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Post time: 2014-10-05 02:39:30
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Original title: Who is the owner of the laptop?
Reporter Xiao Yao Photography LiWenBin
I do not know is who has lost something careless passengers in the bus.
The day before yesterday 15:30, the Nanping transit hub station, bus 325 driver Liu Jian put a black computer bag to get into the 325 dispatch room. Captain Tao Rong and the driver opened the package together with the computer, which has a black Lenovo laptop, 14-inch.
Three people come to claim, say they are the masters of the computer, but only one truth.
Who is the owner of the computer? You can simply write step buses dropping reasoning drama.
Plot: The first person
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I heard gone to pay the identity card
2 minutes later a young man walked into the control room
"Teacher, I just fell on the 325 laptop, did not have to look at to help me pick up?" Lad looks anxiously, wearing a T-shirt, denim shorts and sneakers, looks over 20 years old. At this point, Tao Rong just the laptop open, ready to see if there are clues left by the owner. Computer package to put on the table.
"What brand of laptop?"
"There did not have a password?"
"I did not have to!"
Tao Rong look, but also co-afford:. "Notebook valuables,http://www.vfxjournal.net/blog/item/create_form/1,tn pas cher homme, you pay an identity card, we have to be registered."
Young man froze for a moment, said: "! Quest, I'll go Copy"
Copy shop near the station there, to copy at most 10 minutes back and forth. But the young man has not re-appeared.
Tao Rong thought wrong, more in mind, the laptop computer bag back together into the control room closet.
Plot: The second person
Advertising male car fell asleep,http://www.zhongguoxiangqi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=181823&fromuid=2864,woolrich outlet, the computer off
Provide information consistent with the Lost and Found
30 minutes later a young man walked into the control room
"Teacher, I just fell on the 325 laptop, you have not picked up?" Lad ran sweating, wearing and age are similar to the first guy. Claiming to be the advertising company staff.
"What time?" Tao Rong asked.
"Half an hour ago Well, I was in the car Shiping bridge at the south bank of the district office of the car, I fell asleep in the car."
Provide young brand,mulberry, color, with or without a password, both with the actual match.
Tao Rong thought, which also co-afford: "Yes you pay to pick up a copy of an identity card,moncler milano, registering with it.."
Young man very happy,woolrich outlet, sigh, and quickly went to the copy.
A moment later, he came back, hand ID card, also left a phone number. The name on the ID card, surnamed Li.
After complete formalities, took the computer.
Plot: The third personal
Design M car, confused computer off
Information is also consistent with the stolen property is also known as my owner
More than two hours after the dispatch room came a young man in a hurry
"Teacher, my laptop may fall 325 car, and you have not picked up?" The young man asked straightway. Claiming to do the decoration design. No rest,abercrombie pas cher, when the car, people are confused, thinking that the computer side,http://www.jieshuilongtou.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=429361, the result was gone.
The information provided by the young man,peuterey outlet, too, and that was led away like a notebook information. Brand, size, colors are consistent.
Tao Rong said: "in the afternoon to pick up a notebook, but has been a passenger led away, I asked him the next,http://www.dzbrgc.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=31685&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=489316, you go back and other news."
Young man left a name and contact information, he called Wan Lu.
Computer packages are too much like Blame
Tao Rong took the notebook to call Lee: "Do you recall the circumstances then prevailing it, see if it is brought wrong."
Lee said: "how could lead wrong." But Tao Rong then asked him, "is a person or a few people ride together?" He said: "I was in the seat and chat with friends, and later fell asleep." Tao Rong said,http://www.middlewareforums.com/viewtopic.php?pid=512068#p512068,abercrombie soldes, "You did not have to ask a friend?" he said, "It's still really do not." TAO Yun said.
Soon, Lee fought Tao Rong phone: "I'm sorry, really brought wrong, my computer at my friend." Lee put the notebook back Nanping transit hub,nike tn 2014, was already 19:00 over a.
Lee said, not enough time to turn on the computer to get it back, and the owner's computer bag computer bag very similar.
And so ......
Truth seeker: stay up late to work in the morning to go to work too confused
Yesterday, Wan Lu arrived early in Nanping transit hub, back up your laptop. He immediately opened, the inside of the files are not moved, this assured. "I was doing renovation design, stay up late at night to sleep until 5:00 in the morning, sleep more than one hour to go to work carrying a computer bag, people are confused." Guy is over 20 years old,abercrombie magasin france, the eyes look a bit puffy.
Wan Lu said at the time was about 8:30 in the morning, he sat in the back seat by the window of the car location, computer bag leaning against the wall of the compartment. He went to the company, one morning did not think to bring their own computers at all, the afternoon had thought themselves to use at home, and home to find for a long time did not find, just try holding the mentality to 325 dispatch room to find.
Unexpectedly,http://www.yianxxx.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2405493, their laptops experienced so strange journey.
Wrong collar seeker: I'm not the impersonator
We call Lee. He heard is that laptop thing, a little sparkle: "bus company into the phone so much, but also the police, the whole was, like, I like the cheap." Then he hung up.
We beat one,http://www.sgjy169.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,hogan outlet sito ufficiale, told him that misunderstanding, just want to check it Yeah. He eased the tone: "Well, I tell you the truth,http://fixixinve.syr4.com/news/html/?901281.html, I was advertising company, just before the car hit a client, we sit together, he sat near the window, I put the laptop into his side up and we put a few I fell asleep, the station up to get off. him than I get off, mentioning things and more, took time off together to put my laptop away. If I do not ask him, he did not know to put away my notebook. "
"I really was not impersonator!" Lee full of grievances,louboutin.
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