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Post time: 2014-09-24 19:47:59
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Original title: by sperm make a house down payment? It is impossible to drop!
□ reporter Li Xiaomin written all media Xuan Zhe Wang Yonglu Xueding Xin Wen Sun
Reporter Jin Yuan plans
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Sperm can earn a lot of money? Sperm will not harm the body? Sperm will not lead to ethical tragedy? Appear on the network "self-sperm" group if fly? ...... Recently,chaussures nike tn, the "sperm" has become a hot word, many users are concerned about and discussed. Yesterday morning,piumini peuterey,http://www.yinyutian.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=8150&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=18747, the "river Unicom fertile 3G" G group 10 friends who went into the sperm bank, Henan Province,scarpe hogan outlet,http://www.infodoctornet.com.br/novo/index.php?option=com_blog&view=comments&pid=816095&Itemid=0, in the mystery sperm bank opened simultaneously, as well as enthusiastic users live experience "sperm."
Sperm at minus 196 ℃ "dormant"
Yesterday morning, when the river Unicom 3G users fertile sperm into the room, everyone's unanimous assessment is "warm." In this seventy-eight square meters large room, there is a half-human, long beige sofa, facing the sofa,chaussure louboutin pas cher, a table, stood a TV, TV in the loop with body art images (female nudity portraits). Sperm bank director of Henan Province, said Li Yushan,http://21gz.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=7879, semen extraction takes the masturbation.
Storage room has two thirty square meters,basket nike air max, in which the inside, with eight two-emission big liquid nitrogen tank. This is the sperm "dormant" place. Li Yushan told river Unicom fertile 3G users: "inside the temperature is minus 196 ℃!" "Every sperm specimen has a fixed number,http://myvolt.ca/item/create_form/1,chaussures louboutin soldes, fixed position,, closely monitored by computer to ensure that will not mess up."
Li Yushan say, six months later, donor sperm bank but also on the HIV antibody test blood again confirmed not infected with HIV, the volunteer's sperm will finally be marked "qualified" tab,woolrich donna,http://prince386.mdtoday.iamdoctor.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, make external supply.
No discomfort friends live sperm
To ensure the quality of sperm, our country has a high demand for sperm donors, conditions, qualified sperm donors must first accept multiple inspections, all qualified to become an official sperm donor. According to this provision, college students, pass rate barely over 20%, while the pass rate of less than 10% of the community.
For sperm affect the health debate, Li Yushan sure that sperm do not have any impact on health. Yesterday, after the knowledge to understand the complete sperm, a river Unicom fertile 3G users experience live sperm. "There is no discomfort." After the donation is complete, so the users told reporters.
Sperm earn house down payment is absurd
Recently, there are rumors that sperm can make a house down payment. "This is a rumor." Li Yushan introduced for sperm donors, sperm banks will give some subsidies, but the limited amount.
According to the current provisions of Henan sperm bank,abercrombie outlet, a sperm donor sperm during screening,http://ka.jz18.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=46948,chaussure louboutin femme, will give 50 yuan transportation subsidies, after the experience will be worth a thousand dollars, after the experience through, sperm can be formal.
In general, the process requires collecting sperm semen 8-10 times, during which collected once every 200 yuan of subsidy will be given after the completion of all donations will be given 500 yuan love reward. This calculation,christian louboutin pas cher, a sperm donor received a total subsidy of 3,piumini moncler outlet online,000 yuan.
Meanwhile,http://www.hljhgs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=75829, China's regulations, sperm after a person is successful, the future can not donate, in other words, a person's life sperm only once, and only for the sperm to a sperm bank,moncler milano, which is in order to avoid duplication of sperm may cause ethical embarrassment.
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