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Post time: 2014-09-30 12:22:48
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to basically achieve socialist modernization, the need for at least a century, belonged to the primary stage of socialism. "One hundred years throughout human history is just a brief moment, but it is crucial for the Chinese nation's great rejuvenation stage,louboutin pas cher, use a hundred years of struggle to achieve "a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country" and will be China for thousands of years the most arduous historical task and greatest historic changes. It is in this sense that the 15th Party Congress report again stressed that "this historical process, at least a hundred times. As consolidate and develop the socialist system,giuseppe zanotti, it also requires a much longer time, you need to generations , a dozen,nike free 3.0, or even dozens of generations unremitting efforts. "In this regard,chaussure zanotti, Wang Xiangming three-pronged approach to correspondents explained the "primary stage of socialism requires at least one hundred years,toms shoes on sale," the circumstances reality.First,woolrich uomo, China has entered the historical premise of socialism, the socialist development of our decisions must go through a long primary stage. China entered the socialist important feature is that a large population, a weak economic foundation,jordan sneakers, backward productivity, economic underdevelopment, far behind the capitalist countries. This determines that China must use a longer historical period under socialism, to the establishment and development of the socialist highly developed productive base should be.Second.
resource and environmental constraints intensified, institutional barriers constrain scientific development system more, deepening reform and opening up and the transformation of economic development mode arduous task; regional development gap between urban and rural residents' income distribution gap is still large; social conflicts increased significantly,cheap toms sale, education, employment, social security, health care, housing,christian louboutin mens shoes, environment, food and drug safety, issue safety, social security,christian louboutin sneakers, law enforcement and judicial bearing on the vital interests of the more difficult part of life of the masses "Third, the current characteristics of the times and the international environment, determines the development of China's socialism is bound to go through a very long primary stage. Entering the new century, the rapid development of science and technology. On the one hand provides an opportunity for China to catch up with the modernization of the country, it also increased the catch of the world's advanced level of difficulty. Meanwhile, global imbalances aggravated hegemonism, power politics and neo-interventionism rising, world peace and development faces many difficulties and challenges. This decision of the international environment must be very long to enter the primary stage of mature socialism.Wang Xiangming told the reporter, the initial stage of a long-term impact requires us to overcome the force of habit. China long semi-feudal rule, feudal remnants still have varying degrees of impact in the community. Meanwhile, our long-term planned economy, set out step by step accustomed ideologically inert easily transformed into psychological-set. Practice has proved that, for new ideas, new things, suspected more than accept blame than analysis.
passively wait for more than an active practice of force of habit,christian louboutin pigalle 120, is a major obstacle to accept and carry out the primary stage of socialism theory.At the same time,hogan rebel, he believes that long-term primary stage requires us to work hard. The cause of socialism is the greatest cause of human history to accomplish this great cause, we must go step by step. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said, "hundreds of years of capitalist development, how long before we dry socialism! Onwards if the new China was founded, with a hundred years to build our country into a mid-level developed country, it is great! From Between now and the middle of the next century,christian louboutin, the period will be a very important thing, we have to work hard. "Xi Jinping, with particular emphasis on "keeping in mind the primary stage", "not only in economic construction should always be based early stage,zanotti sneakers, but also in the political construction, cultural construction,escarpin louboutin pas cher, social construction, ecological civilization construction should always keep in mind the primary stage; not only low in total economy To be based its infancy.
China's basic national conditions, determines the development of socialism must go through a long primary stage. Despite the 63 years since the founding of New China, but did not fundamentally change our country is still in the primary stage of socialism's basic national conditions.The report analyzes eighteen,hogan outlet, "said the development of unbalanced,toms outlet, uncoordinated and unsustainable issues are still outstanding, technological innovation capability is not strong, irrational industrial structure,woolrich outlet, agricultural infrastructure remains weak.

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