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Post time: 2014-10-03 11:17:07
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China Daily Interview -
Why would the police tried to grab grab want Fangjiu Fang
China Daily: What is your time to be released?
Small Tu: Today (July 16) about 14:00, the police came to pick me up, they said I was a good starting point, is part of a very courageous and other minor injuries, this case is relatively light, taking into account all the circumstances, put I put.
China Daily: Are you originally intended to Shenzhen to find work, come for a few days? What would have been looking for work?
Small Tu: I was 28 June to Shenzhen because I studied electronics professional, so I want to find with the electron correlation, or promising work. I did not expect to come three days on the accident.
For refusing to compensate the suspicion of intentional injury Detention
China Daily: July 1 night thing for you, it should be more memorable, can be said about it in detail?
Small painted: that day, I told my classmates went to a small window on the world play Jian,http://www.tctwb.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=32181, around 23:00, we were going to go out walking in the road toward the door and saw a man in indecent assault of a woman. Obviously you can see, the woman had been struggling, that that man let go of her. But the man has been in the hands and feet, but also the woman dragged to remote places. I went to ask the woman or need help, the woman said, "I want to go back." Then I go to pull the woman, wanted to take her away. The man pushed me over, I did not let go. He broke my finger, hard pinch my arm and wanted me to let go of the woman. I feel pain, they struggled a bit, pushed the man about the same time kicked him. Then he fell to the ground holding the leg. He said his leg is broken, I thought he was installed, there is no control him, he took the woman to go together.
China Daily: After the door, you will be stopped?
Small Tu: Yes, we three went to the door, he was stopped by the security. I saw the man was already sitting in front of a taxi in the. At the door waiting for over 20 minutes, the police came, the three of us were taken to the police station.
China Daily: What is the situation after the police station? Small Tu: We three were taken to the police station, the man went to the hospital for checks. We three have been waiting in the police station. The man came, the police station the police suggested we reconciliation, the man mouth to 50,000 yuan, I said, "do not give." First, I should lose much money in the end, I do not know; Second, I was not particularly aware of his injury, I always thought he was installed; Third, I always think of my own doing right. Did not talk down,moncler outlet italia, the three of us were all shut one night. 2 July morning,peuterey 2013, the woman and little Jian my classmates were released. In the afternoon, I was handcuffed, recorded statement, signature,http://engkwentro.tk/blogs/34145/1048002/modified-air-nailer-facts-of-the,abercrombie kids, and then was sent to the detention center, they said I suspected crime of intentional injury.
More than a dozen world playing in the detention center shop
China Daily: was sent to the detention center, are you expected it?
Small Tu: completely unexpected. I thought I could go out the next day, I did nothing wrong, I always think they'll be fine.
China Daily: After being sent to jail, then what is the mood?
Small Tu: I still consider themselves right. Police also told me that they are on my side, they are very sympathetic to me, but sympathy go sympathy, the law is the law.
China Daily: Can you talk about the detention center in the situation?
Small Tu: There are a rule, people can just come to sleep on the ground, not bed boards, this rule is relatively long shut inside a few man-made,woolrich outlet roma, so I sleep on the floor in ten days are inside. I was locked in that room,air jordan pas cher, most of the time off the 28 individuals, at least when there are 19 people every day to come, people will tune away. In fact, just inside the bed put together with wood, the floor mat of the forty centimeters high brick, sleep five or six people, so they shut a few people have relatively long beds, others on the floor playing ground floor.
China Daily: What to do in there all day? Small Tu: fetching water, wipe, wipe the bed is everyone doing every day living. Inside the rest is this: get up at 7:40 in the morning, 8:00 breakfast, 9:30 to training, meditation (reflection), 10:00 disbanded, 10:30 dinner, 11: 30-13: 30 nap in the afternoon 3: 30-4: 00 for dinner,hogan interactive, after dinner and watch TV on squatted land, 21:30 off the TV. But there is not good to eat in the morning is two buns, noon and night with a little rice a la carte, a little water at all.
China Daily: inside you go people ask why? Small painted: ask, and they all called me after I heard that stupid.
Very anxious during the day Detention
China Daily: big boy is the first time you encounter such a thing? When inside, how do you think?
Small Tu: XingJu This is the first thing I encountered. I am most worried about their own inside the case, I do not know how serious the case in the end, do not know how long it will be sentenced, worried that she had a criminal record hard to find work, but also fear of parents worried that every day is very anxious.
China Daily: When did the family know,http://www.chuanshanghui.org/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=74125&fromuid=5560?
Small Tu: on the 12th day, there's Procuratorate prosecutor came to me about the case, he probably gave me a bit, I know my mother come to Shenzhen.
China Daily: What do your parents?
Small Tu: My parents help relatives to sell something, do a little business.
China Daily: After being released, what is your mood?
Small Tu: I still feel confused, do not know how it is, why all of a sudden I caught, and then again I put it?
Fear of retaliation do not want to be up in Shenzhen
China Daily: You saved down that Sharon contact you before?
Small Tu: out, we met her. She asked about the situation inside and asked me if I had beaten the like,abercrombie vetement, told me to apologize.
China Daily: the security looking for you or your family? Small painted: no. I heard he threatened Ms. Liu, I also have worried, afraid he might come back at me. China Daily: save for the things that you regret it? Later still do it?
Small Tu: I do not regret it,http://assy1.com/vb/showthread.php?p=1961972#post1961972. Later do the same. But I might consider to call the police.
China Daily: For this matter, do you have any plans for the future?
Small Tu: We find that we are courageous police, but the police always tell us the law,http://wx.weijishidai.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=942145&fromuid=34872, but we also say to them. In fact, I would like to apply for state compensation, but that is unlikely, anyway, has come out, much less attitude, even if the bar. I was afraid the whole those who surnamed Song, so do not want to find a job in Shenzhen, I have bought a plane ticket tomorrow morning (the 17th) went home.
Students save satyr was wounded Detention
Prosecutors yesterday arrested were released without
The evening of July 1, the Shenzhen Window of the World, the security obscene Nvwang Miss Liu Song, when 23-year-old man, Sichuan Luzhou small painted and students passing by, seeing rescued Miss Liu, and wounded the security, small painted therefore XingJu. Yesterday, Shenzhen Nanshan District People's Procuratorate announced for small painted suspected case of intentional injury, made the decision not to arrest a small coating was also released on the same day.
July 1, Ms. Liu and Song Window of the World to attend an appointment in the evening to go to Oktoberfest activities. Night around 8:00, Ms. Liu with a female friend,moncler sito ufficiale, the other with a male friend. Song claimed to be doing the clothing business, but he took them into the channel from the employee to the Window of the World,Hogan outlet, did not buy a ticket. They drank beer in there, chatting. Miss Liu said at 23:00 finish, Song of male friends sent her female friends from Window of the door. And she lives near the park, Song said to send her away side door path home. Went to a secluded T-junction when clearly it should go to the right, but the other party to hold her, to take her to go to the left, and the other began molesting her. Due to drink a lot, then she are unable to open the Song. Fortunately,hogan sito ufficiale, a small helping hand painted and students when passing small Jian. Thus pushing the two sides occurred, Song standing firm, sitting on the ground. Small Jian said that after the Song fell to the ground, broke his leg, said he also thought the other was lying. When the three men went to the window of the world's exports, was stopped by the staff, and report to the police.
Police confirmed that the Department of Security Window of the World Tour Song of the park, 32 years old. The forensic identification, Song suffered minor injuries. Small painted on suspicion of intentional assault followed by the police under criminal detention. It is reported that a small painted this year, Sichuan Vocational and Technical College had just graduated from June 28 to Shenzhen, hoping to find work in Shenzhen.
Miss Liu said that after learning of the small painted XingJu, she had hope and Song reconciliation efforts. But the other party, they must bear all his medical care, lost income, these payments and other expenses, estimated to be at least ten million. Miss Liu said she can not figure out, people do not implement obscene liability, a big opening to ask for medical expenses. The courageous people, anti-criminal detention. To this end she repeatedly to the police, the man should be held liable for her implementation obscene. After learning of Miss Liu Song demands, in July 11 sent a threat message, saying she should be "tasted broken foot." According to the "Nanfang Dushi Bao"
The latest progress
Shenzhen police will assist its application courageous award
8:25 last night, Shenzhen Nanshan police official micro informed that on July 12, Nanshan police found July 1 23 am, the victim Miss Liu Song in the Window of the World obscene,http://www.kilolakes.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=28877&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=2518, make its be penalty decision five days of administrative detention. However, due to a left leg fracture Song is being treated, not close arrest,http://dfamsa.dfzs.cc/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=19305, Nanshan police temporarily perform their administrative detention, pending further administrative detention injury recovery. Song Nanshan police will also conduct a further review.
According to the Southern Metropolis Daily News last night, Nanshan District Public Security Bureau held a press conference yesterday evening, the Bureau deputy director Zhang said police had withdrawn the case, after an investigation,nike tn requin, police believe the small painted indeed courageous,http://i-hooray.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11076, police will also assist small painted apply relevant courageous award.
Zhang's also said that the matter will not give small painted a criminal record, does not affect the small painted future. While small painted also do not bear the medical expenses of the injured.
Police Detention small painted 14 days, the need for compensation? Zhang said the police investigation is conducted according to the law, according to the relevant provisions of the "State Compensation Law," a similar situation does not require state compensation. Zhang also called on the Shenzhen small businesses can admit coating, so that small painted work can stay in Shenzhen, a small painted really is a good young man.
Many netizens questioned the police handling the case law. In this regard, Zhang explained the process of handling the case, there is an emphasis on handling process, things eventually will be conclusive. So why in the course of the investigation, no small painted bail, will minimize the damage of small painted? Zhang says that when considering the small painted just to Shenzhen, there is no fixed end result, they are also worried about the case once the other case,abbigliamento peuterey outlet, a small painted escape, the complaint may also cause the injured areas, so there is no bail them.
Shenzhen Window of the World tourist attractions yesterday informed Nvwang obscene matters for security processing results. The company has decided to channel Song and employees shall be given when the value of the dismissal of treatment, when the value of the security department managers to give warning. Company for the damage incident tourists apologize sincerely invite them to become scenic inspectors.
11:00 last night, China Chinese Commercial News reporters Jiang Zuixin and Xiao Xi told a small painted, he said did not know of this situation, there is no happy after that performance: "This (declaration Samaritan) too much trouble, I do not want to complicate the issue of , can go back on the back. "
China Chinese Commercial News reporter Wang Lili
(Original title: Why the police tried to grab the catch would like Fangjiu Fang (Figure))
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