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Post time: 2014-09-30 22:05:42
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Dalian Morning News (Reporter Lu Yu Yang) female traffic police illegally parked vehicles during the investigation, the owner of the abuse suffered, even coaster drag ......
Wildly driver behavior caused outrage nearby residents,http://www.edingzhi.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=115605&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=2293, took full after the accident the driver and enthusiastically carried out to testify.
Day of the incident, the driver had escaped justice.
Wildly illegally parked driver rammed police
Yesterday, Dalian police introduces the incident.
15, 10 am, in the mountains Compass narrow busy street a few cars parked nearby residents saw two traffic violations are dealt with cars parked on the roadside.
Residents said the Beidou Street is a one-way street,http://www.freegraphicland.com/cgi-bin/rankem.cgi, traffic is heavy, so that a large number of vehicles parking on both sides of the lane and only filed through, increasing the burden on the pavement.
After two traffic police affix a ticket to go forward, then illegally parked roadside driver of a black car suddenly ran out,nike tn 2014, cursed directed at police, traffic police do not have the mouth. The driver anger still lingers,abercrombie outlet,http://www.eprussia.ru/gb/gb.cgi, and turned on the car.
Witnesses described Mr Heng, the traffic police a man and a woman, the driver yelled ugly, too much! Mr Heng photographed using a mobile phone in the process.
Mr Heng saw standing before the female traffic police car, police men in the car and asked the driver to produce a driver's license and other documents. The driver started the car top to female traffic police,https://www.holycrossinc.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi, traffic police quickly dodge female, male police hand to pull the door to the driver to get off,https://www.jnjvisioncare.co.uk/index.php?item/create_form/1, the driver shoved the car door, police broke down the men.
Thrilling female traffic police dragged the car
The next thing,hogan outlet, shocked nearby residents. Male driver pedal to the metal, the car jumped out,tn nike requin pas cher, so he grabbed a female police door, was dragged a few meters after the car fell to the ground. Car did not stop,moncler milano outlet, and soon disappeared.
Provide the police with several residents believe the testimony was emotional drivers,woolrich, speed is not slow, deliberate butt great suspicion,http://www.slotorsre.fora.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1, if not the female traffic police Threatened neat hands and feet, I am afraid will be caught in the wheels.
Female traffic police fell heavily to the ground,air max pas cher pour homme, mud blood get to spend the uniforms,nike tn pas cher, caps rolled up,air max pas cher, she was lying in the middle way, for a long time did not move.
Surrounding residents quickly stepped forward to rescue, then more than 20-year-old female traffic police, said:. "Did not dare move, waist touched on the pain" in the vicinity of moving households got a piece of the door, she was carried to the door neighbors, to hospital.
Proof wildly enraged driver passers
Witnesses Mr Heng introduction,chaussure louboutin femme, when the driver had Bickering said: "I in the car, why did you also posted a ticket." And said something very difficult to hear.
Traffic areas expressed the incident road parking is not allowed, and have been observed to his car parked for a long time.
When police reinforcements rushed to the local police station,http://www.singularityand.co/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=76619, crossing the nearby residents have condemned the driver of the female traffic police start too hard and enthusiastically accident proof process drivers.
Police said the driver was proof enough of bad behavior. The driver on the day of justice,http://bbs.cnlxjkw.com/thread-2650509-1-1.html,nike tn pas cher.
At present, the police are still handling the matter.
Introduction of Dalian Friendship Hospital,nike tn pas cher, female traffic police after the incident the day after treatment and left the hospital.
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