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according to Dongnanzaobao reported yesterday

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Post time: 2014-10-02 09:10:55
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Taiwan Network Feb. 20 hearing, according to Dongnanzaobao reported yesterday (the 19th) 13:50, Ring Road in Anxi, Anxi County, the sixth high school two high school students riding a electric car crashed into a roadside guardrail crash , one person died on the spot and another person was seriously injured.
Traffic police department said the investigation initially determined that the accident was a unilateral accident,abercrombie modelli abercrombie udine, as to the specific cause of the accident and the driver's electric car is still under investigation.
Anxi County Board of Education, said the joint public security departments, schools Strict student riding a motorcycle,http://www.rucheng.org.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2888, excessive electric car learned behavior and prevent accidents.
[Tragic accident]
Witnessed: the electric car ride talking and laughing toward the fence
"I looked at the students wear uniforms rode uphill, the car also manned." Incident, Chen old man sitting in their own house, his house facing section of the incident, "It was also no cars on the road, They ride talking and laughing. "
Suddenly, the old man saw Chen electric vehicles rushed to the cement barrier direction, straight from between the poles and the cement barrier to wear in the past. "Sitting in the back of the students hit the telephone pole, cycling students also fell,vendita online woolrich woolrich parka rosso, the car is still forging ahead." Chen old man immediately rush to the roadside, after two students were injured,http://www.mag99.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=192513, squeezed in between the poles and the fence.
Reporters on the scene saw this large section of the road bends, steep slope,http://www.kongjie.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=705067, the distance between the poles and the cement barrier is about fifty centimeters,chaussure de foot homme adidas rom, cement fence by a car scraped a few more deep nicks.
"A crawl sat up, another lying on the ground motionless, two people have a lot of blood." Immediately stop the passing of Mr. Xu alarm. It was the peak of school students,http://bbs.kaoxuebang.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=798002, 120 emergency personnel rushed to the scene of the incident, a student from serious injuries, died on the spot, another student was taken to hospital in Anxi Ming election.
Injury: student dead and another injured victims still in ICU
Were rushed to hospital in a small Fu, killed his classmate Andy,mulberry uk sale, both are Anxi County Middle School High School sixth grade students.
Yesterday afternoon, reporters rushed to the hospital, small Fu had just been to ICU (intensive care unit), their families and school staff are waiting outside.
Families that nearly 3:00 pm, police received a small Fu's mother informed to know his son had an accident. When rushed to the hospital, small Fu has been unconscious, face with blood, there is a big hole in the top of the forehead,http://www.51you.cc/thread-790737-1-1.html, back of the skull fracture. "Another classmate thrown onto the road, died on the spot, the electric car is hit by a gap between the poles and the fence." When small Fu's father received a notice rushed to the scene, only to see the ruins.
"Today is the first day of class,nike air jordan homme pas cher air jordan magasin, how can out of this thing?" Little Fu's mother is difficult to accept, small Fu home after noon after lunch to school, but the small Fu mother said she did not know what to choose his son transportation to school.
[Official response]
School: Only about a dozen students to submit "three cards"
At the hospital, a school official said, the school has repeatedly stressed that prohibit students from riding the electric car,mulberry bayswater clutch win a mulberry bag, motorcycle to school. Anxi County Board of Education last year, the Public Security Bureau have jointly issued a document,hollister girls clothing uk hollister manchester uk, is expressly prohibited without eligible students ride electric vehicles, motorcycles. Schools and students to sign a liability form.
"18 years of age, can be provided to the school ID card, driver's license and driving permit is qualified." The person in charge, the whole school has only about a dozen students,abercrombie chemise abercrombie champs elysées adresse, it is unclear whether these two students among them.
Reporters saw Colonel Anxi six parked on both sides of the door a lot of electric cars on the road near the school, but also see a lot of students to wear school uniforms people ride electric car. However,jordan boutique en ligne air jordan officiel, the school is responsible for too many people are reluctant to respond, said only "car parked outside the school,acheter moncler soldes moncler femme,http://sanyacar.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=554664, how do you know who is?"
Department: strictly prohibit students from driving without a license
"This case is a lesson of blood." Anxi County Board of Education official said late last year, Anxi County, education and public security departments have launched special investigation, significantly reducing the phenomenon of students cycling to school. Before winter vacation this year, the school also distributed a letter Parents prohibited students riding electric cars,air max command homme nike air max 90 blanche femme, motorcycles or go to school.
"A lot of parents love their children, in order to facilitate their children to school,http://lab.huaxi100.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1337635&fromuid=372958, give them to buy motorcycles, electric cars, which is actually very dangerous." The official said,hollister uk clearance sale hollister clothing uk sale, if undocumented students driving electric cars, motorcycles, police discovered after seizure vehicles, to be signed by parents and students Xiebaozhengshu, the school agrees to reclaim the vehicle,http://edu.sakya.com.cn/thread-188029-1-1.html, while this behavior will be credited to the student file. Next, the Ministry of Education goalkeeper joint police, school students Strict similar behavior to prevent accidents.
(Original title: first day of school two students riding the electric car hit the guardrail one dead and one seriously injured)
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