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nike blazer lover using a false identity cheating credit cards totaling 16

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Post time: 2014-09-24 19:38:12
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so they are now more popular "circle" where soldiers with fake certificates do bank cards.
and then find and photograph on the card looks like people do go to the bank card."With this card deposits, withdrawals,nike blazer lover, not "trouble" it? Vending caught all respondents said, "certainly not."They told reporters, according to bank regulations, large deposits or withdrawals for others, you need a bank card holders and agent ID. Because of this, they sell the bank card while only "supporting" used to do card attached documents; If it is large withdrawals, they recommend reporter purchase card with online banking functionality, "transfers convenient, do not go to the bank, the home computer can the. "Reporters asked: If the owner of the ID card to the bank for bank card loss or modification of the code, the card funds how to protect? Vending those that do not know the identity of the owner may have this card,toms for sale cheap, it will not have this problem.The current situationRichard Yanshi Bing identity card as a "favorite"Unannounced visits, the reporter and where a person Vending bargain.The other said: "Before the investigation was not so strict, do card also easy, so there is 200 yuan before now do card check card was particularly tight,nike tn requins, calling on the inside, risks,nike tn, and the price was certainly up ah. . "Reporters also on ID cards to the bank to withdraw money counter, said security concerns. Then the other said: "Why do not you come to a soldier card, the bank did not carefully check."He said that due to the card out of the card do too much trouble.
reporters today that the West Side Court sentenced to prejudice the management of its 10 months in prison and fined 10,000 yuan. Reporters learned from the court system as a way to cheat to do a bank card, first of its kind in the city.Reporters unannounced visits to that, and now the bank identity card audits do more strict, so criminals use forged bank card soldier card cheat do.A lawless elements that some bank staff did not even look at documents and bank card soldiers lack the authenticity of hardware testing conditions.Court casesCheat gang yesterday tried to do a bank cardYesterday, Changping District Court held a hearing with cheat do bank card case.The prosecution alleged: June 2, 2013, FAN and others in a number of banks Huilongguan area, using a false identity cheating credit cards totaling 16, after the public security organs seized.According to the confession of the accused, whose identity is its holdings in the online purchase.The prosecution that the defendant use a false identity information cheating credit card, the number is huge,cheap toms outlet, its behavior should prejudice the credit card management held criminally responsible.Fake card soldiers do card first jailedAt the same time, reporters today that the West Side Court for a card cheat do forged bank cards soldier accused sentenced. Reporters learned from the court system as a way to cheat to do a bank card, first of its kind in the city.According to prosecutor accused: December 14, 2012 afternoon, the way a soldier using a forged certificate in the branch of a bank in Beijing Central Trade cheating bank card 1; afternoon of December 18 the same year, he used forged card soldiers,gioielli tiffany, in three banks located in Xicheng District, more than outlets were cheating bank card 3,cheap toms online, the last being caught.Trial,air max pas cher pour homme, the prosecutor accused a certain way on the facts and charges no objection.Court,air jordan 13, a People's Liberation Army Forces Command issued a certificate, the prosecution also submitted as evidence to the court.After trial,barbour pas cher, the court held that a certain way of using a false identity to apply for credit cards.
credit card management order prejudice,oakley, his behavior constituted the crime of obstruction of credit card management, then sentenced him to 10 months in prison and fined 10,000 yuan.Extended interview Online posting to sell the bank card payment transactionAccording to media reports, due to the lack of second-generation ID card "cancellation mechanism", the citizen ID card is lost, even to the police station to report the loss and go through the process done, loss of the old certificate can still be used normally.Reporters learned from the city court system,air force one, many criminals large quantities of unknown origin identification,tn pas cher, to the bank after a large number of bank cards, plus the final price to sell.Reporters found online sale of hundreds of pages of bank cards or website address. Reporters unannounced visits found to give customers "peace of mind", some people take Alipay transactions. "You pay a deposit, we send you the card over, and then you get to pay the balance after our money, tell your bank card password." A Vending said, this process is the "norm."You can customize more than 10 days to run downVending caught, said today the card with online banking needs 500 yuan a piece.
with no ordinary online banking debit card is 300 yuan a piece. By mail,ray ban outlet, including a bank card, a U shield and handle this bank card used when identity cards.They have said that when the bank card used to do identity, from different regions, with different physical characteristics.When the reporter asked, hoping Vending person found matching "male, aged 45,ray ban sunglasses for sale, a round face, inch head" of identity, and thus do when identity cards, everyone immediately promised "no problem."But everyone took the opportunity to reporters "to high-priced." One Vending said: "Probably more than 10 days can run down but the expensive set without online banking,moncler, 500 yuan."Missing documents using cheat do find looks alikesWhen a reporter asked about the identity and authenticity of the source, they are avoided,oakley vault coupons, only to ensure that "absolutely no problem,air jordan 4, you go to Jiudiankaifang are OK."Reporters repeatedly asked one of them to admit that part of the bank card is the use of identity cards do others missing. "We first bought card.

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