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moncler outlet the accident is still under investigation.

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Post time: 2014-09-24 19:42:50
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Wang Li gently rub, they climbed up his back.Since the last two school, which has become the campus beautiful scene.Seven years ago, just promoted to junior high Bi Mingzhe.
may have been head impact, not only the nose and mouth bleeding, brain skull fracture appeared the ground, bleeding in the brain, after expert consultation, injuries black woman must immediately surgery.After the incident, the reporter contacted the company's office in Nanjing Golden Shield escort escort the person in charge,moncler outlet, he said, "We have 100,hogan outlet milano,000 cash a check sent to the hospital." The day before yesterday afternoon, the traffic police brigade accident two treatment groups captain Xu told reporters that the current The injured have safely passed the critical stage, the accident is still under investigation. (Text / Figure Yangzi EvenOur reporter Li Meng Zhijun Liu Wentao CorrespondentMay 3,hogan interactive uomo, Changsha. Hunan Vocational College of Insurance.Lunch time is up. Bi Mingzhe Stoops knelt down with his right hand hanging waist Wang Li.
the armored car is opened up from under the white road, and then went onto the Zhongshan Road,tn soldes, Zhongshan Road,hogan olympia uomo, turn left want. And when two women knocked, it is in the south of the crossing intersections from west to east across the street. At that time we did not pay more attention, but with twice the screams,tn soldes, you see two woman was crossing the road. Strangely, after the armored car driver as the vehicle did not see the butt butt as they move forward CDB nearly 10 meters. Witnessed the people said, when the armored car too fast,abercrombie soldes, hit a pedestrian after that, actually never noticed, pedestrians will be out of nearly 10 meters.Scene of the accident, emergency personnel quickly sent an ambulance black woman, but the belly tank was stuck under the car out of the women how to let everyone a headache. Police got a jack, but due to the weight of the armored car reached 2.3 tons, Jack could not be lifted for armored vehicles. Finally, the police had to help the fire department.While many people were waiting for the fire brigade support, the situation is getting worse woman stuck under the car belly. In order to grab time together more than 30 passers-by, shouting "One,tn, two,red bottom shoes, three" will be 2.3 tons heavy armored car to lift up.Two injured women were knocked heavierAccording to admissions doctors,air max pas cher pour femme, two victims were middle-aged woman,barbour pas cher, wearing a pink T-shirt woman was stuck in the car at the end,hogan olympia uomo, in addition to four rib fractures,abercrombie pas cher, as well as other fractures, with pneumothorax problem, which is currently relatively difficult breathing . Was stuck in the left front wheel of the woman.
Cai to the local civil affairs department for help.""We have no insurance, and no source of income, well-intentioned people beg save my child!" Cai Zetao burst into tears. In this newspaper called for caring people in the community,air max pas cher pour homme, charitable enterprises  lend a helping hand, contact telephone.  WASHINGTON day before 8:20 or so, in Nanjing, White Road and Zhongshan Road intersection,hogan scarpe donna, a "Golden Shield guard" when the armored car from White Road, turn left onto the Zhongshan Road and hit the crosswalk line two women, one woman fell under the armored car left front wheel,hogan outlet, in addition to the mouth and nose bleeding, the legs are also many torn; while the other was wearing a pink shirt on a woman was stuck in the car belly Under the tank, because of the narrow space vehicle, the woman sitting on the ground were too hunched screaming.Nearly two out of the armored car 10 metersReporter received a reader tip lines rushed to the scene and found the site has been around a lot of passers-by, near the road vehicles waiting in a queue. A "Golden Shield Guard" armored car was parked at the crossroads near Zhongshan Nan Luxi flower bed next to the south, several guards awkward.In the left front wheel of the armored car, a black nose and mouth bleeding middle-aged woman, lying on his back on the road,talon louboutin pas cher, speechless. While wearing a pink shirt, a middle-aged woman, after being knocked down by armored vehicles rolled into the belly fuel tank under the belly fuel tank under the car due to limited space, its legs for straight, face down close to the legs,giuseppe zanotti homme, the scene is very thrilling . Dozens of people simply can not pull it out of the vehicle, emergency personnel rushed to the scene also helpless.Witnesses said that when the accident occurred.

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