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Post time: 2014-10-15 19:19:33
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to occupy the emerging Chinese general aviation market.Austrian Diamond Aircraft Company as a joint venture in China to establish Shandong Bin Ao Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., has been sold in China 247 aircraft, the monopoly of the Chinese pilot training school single-engine general aviation trainer in this market segment.In addition, Embraer also signed a cooperation agreement last year with China Aviation Industry Corporation, the use of existing infrastructure,outlet moncler, the joint venture company,giubbotti moncler uomo, Harbin Embraer Aircraft Industry Co.,abercrombie pas cher, Ltd. Legacy 600/650 assembled to carry out the project. August of this year,hogan sito ufficiale, the assembly of the first Legacy 650 large executive jet successfully completed its first flight scheduled for delivery later this year.Western General Aviation makers face the aggressive marketing strategies.
China's general aviation enterprises should develop its own brand as soon as possible,hogan interactive donna, to seize market opportunities. It is understood that, in order to AVIC General Aircraft Co., Ltd. as the representative of a group of domestic shipping companies, through independent research and international mergers and acquisitions, has formed a number of own-brand navigation products.In the 2013 China International General Aviation Conference, the aircraft industry to fly independently developed Kitty Hawk 500 aircraft, Seagull 300 aircraft pilot 150 aircraft, 600 aircraft, seven models dragon models on display would attract the attention of a large audience . Among them.
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and ultimately enhance the brand, breaking its own brand like the automotive industry can only do phenomenon affordable products.New urbanization is an important policy of the new government's focal point, has become the focus of attention in all aspects. In the current round of new urbanization, the specific path selection of local government will be one of the key success of the new urbanization point.Some time ago I field research, I learned for the new urbanization of cognitive and implementation, there have been three types around.The first one is confused. On the one hand, the local government reform think a lot of power in the central government, local government is difficult to have a big breakthrough, so other central government policies before considering hands. The other hand,moncler piumini, technological progress and management to enhance the quality of this type of urbanization path, find ways and paths upgrade, feeling confused and disoriented. The type of local government,moncler italia, are located in relatively conservative ideology,magasin abercrombie, economic weaker Midwest.The second is Chuaizhuo understand confused. Some local governments for new urbanization core idea is to understand,nike air force 1, but took a one-sided interpretation of the way. For example, the Great Leap Forward deliberately investment,abercrombie pas cher, real estate, technology, human-made model fitted to the old town "new urbanization" This basket. Such alienation urbanization path is currently one of the Chinese government to implement the new urbanization of the biggest challenges.

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