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Post time: 2014-09-25 13:10:16
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Chen Nanjing Baixia public online posting said, district residents do use water and electricity and other means "eviction", also set fire to his house. Three years, relocation compensation has not reached an agreement, they can only rent a family of five living in the outside. But do the demolition on the fire district denied a say, adding that because Mr. Chen asking too much. September 14, after the Express reported the matter caused a big stir. Yesterday morning, Mr. Chen Baixia government on whether house demolitions should convene a hearing. Since Chen's experience has been hearing the deputies sympathy, a hearing will be turned into a communication and coordination,http://www.klonopinbuy.fora.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1,mulberry outlet,http://www.qiaobj.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=22169, at the suggestion of the hearing on behalf of the parties expressed their willingness to negotiate a way to resolve the matter.
Demolition Office
Demolitions is to maintain policies and regulations apply seriousness
Yesterday, 10:00, Chen family's forced relocation of hearings scheduled in Taiping Lane on the 18th Baixia old government hearing conference room. Hearing designated by Baixia government cadres Wang Yongsheng Baixia Real Estate Board, chaired, attended by the district government office, the District Commission for Discipline Inspection of law enforcement to monitor the room, the District Complaints Bureau, District Urban Management Bureau representative, demolition work inspectors , Zhujia Gui Zhao advanced and parties,scarpe hogan outlet, district deputies and CPPCC members to attend.
After the hearing began, Baixia estate demolition company (referred to as "Demolition Office") staff representatives demolitions applicant (Nanjing Land Reserve Center, Baixia Business Bureau) conducted a demolitions rationale. The staff said that Chen's house construction area of ​​33.28 square meters,,chaussures louboutin soldes, in accordance with the provisions of relocation compensation standards in 2007, the total compensation of 22 million yuan. However, Chen require relocation compensation for 480,000 yuan,piumini donna outlet, and to two affordable housing targets, but a must for existing homes. For this compensation requirements, three years after several rounds of consultations the two sides, but has failed to reach a consensus. So,http://myvolt.ca/item/create_form/1, do the demolition drew a ruling from the Nanjing Housing Authority, 17 August this year,abercrombie uomo, Nanjing Housing Authority Mr. Xiang Chen family issued a "Urban Housing Demolition dispute the award,http://www.myurlmark.com/node/4#comment-174529," to do the demolition and Chen interviewed again, he Compensation still stick to their opinions. For this reason, the application of talent to make a mandatory relocation application.
In a statement process, the staff has always stressed to do the demolition demolition work is always carried out in strict accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, is fair and equitable relocation, and done a lot of field work. He also pointed out that Chen, a family member body in good condition, no major illness, Mr. Chen and his wife have two sets of house property in Nanjing, is not, as Mr. Chen said himself no room to live. He said that urban demolition have appropriate policies and regulations, for each evicted should be treated equally, apply demolitions is to safeguard the seriousness of policies and regulations.
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If only compensation 220 000,http://www.zhaoidc.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=121596,moncler sito ufficiale outlet, where I went to buy a house?
Questioned the credibility of the
"Why can not attend the masses"
Mr. Chen as a family attended the hearing. After concluding the applicant, it was his turn to state the facts. Prior to the statement, Mr. Chen first hearing on the credibility questioned. "I looked at today,abercrombie outlet online, all government workers to attend the hearing,http://hq.fykz.net/jq_08/news/html/?185057.html, and normally hearing people should attend from all walks of life, and why so many of the demolition of the people outside can not come to the hearing?" Chen said excitedly "Such a hearing how much credibility, I doubt."
Because of Mr. Chen had suffered Express carried a report, a hearing will be held before yesterday, a lot of relocatees Baixia Taiping Lane on the 18th came to the door required to attend the hearing, but the door did not let them enter the security. For Chen questioned, Baixia demolition work done its inspectors Lvpei Qing explained, "Unlike price demolitions hearing hearing, the parties and participants to the relevant government departments."
Reporters also interviewed Jiang Su Zhongsheng thereafter Lawyer Qinming Shun, he told reporters, Baixia The hearing was held in line with legal procedures. Because to do the demolition is a party, so the district government became the demolition convener, participants mainly the parties, by their conduct facts and debate, the final result of the hearing the final decision by the district government. Other participants generally relevant government departments, but they can only make comments, suggestions, will not have any effect on the result of the hearing.
Respond to two suites
"One suite is for parents"
In questioning of the hearing itself, the statement of the case of Mr. Chen started his own home. For questions raised by their residents do have two sets of real estate, he conducted the hearing Moderator explained: "We now live in an apartment located Maigaoqiao, just over 50 square meters, the property owner is my wife." Chen , said before the first house was not demolished North Lane, this house inhabited by the eldest son, is now living with the couple and their son, their other children are now in urban renters.
"As do the demolition, said another set in the Xuanwu District house ownership certificates do have my name, but this house is now a real live person my parents,abercrombie outlet, this house is repairing them down. Just to calm children Disputes between, so on the title certificate to write the names of three children. "
Chen said that in the course of time and coordination to do the demolition, he learned that his son married to apply to large sets of affordable housing. "My son was 28 years old, about an object for several years, has yet to get married is because the house is not resolved, after he heard the news, we do a lot of work, just let the woman agreed to the registration of marriage."
Agreed to continue talks
You can also re-negotiate the amount of compensation
Chen unwilling to do the demolition communication and coordination to solve the problem of relocation money, Chen denied the spot. "I always hope that the matter will be resolved by means of consultation, but always do the demolition of 22 million yuan relocation compensation conditions and I talk, how I could accept it. Now prices have risen two or three million, only if compensation more than 220,000 yuan, where I went to buy a house? let me how to talk about this condition? "Mr. Chen said he felt the amount of 480,000 yuan compensation for their proposed is not high, but the words he did not die, the amount of aspects can still be negotiated.
In his speech last, Chen once again put forward their compensation demands, one relocation compensation 480,mulberry outlet 2014,000 yuan; Second, transition costs should compensate the family out for three years; Third home was destroyed during the demolition of facilities, should do the demolition compensation. "Compensation on home items, in a coordinated, the demolition of the veterans had promised to do a Chus compensate more than 10,moncler milano,000 yuan, but the money to now I did not see." Chen said angrily.
Hearing on behalf of
Indeed by 2007 the standard of compensation is too low
After listening to the statements of both parties, to participate in the hearing on Mr. Chen said that almost all the members of sympathy and understanding, and they also believe that in accordance with the 2007 standards for Chen to compensate for a really low. Lvpei Qing said the demolition of the first North Lane project began in 2007, has now gone three years, the market situation has changed indeed, the original appraised value and the current market price compared to the really low. "The things we can communicate through negotiation to resolve."  said repeatedly forced evictions in the previous hearing, the relocatees and do the demolition compensation agreement through communication is not the original amount of compensation.
District Commission for Discipline Inspection to attend the hearing on behalf of Mr. Xu will put forward their views. "This year the rapid rise in house prices is an objective fact, compensate 220,000 yuan is indeed low, within the scope of the policy to allow the parties to communicate." Xu said, the main problem now is to resolve the matter as quickly as possible, both can make a step, not to drag things in this place, not only do the demolition or pressure, nor Anson Chan one.
One of the street where the Secretary Li Chen family who is hearing his family to a better understanding of the situation Mr. Chen. His staff to do the demolition, said: "You should take into account the specific circumstances of old Chen, after all, his family has a 80-year-old mother, two children are also big, to be married, it is recommended that you can do in terms of compensation likely to give care. "Meanwhile,nike tn pas cher, he also suggested that Mr. Chen, on the demolition of this matter should be resolved amicably.
Wang Yongsheng chairperson of the hearing to speak last, he said,woolrich parka outlet, because Chen family housing area is small, the quality of housing conditions are not good, so the lower the original assessment of the bid,chaussure louboutin homme, and now the market has changed, there is room for negotiation. "I recommend compensation standards increased to 14,000 yuan per square meter, so the total price will be able to reach more than 460,000."
Wang Yongsheng said that the hearing is actually for the parties to build a communication platform, as long as the policy of the allowable range, the two sides as far as possible to resolve the matter through communication. The hearing did not make a final decision whether to forced evictions. "According to regulations, the hearing three days after the submission of the district government will form a resolution to decide,basket nike air max, because it can still be resolved through coordination, hopes the two sides can achieve coordinated results before the Mid-Autumn Festival, when we submit the resolution up again." Wang Yongsheng said.
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Required by the 2007 price to buy the fitness room
Although Chen and relocation office at the hearing, have expressed their willingness to resolve the matter through coordination, but Chen still very disturbed mind. "Today,http://bbs.yuanmengjihua.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1594708,hogan, hearing a lot of people telling the truth, but I'm afraid to do the demolition refused to make concessions." Chen said,abercrombie milano, he can play for the hearing role reservations.
"The next negotiation, the amount of compensation has not the point, I was mainly for the transition costs of compensation and affordable housing." Chen said. "Conditions affordable housing indicators are not consistent with your family do?" Reporter asked. "The key is affordable housing prices." Chen said, he asked the affordable housing should be in accordance with the 2007 price calculation. "My family is the 2007 demolition, he should order in 2007 by the fitness room price to me. And this thing dragged on for so many years, mainly due to still do the demolition, housing prices section should be compensated by them to me." Chen said.
"Why are you hearing this requirement did not say?" Questions to reporters, Mr. Chen said he was more excited at the hearing, and later forgotten. "
For Chen of this requirement, the reporter also interviewed the first North Lane demolition project leader Li Changlin, he said,hogan outlet sito ufficiale, after the end of the hearing that they will communicate as soon as possible and Chen. "But the affordable housing problem is not that we can set the price, he will be able to meet the conditions to apply to the fitness room index, the price is certainly according to the current price, in this regard would be difficult negotiation." Li Changlin said.
Chen doorstep cleared a path
Reporters from both the case of Mr. Chen and learned to do the demolition, the negotiation of the road may still be obstacles. However, after the hearing, but there is a small episode. September 13,basket nike tn pas cher, reporters at the scene saw the demolition of the house of Mr. Chen, his house has been surrounded by chaos brick,louboutin, nowhere can get into. But yesterday, the reporter saw at the scene, but Mr. Chen's chaos in front of the brick house had been dug, and the ground covered with wood, has easy access to the house. After the reporter into the Chen family to see,nike tn pas cher, which has been empty, dilapidated roof, has been unable to live.
Still stay in the demolition site of Zhu grandmother told reporters that this pathway is September 14 dug. "The next day you come to the interview after the demolition will come here to do the digging, do not know why." Zhu said the grandmother. Reporters then call Li Changlin asked, he said knowledge. "Our staff may be engaged in it." Chen told reporters after that, from the day before yesterday, provincial Inspectorate to Baixia, "I guess this is done to them to see."
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