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threw a pity. "

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Post time: 2014-09-29 11:06:47
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   ,http://www.wimang.com/Forum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=27136,lancel soldes
"No one to buy, my grandmother acre Tada lettuce had to rot in the fields of!" Zhenjiang Dantu Jiangxinzhou friends, "I love heaven and earth" posted on the city a popular forum for seventy grandmother sell lettuce. Since then, Jiangxinzhou more difficult lettuce sales information disclosure by netizens out, attracting attention Zhenjiang million users. Yesterday, Zhenjiang Dantu District government and the town of Jiang Mengxi Forum "people topics" forum organized more than 30 vehicles, nearly 200 users across the river "buy" lettuce. Netizen "ugly beggar" a person bought 2,000 pounds of lettuce, friends and family back Zhenjiang distribution. Netizens said: "Today help farmers is to help our own farmers if food prices are low, they do not grow vegetables, the next bad thing is we city dwellers.!"
"Grandma's lettuce" heart affects users
Good harvest lettuce was not good income
"I'm home in the beautiful river island - riverbank,mulberry sale, where a pleasant climate,woolrich donna, beautiful environment, there is no industrial pollution original ecological agricultural area, good people in green pollution-free vegetables and fruits planting a living, live a happy contented happiness life my family and I are working in Zhenjiang, only my grandmother a seventy people live on the island,hollister france, insisted planted with her third of an acre. Now is the season of ripe green lettuce, last week received a grandmother can play to the phone but it is a melancholy, lettuce grandmother said this year's harvest but did not receive the vendors. grandmother asked me how to do ah. grandmother's land,hogan outlet,http://bbs.jx99hao.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2084310, there are 2000 pounds of lettuce it,hollister france, this is not just lettuce, or an elderly heart ,hogan outlet, threw a pity. "
April 20, Zhenjiang, "people topic" appears on this forum called "Grandma sell for lettuce,abercrombie france," the post: "no one to buy, my grandmother acre Tada lettuce had to rot in the fields of!" Post immediately aroused great attention to yesterday afternoon,woolrich uomo, watching posts nearly 18,000 users,http://www.newbike.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=335538, and thread are also as many as 150 people. A large number of users willing to buy "Grandma's lettuce", users will be colored eat lettuce and lettuce nutrients to the hair on the forum. For a time,http://zequnshengwu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=41641, the quote has become these days,http://bbs.1897tao.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=17905, the most popular posts - "Grandma's lettuce," touched the hearts of all the heart, and the same is also concerned Jiangxinzhou other vegetable lettuce fields.
Moderators issued a "summoned" to friends
Dantu District riverbank park after two levels of government and informed netizens attention and aspirations,moncler pas cher, the lead organization netizens decided to Jiangxinzhou buy lettuce. 21, "people topics" forum moderator "country" in the forum posted a "summoned": "Jiangxinzhou Zhenjiang important agricultural production bases and eco-tourism area to Jiangxinzhou, eat free food, picking pollution. vegetables, enjoy the original ecological scenery, has become the first choice for leisure Zhenjiang surrounding residents. invite netizens to Jiangxinzhou car around, look, pick pick, taste. "
Netizens tour crossing the righteous purchase
Qidu free delivery on board Island
Summoned one out, immediately attracted a large number of users thread enrollment. Yesterday morning, reporters in the riverbank ferry to see the "country", in coordination with the two levels of government, the steam ferry across the river to buy lettuce for all users of vehicles crossing fee will be waived. "The Kingdom", told reporters two days alone, nearly 40 vehicles registration, nearly 200 friends by car to vegetable production concentrated area Yi Ping Village, in addition to production status inspected lettuce and other vegetables, but even went into the kitchen Shimoda farmers. "We hope that through this centralized actions of users, bring more people and businesses to pay attention to Jiangxinzhou farmers." "Country," said.
Beautiful friends a person to buy a jin lettuce
In the village square Yi Ping, president of the Association of Wu Shun Shan Jiangxinzhou agricultural production and marketing, said the netizens, Jiangxinzhou Zhenjiang vegetable base, clean water,http://www.llxd688.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1406371, pure air and pure land cultivated Jiangxinzhou of pollution-free vegetables. However, due south low temperatures, high temperatures north, south and north vegetables mistake when listing is disrupted, leading to this year's North and South and vegetables also listed. Now there are 1,http://www.new-tastes.com/club/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=35507,300 acres Jiangxinzhou lettuce, can produce 3.5 tons per acre, the vast majority are "stuck" in the field. Current price sell 0.1 yuan / kg, the best there is 0.2 yuan / kg, and even fertilizer is not enough money to villagers under. Zhao Hong is worried farmers told reporters, lettuce from seed to harvest Caesar,abercrombie pas cher, before to six months, but the market until the next time the city will more than 20 days, if you do not sell as quickly as possible, the lettuce will be hollow, rotten bloom until in the field. "In past years are four or five cents a pound, but this year the price is too low," she would very much like friends who can take more than a little lettuce.
Grim "situation" so that users who feel that the task is arduous trip. Under the farmers who led a group of three to five friends who pounced into a piece of lettuce fields. Netizen "Runaway Bunny" is a beauty,http://www.shucheng888.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=218968&extra=, she and fellow "sweet Barbara 'squatting farmers Walker treasure fields, will a bag loaded towards the root of lettuce. She told reporters that she brought enough cash to buy at least 1,000 pounds of lettuce, back to the city to the needs of relatives and friends and colleagues, "Hong Barbara," said: "everyone eat lettuce, so farmers are less subject to point loss ,scarpe hogan, hard year down somewhat in return! help them in fact also help ourselves! "and Zhenjiang another netizen" ugly beggar ", a person bought 2,000 pounds of lettuce. When a reporter asked how to digest this 2000 pounds of lettuce, he said Zhenjiang "love home" moderator "instrument" and has a collection of more than 150 users in Zhenjiang waiting for him, when he will be 2000 pounds of lettuce distribute them free . Let all the farmers moved, netizens Shimoda help close, with his car shipped, but on average it gives the 0.5 yuan / kg price. Too busy to head to lift up Walker treasure cheerfully told reporters: "I'm glad ah, just like the old world is a timely rain!"
13:00, the reporter returned Zhenjiang. In Jiangxinzhou ferry, two big trucks loaded with lettuce being rushed to board the ferry Zhenjiang city.
Correspondent Dong Shuai Chen Ling
Newspaper reporter Wan Gun
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