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kind of male students live in her own B & B where

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Post time: 2014-10-15 13:10:33
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Morning News Nvwang settled after coming to Nanjing nowhere, kind of male students live in her own B & B where, how think it is asking for trouble! The next day, the girl in the note understatement to the sentence, "I am not a good person,scarpe tipo hogan," can thus be able to whitewash it?
Zhu Xiang,http://www.dsws.cn/web/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-11,scarpe tipo hogan, 22 years old,scarpe tipo hogan, is a college student in Nanjing, but he does not live in the school,scarpe tipo hogan, but their renting,scarpe tipo hogan, life is freedom. Paowang Ba Zhu Xiang biggest hobbies,scarpe tipo hogan, the evening of March 9 this year, he rented a certain Internet cafe downstairs in Internet chat, met Nvwang "sweetheart." "Sweetheart" Jiangxi sister,scarpe tipo hogan, only 19 years old. She said the day to Nanjing,scarpe tipo hogan, was originally looking for friends to play, only to have contact,http://bbs.joyup.tv/thread-1432-1-1.html,scarpe tipo hogan, so no place to stay, only to stay in the cafe the night.
Previously, Zhu Xiang and "sweetheart" talked several times, a good impression on her boys a look at the time,scarpe tipo hogan, it is already late at night 11:45 a. Think of single girls live Internet cafes very dangerous,http://shuohua123.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=128305&fromuid=13596,  the love and affection of the heart: "! Either you tonight I am here to live it," the girl from the north to the east of the taxi, Zhu Xiang, where she received a B & B, the beds so that to her,scarpe tipo hogan,http://www.brackettfamilyconnection.info/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=168075, and then went out on the night of his own net.
Ordinarily travel fatigue, "sweetheart" should be down bed to sleep,scarpe tipo hogan, you can find many girls in mind,scarpe tipo hogan, to be Zhu Xiang left,scarpe tipo hogan,http://www.yqtxt.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, she increasingly spirit up in the house collecting good again, to find a laptop. The next morning, Zhu Xiang has not come back, "sweetheart" ready to go,http://www.globalteam11.com/index.php?/member/1138410/,scarpe tipo hogan, leaving Shihai specifically looking for a crumpled sheet of paper, crooked wrote:. "Thank you for letting me live,scarpe tipo hogan, I'm sorry, I'm not a good person you are Computer lend me one to use, in the future also you, bye! "Girls feel peace of mind so they can steal other people's stuff. Went out,http://bbs.hm169.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=110271, she hit the car came to Zhujiang secondary market, the stolen goods sold 1300 yuan.
Zhu Xiang home after seeing the note,scarpe tipo hogan, was very upset that he did not think how, "sweetheart" is actually a thief. He immediately returned to the cafe,scarpe tipo hogan, on the Internet under the "ultimatum", the command "sweetheart" immediate return of computers. After unsuccessful,scarpe tipo hogan, he reported to the police. Police on the same day the "sweetheart" captured. Justice,scarpe tipo hogan, the girl said that his real name is Fang Juan, to spend the night in the name of the users home burglary, is not a return to two back. Recently,http://www.weilaikejicheng.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Fang Juan has been prosecuted on suspicion of theft basaltic prosecution. (Paper party pseudonym)
Author: Yu Xuan seized bundles / Source: Nanjing Morning News
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