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Post time: 2014-09-24 19:11:59
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content is still snapshots, said he did hygienist in a kindergarten very good, very safe. Asked specifically where, when you come home, Zhang Jingyi answer "in Chinese,veste barbour homme," "New Year back home" after no reply.No signs introverted away Police have her listed as a missing personAccording to medical school Changzhou Zhang,toms, deputy director of nursing teacher, Zhang Jingyi and students usually exchange small, somewhat introverted personality,tiffany milano orari, achievement moderate, has now passed the graduation exam and qualification examinations.
the implementation of convenience Huimin measures through into the community, hospital door,louboutin cheap shoes, holding a large classroom and other forms of health for the people to provide doorstep medical services.Capital, medical and public health representatives at the launching ceremony,spaccio moncler, participate in large clinic Week is the capital of the vast number of medical workers to carry forward the spirit of volunteerism, spread love and warmth, positive energy accumulation and amplified the importance of social support. Doctors participating in the event will be superb artistry and good service, sent to care for each person encountered difficulties, eager to help, and take practical action to set an example for building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.Enrolled in vocational and technical schools in Changzhou Health (hereinafter "Changzhou Medical School") is a 19-year-old girl Zhang Jingyi day away from school before graduation.
text messaging,cheap oakley sunglasses, microblogging, letter, QQ, etc. her, but always can not contact the family of QQ also pulled into the blacklist.According to Zhang Jingyi's mother introduced her daughter had agreed with the good, graduation day to the school to pick her back to Suzhou, but on May 18 at noon to play her daughter's phone is turned off. May 19 afternoon, Zhang Jingyi had also send text messages to a student, so that students do not disclose their whereabouts, but her classmates do not really know where to go. Then the family discovered through surveillance video, Zhang Jingyi a man dragging a suitcase appeared in Changzhou Railway Station, in the vending machine to buy a ticket to go to Shanghai Hongqiao station after disappearing in the crowd."In order to find her daughter, we ran Changzhou, running Shanghai, Suzhou please even spend money on so-called 'private detective',barbour international, but until now still have not heard." Zhang Jingyi's mother cried and told reporters that more than three months.
has been "lost contact" more than three months. Anxious family and friends tried to contact by phone, SMS, QQ, micro letters, etc. She only SMS to send thousands of pieces, also hired a "private detective" to find,jordan retro 2, but more than three months in addition to a few hair SMS outside, Zhang Jingyi no longer has any messages and respond family is also unable to confirm the news on the phone is not issued its own. Modern Express Reporter Lu Wenjie19-year-old girl out of school after Lost to three monthsSuzhou Tongli Town,tn pas chere, Wujiang District, 19-year-old girl Zhang Jingyi enrolled in Changzhou Medical School,moncler uomo, May 19 this year, she graduated from the school, but in the morning the day before the formal graduation, she was left alone from school, is still missing. Family and friends that she was leaving after one after another by telephone.
Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Dongzhimen Hospital and other 15 central and Beijing is a top three hospital more than a hundred well-known experts and medical workers from the National Health Planning Commission will further capital each community volunteer service activities.China Federation of volunteer service, the official pointed out that China Federation of volunteer service since late last year issued "to carry out" neighborhood watch "volunteer service activities Proposal", produced a strong reaction in the national volunteer service organizations and volunteer groups. The State Health Planning Commission, the China Federation of volunteer service jointly launched the "neighborhood watch" into the community as the theme of large-scale free clinic in Beijing,air max 90, the capital, has been a positive response to the health front.According to reports,barbour international, the "service people healthy action" a large clinic Week is a national health Jishengjitong service projects that benefit the people, is a large-scale volunteer service practice. Activities aimed at solving practical problems of ordinary people to see a doctor for medical treatment.
Zhang Jingyi phone is always off. Parents also suspect that these messages are not sent Zhang Jingyi himself. "Our daughter lazy,louboutin outlet sale, phone calls, send text messages are words,barbour femme, never not say anything,Cheap Ray Bans Outlet, but there are several of these messages every ten words, and said she would not be abducted, two will not engage in pyramid schemes three would not have been murdered,chaussure tn pas cher, this tone is nothing like her. "family has checked this over three months the situation Zhang Jingyi phone calls and text messages, and that she has not played a phone,christian louboutin men, but do not use Internet traffic less. Family worried about her enough money in the bank card hit 500 dollars, but the money still has not taken a penny.August 31 afternoon, a friend usually do not contact Zhang Jingyi suddenly received a micro-channel voice Zhang Jingyi information.
she must dial hundreds of calls a day, a total of more than a thousand text messages sent, but the phone is always off Zhang Jingyi, SMS does not respond.Parents receive text messages are safe But could not confirm that the daughter of the hair"May 23 morning 8:25, I received a phone daughter sent me the first message, the message that she is safe, and said some time ago exam more tired, so she wanted to go on a trip of a person to relax." Zhang Jingyi's mother said. In the past more than three months, Zhang Jingyi Zhang Jingyi parents sent me the phone has received a total of 7 messages, roughly meaning all are safe, some of the message content is exactly the same.Curiously, after each receive a text message, call back the first time to his family.

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