second B-Did not able to detect whether the pregnant sac in my womb? If no gestational sac, and that the first abortion do what?" Zhao said, because the hospital's negligence, she nearly died Therefore, hospitals must compensate for her."February 5, the hospital stopped my medication,cheap nike shoes, indifferent to me!" Zhao said she and her family also looked for hospital medical service.
but also want to retain live me."But Yi Tao has decided to Italy. In fact, as early as December 2011, Yi Tao to hide Pingping, with 600,000 down payment to buy a house in Guangzhou. June 2012, he quietly put the car transfer to another woman name, and walk away. Pingping looking to no avail,woolrich outlet, deeply hopeless,woolrich outlet online store, he began urging Yi Tao repay the car. Tao easily understood simply changed the phone number, completely lost soundLetter. Until this point, Pingping was suddenly aware of their deceived, went to the Public Security Bureau report. September 2012, Yi Tao was arrested in Yichang, Hubei Changyang.Zhao Jiaozuo City,christian louboutin men, found herself unexpectedly pregnant. Because seeing Jiaozuo City Fifth People's Hospital of preferential advertising, they choose to go there to do abortion. In the doctor's advice, chose the most expensive medical costs of her projects,christian louboutin, the thought can resume a normal life after surgery,giuseppe zanotti paris, who knows danger is she keeps her close ... � East this reporter Tian JianboTrainee reporter Li Xue Ni / Ventura[Incident] Three B-no strange Woman lying on the operating table"January 16.

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