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Post time: 2014-10-01 16:32:29
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" this is a good test, but the shade Shi-and  have been in contact Golden rice test entrained put in, "No declaration, no approval,air max pas cher, did not notify us."The official will bear responsibility if sequelaeIn the General Assembly on November 30,christian louboutin pumps, the official also gives a compensation program: Children do not eat golden rice, compensation for lost income families 10,000 yuan per household; edible gold rice children, their families compensation for lost income, household expenses,air jordan pas cher, mental soothe costs 80,000 yuan.Hengyang City officials say the foregoing,discount christian louboutin shoes, there is no compensation for the argument, but taking into account the parents so the thing back and forth several times, and some parents because children eat golden rice psychological burden heavier, thus giving the lost income and mental comfort fees.The official agreement provides a compensation scheme for parents to 25 children to sign. In order to avoid their fears, the agreement stated, as later sequelae, the Government will be responsible for.But the families of children eating golden rice is still not digested concerns,nike air max, "Now see later how to do if something happens." In this regard, official sources said Hengyang, gold rice trials in the United States has done with safety trials,cheap christian louboutin shoes, but in Hengyang nutrition test, there is no security problem.According to Ms. Chen introduced the parents,christian louboutin athletic, parents of children participating in the pilot's request for a medical examination,Cheap Ray Ban Sunglasses Online, the official said in response to arrange a time and then released in the findings.(Original title: Hunan Hengyang 25 children eat gPost reporter Zhou JingluPrime Minister of Japan again soon as Abe LDP president, is currently studying leadership and personnel issues new regime cabinet members within the LDP. Abe said, will work as the center of economic arrangements powerful lineup.Some analysts believe that Abe took office after the first major task is to stimulate the Japanese economy.
also saw gold cooked rice into the steamer photos.Eguchi Town Central Primary School,nike tn 2014, said the former president Hezhong Qiu, and Wang Yan Tang Guangwen estuary have been to the town center primary school, but can not remember a specific time.Hengyang City, an official told the Post reporter, golden rice is Tang Guangwen, Shi-Yam,christian louboutin sandals, Wang Yin trio engage in private, "They bring their own over the Hengyang participants sent away, secretly operating."The official said an official in Hengyang City in September whether to include golden rice trial investigation had asked Shi-shade, "he denied, saying there is no such thing." But now it seems, Shi-Yam is a liar.The official said the State Natural Science Foundation projects lined Shi-declared "plant carotenoids in the body into becoming child Efficiency of vitamin A.
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