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Post time: 2014-10-04 19:48:45
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Posing as "highways" of the vehicle fled down card fee
Changyong speed a toll fraud gang was arrested
Newspaper July 22 (Reporter Deng Jing? Correspondent Chen Xiao Xiao Tang Wei) two body spray "China Highways" on the vehicle, shortly after entering the high-speed high-speed, long-distance access card information but for large trucks, while The car collar access card is another large trucks for export to pay, this is a case of criminal gangs down card trick. In the recently held Changyong high speed "9? 1" highway toll fraud case detective work meeting, Changyong Highway Management Office disclosed to the media the details of this case.
Last August, Changyong noticed a toll highway at high speed using Changyong "down cards" to assist long-distance truck toll evasion gang, inspectors found that the gang through the body spray on the word "China Highways", to borrow Different fake license plates, from entering the highway toll station near Changsha, then in the service area prior to contact with a good long-distance heavy goods exchange access card and charge 500-700 yuan, ranging from commissions. After so some "back door", long-distance heavy goods vehicles became short-distance transport, this way,moncler achat doudoune moncler pas cher homme, the original toll thousand dollars into the tens of dollars, which caused more than 100 million toll loss.
After the gang surfaced, Changsha County patrol unit joint inspection levy, road linkage law enforcement and other departments, the integration of more than 80 pieces of useful information from more than 30,000 pieces of related information, in the months of each toll station entrance, toll collectors on access information passing vehicles in question were careful investigation, which lasted three months, in one fell swoop take away the "down cards", "sell cards" gang. June of this year,  involved five persons shall be conducted a trial verdict.
It is understood that, beginning in 2009, Xu, who started on the highway "down cards" "sell cards" gang of scale from the beginning of one person, one car development to three four vehicles, a total of more than thirty million illegal profits yuan. "Business" the best deal when one evening to a dozen times. In order to escape the relevant departments, they will replace the license plate of each month, and contact exchange access card by phone, the transaction process short and concealed.
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