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Post time: 2014-09-27 12:01:50
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Xiaoxitian robbery
Mountain temple, six precious statues were missing overnight
[Year] three to four people, all wearing socks footprints.
Thieves crime means surprising, is collusion or who commit crimes
[Year] is not suspect a trap as a bait to induce the detection of the direction of the establishment of
Live thousands of miles away evidence locked cunning thief, stay tuned "xiaoxitian robbery"
This temple [Moderator] on the screen is called a Xiaoxitian Temple, located in Shanxi Xi (xi) the county, there are several hundred years of history, "the small and exquisite" is known, and tied for Wutai in Shanxi Buddhist cultural attractions in the province, "Shuangjue",http://www.weilaikejicheng.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, 1996 the State Council as a national key cultural relics protection units. Recently this century temple in something shocking event occurs, the temple five copper statue of Buddha and a number of precious relics was missing overnight.
Six precious mountain temple statues disappeared late at night
[Year] temple bells
[Text] xiaoxitian Temple is located in the west of Shanxi Xi County Phoenix mountain, also known as Thousand Buddha Temple, mountains in the Ming Dynasty, 380 years of history dating back centuries, incense malpractice. Buddhist temple showed a large hanging plastic shengjing many temples in the country is unique, xiaoxitian Buddhist temple has a very high cultural and artistic value. March 30 this day, for this century temple is a catastrophe.
At 4:00 on March 31 more minutes, an old Buddhist temple early in the course of doing when found together,air jordan spizike pas cher, weekdays locked doors of the house opened the door but immeasurable temple, inside the dark, without a trace of light.
[Year] xiaoxitian Temple Interim Head
I was ready Shangdian, we lay immeasurable here watching old house, and he called me and said master door lock did not, may enter, I will quickly Wang Zheer run, run here to see locks are gone , on the outside of my famous electric one photo, inside the gates are open, the above is not in the statues. A look not, my first time rushed to the police.
[Text] After receiving the report, Xi County police arrived at the first time Xiaoxitian Temple. Found at the scene,basket nike tn requin, immeasurable temple door locks were cut, cut the locks on discards in the temple door. Hall inside an iron fence gate has also been cut, enshrined in a lotus throne on which five copper statues were missing, with sandalwood carved statues behind backlight is also a piece of stolen. There is also an iron statue of Maitreya Buddha and a few small statues stolen at the same time. Police do not determine the time of committing the crime of thieves more than six hours, then sent police to immediately commence a few road detection.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Wang Bojun
The first way is to be at all the entry and exit inspection based cards blocking, see if I can put in the first time he was stuck in the county territory; second way is to focus on the central site seriously carry out inspection, investigation and find clues to criminals ; The third way we all hotels, Internet cafes to have foreign workers live in places like a sieve over a large area of ​​investigation.
[Reporter] scene here is located in southwestern Shanxi Province, a famous Buddhist shrine Xi County Xiaoxitian Temple, the entire temple is situated on a hilltop, are cliffs on both sides, followed by a tall fence, in front of the gate door is very strong, but said the entire perimeter of the temple is very strict control measures, then why would thieves target selection crime here it?
[Text] xiaoxitian temple statues were missing five bronze statues, gold-filled outer layer, cast in the Qing Dynasty, dating back 350 years of history, all aspects of technology is very beautiful. Respectively Sakyamuni Buddha, Medicine Buddha, Amitabha, Manjushri and Samantabhadra Buddha, has a high collection value cultural and artistic value. The purpose of the implementation of desperate thieves theft in this.
Lost [Moderator] Buddha touches the hearts of the temple monks, lay outside the province as well as countless believers. Shanxi Province Public Security Department task force from the day of the incident, Linfen City Public Security Bureau, a coalition of Xi County Public Security Bureau stationed Xiaoxitian Temple investigation, the panel also came from all over the tune of experienced forensic experts to help solve the case.
Clever thieves hard clear case
[Year] Shanxi forensic experts Qin Yinping
Immeasurable temple is the center of the scene of this alarm, in the center of the field on the ground to take technology to find criminals to enter the hall are three to four people, all wearing socks footprints.
Criminals come from this place later, he went straight to the grille door, criminals are inserted inside the lock bolt cutters to cut through, after entering the grille door directly on to supply the table, we now see that this has five a lotus seat, the rear seat Lotus,http://www.galawo.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1830517, on the inside of the glass we see that the image is that each bronze behind a wooden backlight, the backlight is placed in front of the corresponding copper with a Buddha statue five Meanwhile stolen statues and backlight.
[Text] stolen five high copper statue of Sakyamuni Buddha 53 cm, weight 40.5 kg, several other statues size smaller, slightly lighter weight, five statues weighing 200 kilos. Police believe the dark of night, thieves want to put such a heavy statues transported down the mountain without being noticed very difficult. By testing the police scene also found that the thieves cut the immeasurable when the temple door grilles will issue a larger sound.
[Year] Shanxi forensic experts Qin Yinping
The sound should be great, why? Because this is reinforced 16 teeth, which itself should be in the 30% iron content, so just like the sound of a bell, as is the sound vibrations of a certain great.
[Text] xiaoxitian Temple relatively small size, covers only 1100 square meters, surrounded by steep terrain, the temple usually inhabited by a dozen monks, Buddhist and staff. Let the police very puzzled that so many people are under the custody of several thieves out of the temple,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, such as unhindered, under the loud sound of the thieves cut the iron gate in the case, but also to continue to commit crimes; 200 kilos of copper Buddha transported to the mountain without being noticed, indeed surprising. After investigation and analysis of the scene, the police determine that this was a premeditated in advance, there are many people planning to implement theft, thieves must have sufficient strength to be smuggled out of bronze, but the thieves are very familiar with the structure of the monastery, advance been carefully check out the location.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Wang Bojun
Our task force on the case were a number of cases of analysis and research,nike tn pas cher france, one that the locals believe that this case is that the crime collusion foreigners, mainly based on the case, think xiaoxitian such an environment, so find out the route accurate,woolrich, environment so familiar, it should be said that this includes Buddhist monks living in this habit can be so accurate knowledge and understanding should be collusion.
[Text] through detailed view, on the walls of the temple police easterly direction, found a large number of traces, while the other three sides did not find any traces of it can be concluded thieves over the wall from the east wall to enter the monastery. Thieves also cut the connection on the temple walls electronic monitoring probe cable, which again shows the thieves and the prevention and control facilities for the temple structure is very familiar, sophisticated methods of crime, theft should be very experienced group of old thief. Show traces of temple thieves outside the ticket office next to a small road from the hillside at the eastern side of the wall around the outside of the temple, the scene also shows traces of the thieves was unarmed and did not wear shoes to climb up.
[Reporter] here is xiaoxitian Temple site hillside at the eastern side of that path, from here to the top of the temple walls 30 meters high, the whole hillside slope 80 degrees, nearly vertical, very steep, so several thieves How in the dark of night unarmed climbing up from here and into the temple inside of it.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Criminal Brigade squadron commander Huohua Jun technology
Reporter: I see there are a lot of thorns, climbing is very difficult.
Male 2: It is very difficult, you look above the thorns are prickly, wearing socks is definitely their feet, but they can climb up in this place, there is a special skill, like we northerners can not do this that, when analyzed Southerners most likely. From this site is climbing up, stepping on the tree, then climb the wall come, you see the cracks in the walls here are.
[Text] along the path at the hillside, the police in the temple on the eastern side wall of a corner found the three pairs of shoes. This is the suspect left behind a unique set of physical evidence, then that three pairs of shoes in the end is suspect forgotten or deliberately discarded here here yet.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Wang Bojun
My first feeling was initially considered a trap is not a crime suspect as a bait to induce the detection of the direction of the establishment,peuterey, or the fear of a police dog tracking ah, consider the induction of this factor.
[Text] police immediately on three pairs of shoes were carefully detected, identified these three pairs of shoes which have two pairs of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, a shoe factory, these shoes mainly in Guizhou, Sichuan area sales.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Wang Bojun
Indeed criminals have brought to the scene to wear, with the criminals have a direct link. And the reaction from the shoes of this size come out, criminals should be the figure is not high, the degree of wear and tear from wearing shoes on the view that criminals should be essentially engaged in manual labor so.
[Text] then these thieves in the end come from?
[Moderator] While the thieves left behind when the police near the scene of three pairs of shoes have doubts that a task force investigators to provide a very interesting and valuable information.
Scene evidence surfaced thieves
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Wang Bojun
We have a scout he happened to be demobilized troops back, his home is in Guizhou, he reflects a situation, he said they have a custom home in some places, is to throw away the shoes can be said that the bad luck to lose, but also means leave the territory.
[Text] This information coupled with the shoes, mainly in Guizhou, Sichuan area sell such a case, once cracked open the task force's ideas. By the suspect's height and very good at climbing this feature, the panel basically confirmed the suspect should Guizhou, Sichuan area of ​​personnel. By other aspects of the police investigation also ruled out the possibility of crime in collusion.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Wang Bojun
This total is 17 Xiaoxitian residence staff, including previously been here for lodging lodging personnel, we meet and talk individually to make this all suspected persons are excluded, and that we believe that the possibility that people who commit crimes are relatively big.
[Text] Soon a group of scouts came a good news, the occurrence of identity theft immeasurable Buddha hall installed a set of infrared security monitoring devices, due to the wire this device coupled with covert surveillance probe position is relatively high, so Thieves can not start this, this monitoring equipment to record the section of the screen when the thieves entered the temple immeasurable.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Criminal Brigade squadron commander Huohua Jun technology
Suspects entered the door after the emergence of two figures, here there is a probe, this is alarm monitoring, as long as he recorded a figure down.
From inside and found a little bent there observed a moment to observe a moment later, he Maozhao Yao from the recording head turned the corner from this place where the following into it, little man came in less than one minute later, the big sub is relatively large, white gloves, tucked behind a broken pliers, tools of crime, top in the back of his waist, along with his front came in, the door began to cut the crime.
[Text] from the monitor screen,moncler outlet,http://www.channelinworld.cn/search/node/%20type%3Awine, the two thieves do not wear shoes when entering the temple immeasurable, little thief wearing a pair of white socks, about 1 meter 55 tall, big thieves at around 1 meter 70 tall, wearing a pair of gray socks . Police analysis immeasurable Dianwai should also have other accomplices collusion.
In determining the thieves are foreigners who commit crimes come after this, the panel has increased the county's investigation efforts.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Wang Bojun
We think ah, impossible winged criminals he came, he came to be settled after the most, since he wants to check out the location, certainly there must be a process, to live, eat, these areas, so we spend a lot of police officers,http://www.jabros.com/forums/profile.php?id=1733, began in earnest in the county die cards. Hotels, cafes, rental, bath, sauna these places, including restaurants, taxi industry, by people one by one to Mopai.
[Text] in a large-scale investigation, and a taxi driver to the police provides a very important message. March 6 in the afternoon, which is more than 20 days xiaoxitian statues stolen before, there are two strange outsiders had been sitting in his car under the county north of the town of Lee.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Criminal Brigade chief guitar god tube
Afternoon to go, called 9:30 came to pick them, this driver said 9:30 I will not go, anyway, no, it changed to 8:00, the driver gets dark and later went home for dinner, to 8:00 after He told the driver to call, a call was to the intersection, the driver drove it came, drove to the future at the door, at the door of this old man got on the road south would say a person will say about this intersection there is a person, also came a young man sitting on the car, when two people are also back in the bag, put the bulging stuff. Lee after the next town, where to get off, he said, from the edge of the village there are 500,600 meters when he was out of the car, two people on the ground under the car, can be turned around after he found a taxi transfer The two men disappeared.
[Text] reflect the taxi driver to the police, two outsiders a little old, speaks Sichuan area accent.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau Criminal Brigade chief guitar god tube
An old little old man over 50 years old, tall less than 1.6 bar, between 1.5 m to 1.6 m, anyway young slightly larger, slightly higher stature, at around 1.65 meters.
[Text] task force learned that on March 7, Xi County police had received a report of villagers under the Lee town, located near a Chevron Tang Dynasty temple theft occurred one day Temple, the temple dedicated to a statue carved from wood The exquisite dragon head were stolen people. Here less than two hundred meters away from the taxi drivers to reflect off of two outsiders village. By comparing the left temple was Chevron suspects footprints and left in xiaoxitian temple suspect footprints, footprints found two places are very close. Task force in the county hotel also learned that on March 29, which is the temple statues stolen before xiaoxitian day, there have been two people to live in their hotel bath center, was not for registration, in the evening and left a.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau deputy director Chen lock
Bath center is a waiter seen it, vague, probably face can make it clear that the basic outlook in general can be reflected,piumini woolrich, for example, from the hotel and the taxi driver was still xiaoxitian find this particularly like the old man, the old man the level of stature that are not high, thin, featured special thin and based on our understanding of the situation,AIR max pas cher, the situation taxi drivers and hotel in general these reactions are the same.
[Moderator] comprehensive information on all aspects, the police have identified occur in two monasteries theft should be the same persons as before and the incident had stayed in the county. Two cases and case further lock the suspect.
The police investigation locking thousands of miles away thieves
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau of Interpol battalion often tiger orchid
The two men, according to our understanding of the situation later, according to their call this, the phone contact with the taxi driver over, then according to this situation we survey found that using a cell phone number is the number of Luzhou City, Sichuan Province.
[Text] has been very clear this case, the suspect came from Luzhou City in Sichuan area. April 8, the panel sent a scout went to investigate immediately Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, Luzhou in the full assistance of the police, the panel of which quickly found a suspect named Wang Chao, Luzhou, Sichuan people, two police joint implementation of his arrest.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau of Interpol battalion often tiger orchid
He lived in the house in Luzhou City, which caught him after we found out,nike tn 2014, we Xi County xiaoxitian stolen artifacts, all in him inside the house. Now stolen a total of six (statues), there are six (Buddha) at his house inside of him Tushen immediately after Tushen he confessed to the theft to let this thing be confessed.
[Text] Wang Chao statement to the police on March 6,http://www.ebky.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=37322&extra=, he and a man named Zhang Yong, who had visited Luzhou Xiaoxitian Temple in Shanxi Xi County conducted very carefully check out the location, ready to theft. Due to staff shortage, they just stole Xi county Chevron North Temple temple dragon statue returned. March 27,http://ejupai.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=87703&fromuid=11006, the suspect Zhang Yong, Wang Chao also mustered Zhangding You and Ding seer both from Sichuan Luzhou rented a sport utility vehicle came to Shanxi Xi County, four pairs Xiaoxitian Temple has conducted a more detailed check out the location. Police immediately in Luzhou, Sichuan and Guizhou Chishui area will be Zhang Yong, Zhang Dingyou and Ding seer arrested, they arrested three suspected of selling these artifacts suspects.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau of Interpol battalion often tiger orchid
According to them, these suspects confessed their night 10 o'clock, were divided into two groups on the xiaoxitian walk up on the xiaoxitian later,http://sgwto.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4136591, the first crime is the first wire to the surveillance video that Jiaoduan and then they in advance before committing the crime in our county bought inside the ropes, is the first to buy a rope after a man inside, from the edge crawl after, the rest of the people  hanging up, go out after take this reinforced pliers, the (immeasurable Hall) locks are forced open, and began to commit crimes.
[Text] several suspects confessed in advance Xiaoxitian Temple Capitol in the process, they have mastered the custody of two old Buddhist temple immeasurable are about six or seven years old, relatively poor hearing; suspects for the night in the mountains spent more than two hours, and so completely asleep before the temple monks began committing the crime, so was never found. Several thieves will steal immeasurable Buddha rear, back in the body and then transported along the stairs down the statues, ambush at the foot of the sport utility vehicle fled the night on the loaded Luzhou. Police arrested Wang in Luzhou, Sichuan timeout found in his residence five stolen copper statues and an iron statue has been put into good custom wooden box, ready to be shipped immediately southeast coastal city of a transaction with the buyer. The investigation seven suspects per capita for Luzhou, Sichuan and Guizhou Chishui people. Period three people have because of theft,hogan outlet milano, robbery and fraud, was sentenced to over punishment.
Police suspect Wang Chao's home also found a surprising secret, several suspects have been to many temples in Shanxi conducted within the Capitol, preparing to theft in the future.
[Year] Shanxi Xi County Public Security Bureau of Interpol battalion often tiger orchid
One is documented above his notebook, has, according to their account, has in Taiyuan, Pingyao, Yuncheng Jiangxian few places stepped points.
[Text] April 13, the panel will be stolen back from Luzhou, Sichuan, Shanxi, involved seven suspects was also an escort back.
[Year] welcome scene scene
[Reporter] unremitting efforts scene Xi County police,moncler uomo outlet, stolen relics were all recovered, identified by authorities, copper Buddha statue stolen all five national secondary protection of cultural relics, a statue of Buddha as national levels to protect iron Heritage,hogan interactive, five copper statue of Buddha statues and a statue of iron basically intact, but behind the statues made with sandalwood backlight badly damaged.
[Text] pursuant to Rule 264 of the "People's Republic of China Criminal Law", to the illegal possession for the purpose of stealing secret public and private property constitutes theft. Where the theft of precious relics, the circumstances are serious, life imprisonment or the death penalty and confiscation of property. Theft of two national heritage and the people who commit crimes more than three serious harm or serious recidivist behavior is plot.
[Moderator] According to the police investigation, these statues originally planned to be transported to the coast after the transaction is likely to be trafficked to smuggle antiquities dealers go abroad, once lost will be difficult to recover. Fortunately, in the relentless pursuit of Shanxi police, these precious relics were successfully intercepted. Detection of this case once again to give us a reminder: In addition to crack down on such crimes outside the monastery and other artifacts units to strengthen the construction of internal management and prevention facilities without delay.
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