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Liang Yan said that a common feature of AIDS inmates yes

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Post time: 2014-10-31 17:25:58
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■ Many AIDS guilty of abandonment of self-mutilation, families rarely come to visit him, even after his release was "abandoned"
■ Regulatory guards at high risk of occupational exposure, from the family and society does not understand and also let them helpless
Yangcheng Evening News reporter Yang Hui correspondent Du Sixian full CAI CAI Yong Li
Pengmou prisoners suffering from AIDS after his release the next day, expectantly back home, we saw a child standing in the village to greet everyone, even the elderly to walk inconvenience grandmother also been helping out. But when he walked in front of her grandmother,http://www.yqcn.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=236704,louboutin soldes, he knew his family was not to meet him, crying while her grandmother handed him 3000 yuan, "Azeri village know that you are HIV who can not accept the money you take, do not come back. "
AIDS groups are guilty of special,moncler sito ufficiale, in addition to the prison guards, few people dare to touch them. At present, Guangdong province AIDS inmates have hundreds of people, in 2009 began to focus on custody. Guangdong Lechang AIDS guilty Supervisor District Prison in Guangdong committed specifically to deal with the largest AIDS surveillance zone,air jordan pas cher,http://npk-gardening.com/cgi-def/admin/C-002/bbs/visit/main.pl?PAGE_NUM=1, centralized custody of more than 200 HIV inmates, family visits a year is not more than 10.
Alone bear
Lechang prison inmates have AIDS surveillance zone a mantra: long term than life, leave me alone.
AIDS inmates Yang Dejun from rural Sichuan,nike tn pas cher, 36 years old, was sentenced for kidnapping 12 years. After being diagnosed with AIDS into the prison, he thought he only live two or three years, began to give up. "I know the taste of suffering from this disease can not say that before did not have AIDS,http://arkivio.jp/support/support.cgi, can not think of a short life."
Yang Dejun still three years eight months out of prison, "thought out much longer can live a year is enough, I want parents and children together, parents end a foot-washing water, watching the children grow up. older, I discovered that family is more important than everything. "
In 2013, the transformation of good performance prison labor income, he will send home 2,http://www.83host.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3958473&extra=,000 yuan a year, to pay tuition for many years and no sons. "After a three-year-old son never saw me at home and only parents know that I had AIDS, prison reform, other people do not know,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, just say that I work out."  said.
Low self-esteem
Most AIDS inmates unwilling to let their loved ones know that he is sick. Lechang prison guards statistics, the last two months in prison serving a sentence of more than 30 new staff, everyone used the "Consent to inform families about the disease," the consent of the option plan to go,mulberry sale, they would prefer to bear the pain alone can not tell family illness, fear of being abandoned as old as some of the inmates family. Year,abercrombie france,http://www.istdzone.com/bbs_exf/spam-maji-uzai-shine-shine-100shine-hontouni-shine.cgi, specifically to deal with the prison area Lechang prison more than 200 inmates, the prison has met with the families to no more than 10 passengers.
Lee was born in 1983 in Urumqi, Xinjiang is a way the top students in the north through college, has done fashion designers, because homosexual HIV infection, after being sentenced to six years for drug trafficking.
"In 2010, due to lung infection, I went to the hospital to check out the AIDS blood test." Said Lee Road, had AIDS dare to parents, colleagues say that fear of being misunderstood. A person can not afford the heavy death, began drug abuse and trafficking, was arrested until 2012.
"At the time of AIDS do not understand that there is no hope to get sick, and if relevant knowledge propaganda more points, let everyone know that AIDS is not so terrible, I would not have come this far."
Eager to support
AIDS guilty Lechang prison prison area is made specifically to deal with AIDS in Guangdong's largest prison area, centralized custody AIDS, more than 200 inmates, 52 police officers responsible for 24 hours, full coverage of regulatory reform through education. Each dormitory where AIDS has six metal frame bed. Most dormitory inside the toilet and the bathroom. Each dormitory has a dedicated police officer in charge.
Lechang, Guangdong Province, person in charge of the prison, inmates of regulatory reform in AIDS, give more humane care, in addition to the implementation of professional prevention treatment, the implementation of scientific catering meals, there are vegetables and meat soup.
"Daily work, we will call the AIDS inmates home, hope families with admonishing criminals, but often encounter families of prisoners who received a phone call immediately hang up phenomenon or to appeal, the AIDS alone transform prison inmates not enough. "Lechang prison three Supervisor District Supervisor Mayor Liang Yan said.
"In the transformation of practice, we can feel that many AIDS inmates released from prison when the pair return to society is full of expectation and hope, sincerely hope that the community and family to AIDS inmates have more understanding and support." AIDS guilty Supervisor District Supervisor incumbent mayor  said.
However, the actual situation is not optimistic,abercrombie soldes, "Got AIDS, psychological stress this point, some relatives with AIDS inmates are cut off from, leading them to a lack of social support, easy to give up on themselves."  said. Supervisor District AIDS inmates commit extreme ease of thinking, serious antisocial attitude, Supervisor District AIDS Lechang prison recidivism than Qi Cheng is a maximum of eight palace.
Liang Yan said that a common feature of AIDS inmates yes, "low self-esteem self-mutilation, refused medication, hostile police, many people will abuse, contradict, threatening police, which generally do not have in common prison area."
Guards nightmare
Risk of HIV surveillance zone everywhere. Police officers to reports, an offender does not successfully commuted because of discipline,hollister sale, I despair, smash windows, go out into the body to pick up the broken glass cut, stained with his own blood, the intent to cut police officers; another criminal trespassing learning from the classroom, the occurrence of verbal conflict with police officers, and turned back to the dormitory brought toothbrushes, toothbrush handle on the ground will be ground into classrooms sharp weapon and threatened to kill police officers ......
Some police officers have also maintained a lifestyle  said:. "Wash your hands before urinating,woolrich outlet, also wash their hands after urinating."
Lechang person in charge of the prison, which is the high-risk industries, specifically to deal with the police daily direct contact with inmates with AIDS,hogan scrape, the risk of occupational exposure to higher than normal. There inmates hepatitis, diabetes and other concurrent illnesses.
Liang Yan said: "The prison area of ​​police officers who sometimes nightmares, dream fight with inmates, occupational exposure to infected ...... but always want someone to do this job."
Pressure from family and society also makes people helpless, some families do not understand the job, police officers back home were asked to wash their hands, showers, locker. There are young police officers, with his girlfriend,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, said the management of AIDS committed,http://www.ebay.com/itm/aw-cgi-/180631681385?clk_rvr_id=399999103299, girlfriend break. Prior to reporters during an interview, the young police officers not to write the name, he was not married, did not want to give his family distress.
"We have been very much better, deputy prison warden with a neighbor, often traveling,hollister outlet, but the neighbors knew he was HIV inmates after administration of police officers,moncler outlet, deputy prison warden immediately cut off from just walking to meet not say hello. Friend know police officers Management AIDS prisoners eat when let him sit farther. " that society does not understand those police officers who have to make the heart feel good.
Liang Yan said that in this job, "fear" does not solve the problem, the intentions of management and soul of education, good reform criminals, so that they know how to be grateful, do law-abiding citizens is the duty. Lechang Supervisor District Prison AIDS has become the sixteenth "Guangdong Youth May 4th Medal" award collective.
(Should the prisoners request, the text of prisoners as a pseudonym)
(Original title: AIDS guilty of prison prison: prison after being abandoned more than low self-esteem self-mutilation)
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