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louboutin femme "I always believe good turn deserves another

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Post time: 2014-10-13 04:04:16
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then the choice of site.There is a crime did not steal a penny was sentenced to 4 years& Gt; & gt; eyes of the police, judges thief shadow: the young, and a little cool, said he much to take, canvas bag filled with money left.Trial, Huai-chi truthfully confessed before Wenjiang implementation of theft crimes. "Vicious little subjective, it is with the trial." Zheng said fruit when it comes to why the bank theft, he said did not want to start a private,louboutin femme, all money is not easy. He also said that it will not even open the safe greedy, filled canvas bag and left.Recently, Pi County People's Court held a public hearing of the case. After investigation, Huai-chi has entered Wenjiang, Chengdu, Pi,nike air max 95, etc. 4 outlets, and tried to pry ATM theft money. Although none succeeded,woolrich outlet, but the illegal possession of intentions clear, the transfer of bank records found that the total amount of more than 120 million.Court that,giuseppe sneakers, Huai-chi illegal possession for the purpose of stealing other people's property several times secret, a huge amount of crime,louboutin pas cher, his behavior constituted theft. "As has been hands-on implementation of the crime, and finally it did not succeed because of external factors." Qin Yongchun said, taking into account the attempted crime and a good attitude, the court appropriate sentences, sentenced to four years and fined $ 10,woolrich parka donna,000. WCC reporter Wu Liufeng photography LiuCity Evening News that he is a disabled, by driving scooter livelihoods, homes still owed more than 10 million in debt, he more than anyone in need of money. But when he picked up nearly 20 million in property, they were unwavering, drove 70 kilometers own money returned to the owner. It is this noble quality, so educating rural Yushu grace many people hear about it.
although her husband fell on the house, became disabled, but as long as the couple work together, we can get rid of the status quo of this poverty.
Kong Jichang suddenly think of it, this is the fall of the previous car's Den package,barbour femme, so he followed the bag of a telephone number, contact the owner on the Den. Den says that things have been Kongji Chang picked up his heart was at ease hanging down. And that he did not expect the next day, drove 70 kilometers Kong Jichang, Den arrived home, give the money to him.They became good friends after thingsHaving lived through it,moncler homme, the two became good friends, Kong Jichang give money the next day, it is also a big day Den. Ken says he working in Russia,christian louboutin paris, the money she saved him hard, is used to marry a wife, if it is well-intentioned Kong Jichang will lose money and goods sent back, I am afraid the marriage knot must not become,giuseppe zanotti, on the red him this character, we should become friends with him.Later, many people ask Kong Jichang, suddenly picked up a sum of money,doudounes moncler, in the end there is no tempted too? Kong Jichang said his family was very poor, the mother paralyzed in bed.
two kids in school, but he was a disabled, by driving a tricycle for their livelihoods. After his mother is sick, Kong Jichang around to borrow money, and now the family owed more than 10 million foreign debt, took the money if he would have paid off the debt.Can  no hesitation, he chose to find the owner, and his idea, also supported by his wife. Kongji Chang said, "I always believe good turn deserves another, in order to be worthy of their own conscience,woolrich uomo, I give the money back to the owner."Disability coachman who is honestLearn  who knows he is a very honest person, in order to pay off debts,woolrich outlet, he sold the beloved van, the new houses are also sold, in order to hold up the house, he dragged the body of disability, every day go back and forth. His wife said.
both for his thumbs up, praising disability coachman Kong Jichang is a good man.Careless pack off the taxiWell sterility in Yushu village, many people are aware of disability coachman Kong Jichang, not because he drove well, but because he is a warm-hearted. Last November 10th, Yushu tuqiaozhen Young Farmers Den led girlfriend to buy wedding supplies, you open the car ride Kong Jichang, the results in the next car,nike pas cher, they patronize to congratulate friends and come say hello, but forget there is a bag on the car.After a long time, he found himself missing something. Den very anxious, because there are some in Russia working with documents, these things once lost, the loss is even greater, because even after marriage abroad, which the identity cards and passports are anxious to use the stuff. After the package was lost,hollister, Den also looking, he also tried their best to find  of this car, you can find a few hours are not found, just Den disheartened when he received a  phone.Picked up nearly 200,000 property to rightful ownersKong Jichang said that night to close the car,moncler bambino, he found the car more than a black bag, opened it,tiffany outlet, there are gold necklaces, diamond rings and other jewelry and more than 4,nike soldes,000 yuan in cash, worth more than 10 million. Deposit bank card count, a total of nearly 20 million worth of property. Found to have so much money.

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