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Post time: 2014-10-29 19:04:47
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Car accident,2zF98x7F4x
Yesterday at 9 am,d5y6Vz5Vno, the open road on a side street near the town of machine cast the accident occurred. A gray sedan Big Dipper will be walking in the street Zhuangfei three men,abercrombie soldes, killing one person seriously injured two people slightly injured. After the accident, the driver left the scene quietly. It is near the masses, motorists are a woman, here this evening to learn to drive. The injured were in Chengdu Kang bone hospitals and Friendship Hospital for treatment, police are investigating the cause of the accident.
Roadside three people were Zhuangfei
When reporters arrived at the scene around over the masses, the injured have been sent away for an ambulance. I saw a license plate for 51Y97 Dipper gray sedan parked diagonally on the lawn side of the road,louboutin pas cher,TyxhiRH83x, the headlights have also been lit,nike tn, with a concave front office, the right front windshield knocked out of a pit, the entire Glass from the center to crack open. According to an eyewitness Schilling said there was on the lawn beside the road and a lot of people walking,peuterey uomo, car Dipper is always around in circles on the spacious road,jordan pas cher,it0to0lPrY, "to see that this is to learn to drive." There are three guys are way chat, Big Dipper from their side open date, start a left turn to turn around, at this moment, the car suddenly accelerated, as suddenly as the mad rush to the three boys,louboutin soldes,rYS6L3cHNx, I heard 'bang' is heard,abercrombie pas cher, all three individuals were Zhuangfei out, fell on the roadside on the lawn, the Big Dipper also followed about a dozen meters stormed lawn.
Car and a woman
See someone knocked nearby people gathered around, some people immediately dialed 110,120. And when everybody is concerned about the injured, the driver of the Big Dipper, but quietly left the scene,JQ0V7C5m8r, "I saw the car had two people, a man and a woman, is that the woman in the car, the men sitting on the co-pilot. "one resident said. About 10 minutes later, an ambulance arrived at the scene the injured away. Live masses, ambulance left, sitting in the co-pilot on the Big Dipper man had returned to the scene, said it was his own car,bYU6K9ak3L,air jordan femme, said immediately to the hospital to give money, and then left the scene.
Chengdu Kang bone hospital emergency department,moncler outlet, the reporter saw the injured Fang, after a preliminary examination,hogan outlet, Mr. Fang's femur may fracture,moncler outlet, but the injury was not severe. Fang is a driver,[/url], according to him, when the car is a U-turn, logically it should slow down,[url=http://www.omancollege.edu.om/header.php]piumini woolrich, but he heard the sound of fierce bang throttle, then the car instantly rushed over.
Reporters pay Zhenqing photo coverage last night, 11:00
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