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Post time: 2014-10-04 18:48:11
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After Southern News reporter trainee reporter Li Xiaomin Xu Chun-Yen Chang Court because of economic disputes, the two companies lead scrap yards battles,woolrich outlet milano, yesterday afternoon, Shenzhen Komeito Xu technology park with a company called "Truly," the conflict, both sides have thwarted other company property lead to the escalation of conflict, more than last night, witnesses said 19:40 Xu, a group of armed men broke into the New Komeito Xu technology park revenge, a man wounded to hospital. The police have blocked evidence on the scene, but not yet found shell casings at the scene, police said firearms can not be determined whether the event.
11:38 5 people mad smashing office
Yesterday 11:38, a group of unidentified men broke into Shenzhen Komeito streets of the village community Xufa investment company, armed with steel pipes and other objects will be reception hall wrecked a mess.
Xufa investment company located in the streets of the village community Komeito Lin Tong industrial area, a duty of security, said the incident saw a Gold Cup drove to the door, got out five men armed with steel pipes, apart from anything else came and chaos hit, first floor of the smashed glass door sensors, and then the office and smashed all the windows, security was chased when approached discouraged, so several security did not dare to stop, the whole process lasted three minutes or so thwarted, then five men on the bus to leave quickly. 5 Men's reception desk will be smashed, the front desk computer screen and keyboard also been smashed, the scene is a mess.
According to the company,scarpe hogan, a manager said he did not know these people, do not know what purpose,scarpe hogan outlet, it also said that after less than 20 minutes, the security of the company is located in the mountain community of Asahi public Mingma Science and Technology Park Room has also been thwarted by a group of men, "look at the situation should be the same group of people, what purpose is unclear." Southern reporter went to the Science Park found the glass was smashed all the security room, security said it was five men armed with steel pipes hit smashing due.
17:00 150 people hit the waste station
17:00 yesterday,woolrich italia, Xu, head of the Science and Technology Park, located in 150 people convened Mashantou Asahi Science and Technology Park set, then go to science and technology park near a scrap acquired company "Truly scrap yards," hit the scrap yards inside the office rotten. According to employees Xie Xu recalled: "There were about 150 people gather at the gate, and those who do not know, it should be called out,nike tn 2014,http://zumin.net/cgi-install/demo/zguest1/zguest1.cgi, and all wearing white gloves,piumini woolrich, each holding a pipe."
Last night,hogan 2014, the Southern reporter found TRULY scrap yards, scrap yards that door closed,louboutin, the door of a dozen rooms and the doors and windows are smashed glass dilapidated chairs and windows visible debris on the road, where a small shop in refrigerators was smashed glass scattered on the ground inside the drink.
7:00 pm 40 minutes five people armed retaliation?
Xu 7:40 last night, that is, 150 people smashed waste station after two hours,http://ohh.sisos.co.jp/cgi-bin/openhh/jsearch.cgi, two cars broke Xufa Mashantou Technology Park, the Southern reporter to check the position of the two different witnesses Zhang, Xie statement after discovery Description basically the same: a silver BMW and a Mazda 6 sedan has entered the industrial park gates,http://bloggingmetablog.com/forum/profile/bnju6309fub, Mr. Xie said the five men were gun off after which four men holding a pistol,http://0515.heibuhei.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=350945, a man armed with a rifle similar firearms. Five men broke into the industrial park toward the door after two cars opened fire inside. But for the number of shots, the witnesses have different expressions, the incident occurred near the guard room heard three gunshots, Mr. Zhang said, but at the same time at the roadside crowd,http://www.welt-urlaub.de/cgi-bin/links/add.cgi, said Xie heard five gunshots.
Five men then drove away after the shooting, but returned again ten minutes later. At this point there are more than 100 people watching at the industrial park entrance road, five men driving the crowd to leave. Xie said, "They put a gun to our crowd of people, that we do not read." Xie also said that because more and more people, five men drove toward the crowd rattling back and forth, but no injuries to the people, hit two laps after onlookers fleeing. When the five men left,peuterey prezzi,http://wap.wxrb.com/supesite/?action-viewnews-itemid-5371, the industrial park security found a man lying on the ground, the security alarm after the man was taken to the manhole People's Hospital for treatment. Police then sealed off the scene, searching for shell casings and other evidence than police officers at the scene.
Asahi hair is a main industrial plant rental and property management companies, more than 100 employees in Shenzhen Komeito, Fukunaga, manholes three have eight industrial parks. The company said it was because of a security company owner Xufa other money owed lead to conflict, but also that the staff said it was because the two sides compete for waste station business lead to conflict, the local police called the "economic disputes."
Bright police last night, after the incident the police have been actively involved in the investigation,http://www.greeningtheway.com/tw/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=201911, but did not find the scene searching for shell casings, and therefore can not be determined whether the incident involving firearms, after the whole incident has yet to be verified, for the cause of the incident, the police determine Because economic disputes due.
"Conflict and business-related waste"
10 o'clock last night,scarpe hogan uomo, the Southern reporter in Baoan manhole People's Hospital operating room to see the event in Guizhou Chen Jigang injured. It is understood that Chen at 8:00 last night, more than admission. He said he was not in the incident Xufa industrial park job,piumini moncler 2013, "just look cousin play,http://www.ahtzs.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=34325, is a vehicle to go after people who do not know," the crowd waiting outside the hospital claiming to be the park owner surnamed Chen A banana and Averroes friends, according to its disclosure,  are security personnel Xu technology park in the afternoon were injured in the incident. A banana and have really heard friends Achang with business-related waste.
Doctors said Chen Jigang the left and right legs and hands have stabbed trauma, but fortunately the injury is not severe, non-life threatening. Reporters tried to contact with A banana,giubbino peuterey uomo, but their phone has no answer.
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