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Replica Fake Ray Bans said the school is a good starting point

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Post time: 2014-09-13 16:29:40
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Xiaopeng parents, grandfather and many other relatives into the court, sitting side by side with the agent plaintiff gallery. Xiaopeng emotional because his father could not calm before the trial incurs people helped out.Faced Xiaopeng relatives claim 116 million yuan,Replica Fake Ray Bans, Wang brother argued that he was not Wang's guardian does not agree payment. "I usually just bring food to his brother, to take care of some life,tn pas chere, although some brothers obligations." Brother Wang also said that since the death of his father in 2007, he had to find the police station and village, to explain their inability to regulatory brother, hoping to sent to a mental hospital,ray ban sunglasses for sale, but the matter has not been back. "I have limited income, no money to send him to a mental hospital. My brother in 1987 was diagnosed with schizophrenia, was due to get the disease lovelorn take things too hard, a few words to make life difficult on chopping up people, I have been his overtake, the police have come several times for his father left, I could not even communicate with him,nike tn 2014, and not as much and Xiaopeng say it,tn, I really did not think he would be killed Xiaopeng. "Village,louboutin on sale, said the case had nothing to do with"Do not say anything! Still my son." At this time, Xiaopeng father suddenly entered the courtroom, shouting, the judge had to maintain order. After a few minutes, Xiaopeng father finally calmed down, his face was more than two lines of tears.Village security officer.
afternoon sun shines on the stone on the road, so this is the only way to go to school Xiaopeng quite tranquil and peaceful, but just a few months ago one day at noon,outlet tiffany online, 11 year-old Xiaopeng drowning roadside.
another spy school can not exclude non-management staff,toms outlet store, it is extremely easy to expose privacy. Student dormitory this relatively intimate environment, in line with the provisions of the law on privacy protection, schools do so inappropriate.Psychology Department of Wenzhou Medical Ho Jin Choi said,nike tn, such an approach seriously affect the health of students, one junior high consciousness began to emerge,Christian Louboutin for sale, there will be peep feeling; secondly in the state being monitored students do not feel safe, but also that the school does not trust him, had returned to the bedroom can relax, but now it must regulate behavior,barbour pas cher, there will be a great psychological pressure.PARTY deputy director of the Office of Management and Law Teaching and Research Department,Christian Louboutin Online Store, Associate Professor Zhang Hongjun,tiffany outlet, said the school is a good starting point, but today's children than ever before stronger sense of independence, asking for others to respect the expectations of even more intense, in addition to the individual as against the public administration When private rights should give way, the school should change management methods, students can explore an acceptable manner.Source: Wenzhou Metropolis Daily reporter: ZhanMay 10 this year,air max, the king of the village of Huairou District, Huairou town 11-year-old boy Xiaopeng way to school, was beaten on the head with a blunt head injury caused by the death of the murderer Wang was arrested the same day, because schizophrenic disease has been shut into a mental hospital. Learned only son passed away, passed Buhuozhinian parents lose, the defendant Wang's brother and village to court, claims 116 million yuan. Huairou court hearing the case recently. � court focusBrother exclusions claiming non-guardianHearing that day.
said Wang is five guarantees, suffering from schizophrenia,barbour international, national treatment enjoyed by his brother-generation leader, Wang guardian is his brother,barbour catalogue, so the case has nothing to do with the village, the village Authority should not bear any responsibility. As for Wang, said his brother had asked the brother to a mental hospital issue, village security officer said he took more than two years in the village of security,Sunglasses Shop Sale, do not understand the situation, "I know Wang spirit is not good, but I did not expect He would kill the children of someone's home before he repeatedly alerted the case 110, I do not know. "is not the case in court for sentencing. � reporter visits"Adults and children are afraid to pay him any heed."After court, Xiaopeng told reporters about his father, after he and his wife divorced, the child has his own band, weekdays by giving day laborers live. The day of the accident, his son told him to just say two dollars to buy popsicles, they go to school, and the results never came back, "I heard people say, when he and several children together,barbour pas cher, the other children all ran, he behind was pulled ... "In order to understand the incident, the reporter multi inquire, finally found the incident occurred in the village of Wang Nan. Here a green field on the west side, the east is a kindergarten.

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