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Post time: 2014-10-02 02:37:08
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as the aunt, I should not pipe?" She also admitted that he was playing Xiaoyong, but the children behaved disgusted, she also on the matter.She insisted that he did not know how Xiaoyong is burned, "I saw him, his body was already on fire. Might be playing with fire themselves, playing with the fire of oil."For his confession of guilt, Qi said he was a torture. "I was very scared, then I wanted to, or recognize it, maybe more than 30 days will be able to go home."For Xiaoyong testify regarding her, she said: "When he said 'yes aunt', I was particularly chilling." Qi with a particular expression of grievances and asked reporters: "I was her pro-aunt, I can do something like it ? "She said they have a clear conscience, we must appeal. � criminals their human father: performance anomalies had suicidal husband: a good strong stubborn Pi QibaoIt is reported that Qi accept a public security organs during the investigation, was particularly excited mood that can not continue to be examined.Qi in a home in rural Hebei. She said that their 2005 college exam, so she becomes very low self-esteem. At the time, at their own expense on a private Qingdao, but she felt deceived, 2006 automatic withdrawal, after being introduced to recognize the big five-year-old husband own.Qi said a father and daughter on the performance of anomalous since junior high school.
the incident that night, Qi a bubble because Xiaoyong point play with fire with a lighter and unruly, anger and the oil spill liquid Xiaoyong body and lit with a lighter, causing burns 30 percent Xiaoyong, severe inhalation damage. After Beijing's Tongzhou District Public Security Centre of Forensic Identification, Xiaoyong genus injury suffered serious injuries.Tongzhou Court held that Qi certain ignore state laws, nephews playing with fire because it refuses to accept discipline, actually anger and their nephew oil spilled and ignited, their actions constitute intentional homicide, punishable by law. Qi some excuse inconsistent with the facts and the law, the court shall not be accepted. Qi a crime after embarking for reasons other than the will not succeed, the Department attempted crime, courts and there is a relationship between it and the victim and other circumstances into consideration, mitigated punishment according to law, sentenced to seven years deprivation of political rights for one year . � Appeal said was torture criminalsAfter hearing the verdict, a Qi said "Thank you, Judge," and then said they will appeal.After court, Qi was interviewed by a reporter, saying he is being wronged, this has nothing to do with her.Qi certain that the good relationship between her family and home Xiaoyong, usually she Xiaoyong also very good, "his mother was not at home, he was in my house to eat."On the day, she did discipline the child, "he playing with fire is not a back two back.
"do not do their homework, anxious hand pulling hair, do not want to communicate with people." In high school, my daughter twice given a free hand to drop out, after the entrance defeat, because private family let go of Qingdao, "do not eat for two days, while his family worked in the fields to open the gas to commit suicide, and said not to go to school alive boring, and later the family was all right to let go to school." dropout daughter married a year later told the family .A husband, said Qi Qi a marriage does not work, at home, child care, housework organized, but very quiet introverted wife, a good strong stubborn, grumpy.In an interview with psychiatric examination,  recognize his state of mind is fits and starts, not a thing will encounter depression.
said he stop playing with fire after Xiaoyong, grab the child in the hands of the lighter back into the house. About 10 minutes later, she heard a child crying for help, she went straight out of the house Xiaoyong's room and saw the ground with burning foam, use foot, and then saw Xiaoyong was wrapped in a towel outside . She said he did not see Xiaoyong been burned in the process, "I analyze his own playing with fire burns."Last September 11, Qi started doing a confession of guilt, she admitted that he anointed the child, then the ignition. � criminal court verdict sentencing is still retractedJune 14 this year, when Tongzhou court hearing, Qi has retracted a plea of   � ot guilty. She said that he did not take the oil to Xiaoyong body splash.
At that time, Xu Xiaoyong and small are in the house to play, "then I would particularly urge to put the bottle of boiling oil in Xiaoyong body, from his head down to go, followed by lighter him to the point of the . "Qi certain that her point is the lower corner of the clothes, the fire was on the up, she alarmed, afraid to burn the house of a small promise, she picked up a small Xu Wang Wuwai go on, there is no tube Xiaoyong.Xiaoyong then covered the fire came out from the house, went in another room of my father, shouting: "Daddy, help me." His father said, was very anxious, with a wet towel to fire kids put out. � statement said children playing with fire ignited himself"While I was putting out the fire she asked him how to get, he said, 'Yes aunt, is aunt'." Xiaoyong's father recalled in testimony. He hurried to the hospital Xiaoyong, on the way, he asked how to get children, the children, said:. "Is aunt burned with a lighter."During the evening of September 8 last year, the children in the hospital, Xiaoyong's father alarm, saying that at some point the fire is suspected Qi Xiaoyong. The next day, Qi certain detainees. At first, she denied that it was his own burned Xiaoyong.
nor ignite with a lighter, Xiaoyong burns and her does not matter. She mentioned that her two small children, no one to take care of.However, the prosecution presented testimony Xiaoyong said the aunt said he was angry after the fart aunt, and little promise back to the house. Aunt then took a drink bottle found him, pulled him over directly aboard his body down a taste of liquid paint, and with a lighter lit. Little promise in the house at the time also said Xiaoyong fire when Qi is in a house, but he did not know how the fire Xiaoyong.After the court investigation.
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