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Post time: 2014-10-04 21:56:06
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BEIJING, May 23 Langfang Electric (Songmin Tao Ren Jing NIV collar) Langfang City, Hebei Province Public Security Bureau on the 23rd revealed that the city man Humou gathering with friends after returning home drunk driving, hit for speeding on his way Dayangshu roadside, causing a friend in an accident with the car died, abandoned the vehicle and escape Humou. Currently, Humou suspicion of drunken driving, hit and run, have been under criminal detention.
According to police, on May 20 evening 21:39, the marina district police station received 110 command center in Langfang City Public Security Bureau police turn, said Zhao Village area north exit a car turn the trench, the car existing one person dead or alive.
According to the police station to police investigators, police on duty at the scene found a black car turn in the road west of the trench, a man half of the body in the car, half of the body outside the car. After police arrived on the scene of Langfang City 122 brigade police confirmed the accident, the man was already dead.
Police station said the accident scene witnesses said the driver of the vehicle driver had fled the scene after the incident, the driver may be the port town of Jinan Tuncun Longmou Auto City employees.
Jinan police then rushed to a Tuncun Auto City, wounding and will face a man covered with the alcohol control. Upon inquiry, the man admitted that he was an accident the driver. Police ordered to bring it to the accident site, referred to the group of police handling traffic accidents.
According to police sources, the accident was treated by the police scene right man alcohol concentration test, confirmed that the man is really drunk driving.
After interrogation, the suspect Hu Moumou (22 years old, Yongqing Han village people) account,abercrombie kids online coupon codes abercrombie kids black friday, which due to the incident that night with friends to drink a few glasses, and then driving home. The way for speeding in the port town of Zhao Village North, crashed into the west side of the large poplar road, causing the vehicle plunged into the trench abandoned the vehicle and escape.
Currently, suspected of drunken driving, hit and run Hu Moumou has been under criminal detention, the case is under further investigation. (End)
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