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tn requin including large-scale military exercises

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Post time: 2014-10-15 06:24:48
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Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a decisive victory in the Senate elections. In this election from the Chinese leadership, behavior during and after, you can see how their use of traditional and high-tech warfare strategy and tactics.This form of combat using conventional and advanced technology - missiles,tn requin, ships, jet fighters,jordan pas cher, reconnaissance, testing and disruptive technology - send a political message to the opponents. Chinese leaders this unique military exercises, perhaps reflecting that they believe the situation has developed to the extent of pure diplomacy has been unable to obtain sufficient returns. They may also be looking for new ways to send a message they want to pass. Finally, they may feel that the dispute with Japan has begun to cross-border,piumino moncler, threatening to China's national interests.While China's leaders to use this unique form of combat.
but there is no desire to let disputes from escalating into a military conflict. In contrast, in military exercises,barbour shop online, their main purpose is to force opponents to the negotiating table, there may be to let the dispute out of the public attention.1994-1996 Taiwan Strait crisis and the crisis of 2012-2013,zanotti pas cher, the East China Sea have highlighted China's unique form of exercise. In the Taiwan Strait crisis, an event considered by the Chinese leadership in Taiwan toward independence cause. Therefore, China conducted a series of traditional and high-tech warfare exercises, including large-scale military exercises, an underground nuclear test.
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ballistic missile tests, amphibious landing exercises and live-fire exercises. They sent a different message, aimed at the growing threat of Chinese behavior of different actors in the national interest. Taiwan's voters and leaders, the information is 1996 Taiwan "President" not to engage in the election a referendum on independence; against foreign forces.
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